作者: starwars.com Downloadable Content Soon To be Unleashed If you are one of the many who purchased Star Wars: The Force Unleashedfor your Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, get ready to get even moreplaytime out of your game. LucasArts is proud to announce that playerswill soon be able to extend their game with two rounds of downloadablecontent that will soon be available on the PlayStation Network and XboxLive Marketplace. The first of these two packs will introduce the ability to play thegame as some of your favorite characters from the Star Wars universe.Whether you enjoy the newcomers like Kit Fisto and Ki-Adi-Mundi, or youprefer to jump back to the classics like Obi-Wan Kenobi and the belovedLuke Skywalker, players have the option to pick a new hero for the game. Later this year, the second pack of content will be distributed, thistime giving Starkiller himself an entirely new mission to master.Heading to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, The Apprentice seeks todiscover the truth about his father -- but on the way must confront hisown past. In this new area, the player will truly have their skillstested with the barrage of enemies they must face. The LucasArts team is currently developing this content internally.Though the release date and pricing are still to be determined, keep aneye on the official website for more updates.