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老马 又列第一啦



  NES · 1985


  Brick-breaking Nintendo mascot Mario was huge even before he broke out in this seminal side-scroller. Too huge, in fact. "So we shrank him," creator Shigeru Miyamoto said in a BusinessWeek interview about the creation of his game. "Then we thought, 'What if he can grow and shrink? How would he do that? It would have to be a magic mushroom!'"

  But power-upping mushrooms--long since lasered into gaming iconology--were far from the only contributions of Miyamoto's masterpiece. Super Mario Bros. bred a generation of Nintendo fanboys-4-life with such gameplay innovations as screens that scrolled, twitchy dungeon traps, regiments of trooping turtles, secrets that players passed via word of mouth--all mortared brick by smashable brick into an experience so gripping that we were happy to learn the princess was in another castle.


  Today, even Mario's boinging jump is enough to trigger Pavlovian thumb twitching. "I don't think there are many games that we can identify immediately by a simple sound effect," says Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami. And more than a few of gaming's greatest designers might have been lost to us if not for Miyamoto's best-seller. "I encountered Super Mario Bros. back when I was a student," Metal Gear series maker Hideo Kojima tells us. "It really changed my life. If I had somehow missed playing this game, the Hideo Kojima I am now would not exist."

  Not bad for a game Miyamoto dreamed up two decades ago while wondering "what it would be like to have a character that bounces around," he says. "Honestly speaking, 20 years ago, I could never dream that this game could lead up to such a beloved franchise all over the world." Funny, because today we can't imagine it any other way.


  "Up until the game was released, gamers were really tied to the one-play-per-coin system at the arcades. Then along came Super Mario Bros., a game that wasn't frustrating or tedious. Rather, I think it was one of the first to nail down the idea of permanence in games. Even simple actions like running and jumping have deep gameplay implications. And the more you play, the more you discover. It's simply impossible to grow tired of Super Mario Bros."

  --Metal Gear series creator Hideo Kojima

  "Super Mario Bros. and pizza grease and rodents of unusual size will always be intertwined in my mind. I first played the game--in its coin-op form--at a Chuck E. Cheese arcade, where I was working my first job. One of my coworkers, who could spend his whole lunch break playing Super Mario Bros. on one quarter, showed me its many secrets my first day on the job. Two weeks later, I blew my first paycheck on an NES with a packed-in Super Mario Bros."

  --Senior Editor Crispin Boyer


  "Before I ever played Super Mario Bros., I remember my friend telling me all about the arcade game and it just didn't seem possible. He talked about shooting fireballs, secret tunnels, bullets you could bounce off of, hidden beanstalks leading into the clouds--all these amazing, crazy things that I just couldn't imagine all fitting into one game. At a time when you could sum up most games in 30 seconds, he went on and on like this for 30 minutes; I could tell he was getting excited to play it again just talking about it. When I finally saw the game, I was...I'm not sure how to put it. Awestruck, I guess. Not only was everything my friend said true, he had barely scratched the surface."

  --Executive Editor Mark MacDonald

  "Whenever I tell people what I do for a living, the most common response is, 'Games have gotten too complicated for me, but I really loved that Super Mario Bros.' Everyone--young, old, boy, girl, gamer, non-gamer--has played Miyamoto's masterpiece and, more importantly, thoroughly enjoyed it. What kind of impact has the plumber's NES debut had on the public? Well, my girlfriend can't tell you what kind of game Halo 2 is, but she still knows exactly where to find Super Mario Bros.' first warp zone."

  --News Editor Bryan Intihar

  "I still clearly remember church Sunday school the day after I got my NES back in 1986. Our teacher made each kid announce aloud something in their life that they thanked God for. Of course, I thanked God for Super Mario Bros. with the utmost sincerity. It was the game that redefined the concept of gameplay: If you stop and really evaluate what's going on with Super Mario Bros.' control--the precision jumping, the sense of inertia, the depth of mastery--it's mind-blowing."

  --Previews Editor Shane Bettenhausen



  Super Mario's Odd World: Five bizarre facts about gaming's biggest star

  1: Identity crisis

  Nintendo swapped Mario, named after the company's Italian landlord, with a scrub called Stan the Bugman in the 1983 coin-op Donkey Kong 3. Mario returned in the next game. Stan is still missing.

  2. Handy man

  Mario has been billed as everything from a plumber to a doctor to a boxing ref to a demolition man throughout his gaming career. "I like to think of [the Mario brothers] as general contractors," says Kyle Orland of the fansite www.smbhq.com.

  3. Poisoned power-ups

  With its Mario-killing mushrooms and warp zones that launched you back to earlier points in the game, the real sequel to SMB was deemed too tricky for American gamers, so instead Nintendo inserted new characters into a game called Doki Doki Panic and released it as SMB2.

  4. Totally Glitchin'

  Super Mario Bros. is filled with helpful bugs, including the ability to jump off walls years before that power was canonized in Mario 64. The most infamous glitch: The minus world. Google it to find out how to reach this mysterious negative land.

  5. Casting miscall

  Before he was played by stocky Brit actor Bob Hoskins in the horrible Super Mario Bros. film, Mario was played by the considerably stockier Capt. Lou Albano on the Super Mario Bros. Super Show.









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