* Age of Empires: Warchiefs (PC)帝国三资料片
* Flight Simulator X (PC)
* Viva Pinata (Xbox 360)
* Further Microsoft game announcements are expected shortly.会有更多微软游戏声明放出
Electronic Arts
* Spore (PC)
* Battlefield 2142 (PC)
* Crysis (PC)
* Command & Conquer: Tiberium Wars (PC) 命令与征服3
* Need For Speed: Carbon (Ps2, Xbox 360, PSP)
* Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover (PSP)
* The Godfather (Xbox 360, PSP)
* FIFA 07 (PS2, PC, PSP)
* Madden 07 (PC)
* NBA Live 07 (PC, PSP)
* Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 (Xbox 360, PSP)
* NHL 07 (Xbox 360, PC, PSP)
* Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth 2 (Xbox 360)
* Rail Simulator (PC)
* The Sims 2 Pets (PC, PS2, PSP, DS)模拟人生2 宠物
* BioShock (PC, Xbox 360)生化冲击
* The Darkness (PS3, Xbox 360)
* Sid Meier's Railroads (PC)
* Stronghold Legends (PC)
* NHL 2K7 (PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox)
* NBA 2K7 (PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox)
* Dungeon Siege: Throne Of Agony (PSP)地牢围攻PSP
* Family Guy (consoles)
* Ghost Rider (TBC)未确认
Rockstar Games
* TBC 未确定
* Lost Planet (Xbox 360)
* Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS - German localised version)逆转DS德语版
* Test Drive Unlimited (Xbox 360)
* Neverwinter Nights 2 (PC)
* Alone in the Dark (PS3, Xbox 360)
* Thrillville (PS2, Xbox, PC)
* Mercury Meltdown (PSP)
* Naruto: Ultimate Ninja (PS2)
* Point Blank DS (DS)
* Arthur and the Minimoys (PS2)
* Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 (PS2)
* One Piece: Grand Adventure (PS2)
* Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai (PSP)
* Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3)
* Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (PS2)
* Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel (PSP)MGS数字漫画
* Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (PSP)
* Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (Xbox 360)
* Lunar Knights (DS)
Valve Software
* Half-Life 2: Episode Two (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
* Portal (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
* Team Fortress 2 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
* Dark Messiah of Might & Magic (PC)
* Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent (Xbox 360)
* Call of Juarez (PC)
* The Settlers II - The Next Generation (PC)
* Horsez (PC)
* Open Season (PS2)
* Medieval II: Total War (PC)
* Sonic The Hedgehog (PS3, Xbox 360)
* Sonic and the Secret Rings (Wii)
* Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz (Wii)
* Virtua Tennis 3 (PS3, Xbox 360)
* SEGA Rally (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)
* Yakuza (PS2)
* Phantasy Star Universe (PS2, Xbox 360, PC)
* Full Auto 2: Battlelines (PS3)
* Charlotte's Web (PC, DS, GBA)
* Sonic Rivals (PSP)
* Saints Row (Xbox 360)
* Broken Sword: The Angel of Death (PC)
* Company of Heroes (PC)
* Supreme Commander (PC)
* S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (PC)
* Frontlines (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
* Stuntman 2 (Xbox 360)
* WWE SmackDown Vs. RAW (Xbox 360, PS2, PSP)
* Destroy All Humans! 2 (PS2, Xbox)
* Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War: Dark Crusade (PC)
* Cars (Xbox 360, Wii, PS2, Xbox, PC, PSP, DS, GBA)
* SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from Crusty (Wii, PS2, Cube, PC, DS, GBA)
* Avatar: The Last Airbender (Wii, PS2, Xbox, Cube, PC, DS, PSP, GBA)
* Bratz: Forever Diamondz (PS2, Cube, DS, GBA)
* Monster House (PS2, Cube, DS, GBA)
Deep Silver
* Anno 1701 (PC)
* The Guild 2 (PC)
* Secret Files: Tunguska (PC)
* Gothic 3 (PC)
* Mage Knight: Apocalypse (PC)
* Paraworld (PC)
* TrackMania United (PC)
* Warhammer: Mark of Chaos (PC)
* Heroes of the Annihilated Empires (PC)
* Kingdom hearts 2 (PS2)王国之心2欧版
Load Inc.
* Mad Tracks (Xbox Live Arcade)
* Ryzom Ring (PC)
* EVE Online (PC)
dtp entertainment
* Gray Matter (TBC)
* Sabotage (PC)
* Parabellum (PC, PS2)
* Guild Wars Nightfall
Micro Application
* Horse Racing Manager 2 (PC)
* Experience 112 (PC)
* Fenimore Filmore's Revenge (PC)
* Officers (PC)
* Jagged Alliance 3D (PC)
* Warfare (PC)
* Jagged Farm: Birth of a Hero (PC)
Legendo Entertainment
* Attack on Pearl Harbour (PC)
* Monster Truck Maniax (PC)
* Dino Princess: Kingdom Rescue (PC)
* Dracula Twins (PC)
* Aggression: Europe 1914 (PC)
* Collapse (PC)
* Dusk-12 (PC)
* Pacific Storm: Allies (PC)
* Hard Truck Apocalypse: Rise of Clans (PC)
* The Stalin Subway: Red Veil (PC)
1C Company
* Whirlwind of Vietnam (PC)
* Battle Lord (PC)
* Death to Spies (PC)
* You Are Empty (PC)
* Theatre of War (PC)
* El Matador (PC)
* UFO: Afterlight (PC)
* Archlord (PC)
* Maelstrom (PC)
* LMA Manager 2007 (PC, Xbox 360, PS2)
* Dance Factory (PS2)
* Overlord (PC, Xbox 360)
* Colin McRae: DIRT (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)
* TBC 未确定
Vivendi-Universal Games
* TBC 未确定
* TBC 未确定
Other platform holders (Sony, Nintendo)其他主机商(索尼任天堂)
* No official confirmation to date, although announcements are expected imminently.