原帖由 belmont_yang 于 2008-5-1 09:04 发表 本人自称新约克一霸, 但是没米玩到这个游戏, 所以无法答复LZ的问题 :D PS:在米国但不在新约克的话也是回答不了这个问题地
Liberty City - New York City Parallels #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Im putting together a list of non obvious parallels in the game. Feel free to add to it as this is what I found as of last night. 1. Crocket ave = cropsey ave 2. Outlook park - prospect park 3. Firefly island. - Firefly island is probably a mix of Coney Island and Fire Island. 4. Funland - astroland 5. Boabo - dumbo 6. Easthook - red hook 7. South slopes - park slope 8. Purgatory - hells kitchen 9. Beachgate - seagate 10. East island city - long island city 11. Meat quarter - meat packing district 12. Plumbers skyway - polaski skyway 13. Meadows park - flushing meadows 14. Grand Easton terminal - grand central terminal 15 east borough bridge - triborough bridge 16. Colony island - governors island. 17. Algonquin are the Indian tribe the colonists purchased manhattan from. 18. Francis airport. - jfk airport. 19. Hove beach - Brighton Beach (tons of russians live there, like in the game) 20. Grand blvd - grand central pkwy 21 burlesque - broadway 22. Flatfish place - Flatbush ave 23. Cerveza Heights = Corona - Cerveza (beer in Spanish) is a perfect fit 24. P.45 Building In Dukes = PS1 Museum In Long Island City 25.Silverback Studios In Dukes = Silvercup Studios In Long Island City (Home Of The Sopranos & 30 Rock 26. Steinway Beer Garden = Bohemian Beer Garden 27. Nathan's Famous Franks = Johnson's Broker is the GTA IV equivalent of Brooklyn, Manhattan is now called Algonquin, Queens is now Dukes, the Bronx is Bohan, and New Jersey is Alderney. They are all in the relative correct area, as are the areas in them. Look at a map to get an exact overlay. Obviously, not all of the bridges and tunnels are in the game. Notably, its missing either the lincoln or the holland tunnel, the Brooklyn battery tunnel, and the Williamsburg Bridge. In other notes, its missing Staten Island completely. Its often the forgotten borough. Its an island between brooklyn and Jersey. Very very congested suburbs, a whole ton of Brooklyn transplants who think they own the world. Notable on SI is a few extremely large garbage dumps that would be fun to use a motorcycle on.
原帖由 sectionboy 于 2008-5-1 09:41 发表 http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=289078