第六章通过后,有个弗兰克找戒指的任务,完成后给金会员卡,但是攻略都写着在流氓镇最东边 用耀西飞过运河在木箱周围找,找了两个小时还是没看到哪里有,还有没有人记得在哪儿能找到这戒指。
橋の画面手前をヨッシーでわたり、木箱を登って、 屋根をヨッシーでわたってとりましょう
To do this, head over to the west side of
Rogueport. Once there, talk to Frankie. He'll
tell you to find the Wedding Ring he lost (didn't
we already do this?). Head over to the east side
of Rogueport and once there, head east past the
Trouble Center and use Yoshi to fly over to where
the crates are (in the area where the bridge and
the lake is). Once you cross over to the other
side, you'll find the Wedding Ring. Pick it up
and return it to Frankie for a Gold Card