-Apparently, there is nothing to talk about. Stop reading this summary now folks.
-Okay, they lied, there's a couple things to talk about. So you might get two chicken nuggets prior to reader mail.
-Damon is flying out to a Capcom event. Craig was eaten by a rabid monster. Or maybe he's Bigfoot.
-Matt, "Why are you listening to this crap?" I don't know Matt, I don't know.
-BREAKING NEWS. WiiFit was well-marketed.
-Matt and Bozon expect GTA to outsell it though. I think they underestimate the soccer moms.
-Bozon's running a "daily" (ie not really daily) blog about WiiFit. Bozon's lost 10lbs so far.
-Bozon did Yoga while riding an elephant.
Emergency Heroes
-Straight-forward racing game in a sem-open world.
-Decent controls, feel.
-帧数烂, VO.
-How do you stop a speeding vehicles? Ram them.
-Better than "Emergency Mayhem".
Dr. Mario Online RX
-No 4-player, despite it being on the N64 version
-Virus buster is really awesome, apparently, maybe, I dunno, I'm just taking them at their word. Cool co-op.
-They're getting into specifics, but I don't care about those. Partly because I'm lost and can't follow what the hell they're talking about.
-"Must get" WiiWare title
Bozon Rants About Storage Space
-I'm fairly confident that you know his argument already, because it's either affected you or you're already tired of reading about it on Message Boards. I'm going to take a leak.
Reader Mail
Q:Top Tier 3rd party developers maybe?
A:hahahahahahahahahah expect the status quo. There are always exceptions, but they will ultimately be exceptions. They'll be pulling the curtain off on a multi-platform Ubisoft game (HAWX?) tommorow. They dance around BG&E2 rumor. Bozon expects better things from Square. Talk a bit about FFCC:CB, despite lack of info (nothing new).
Q:More Internal DS support soon?
A:Nintendo will announce more games. Things will wind down though.
Q:Any upcoming exciting stuff from Nintendo?
A:They don't know shit. They're confident about WiiMusic, Animal Crossing, Kid Icarus, ASH, Super Mario Sluggers. They don't know about anything else, including Disaster.
Q:.... Oh god they're going to talk about storage again....
A: ......12ra[sdivj"d
Q: Timesplitters 4?
A: They don't know.
Q: Sky Crawlers to the US?
A: They think it will.
Q:WiiFit calling kid's fat?
A: This'll blow over.
Q: No More Heroes sales?
A: Sold okay, between 100k-200k. They don't think there will be a sequel.
Q: Madden 09 better graphics than previous XBOX versions?
A: They think it is. A noticeable improvement.
Q: They start talking about Sales, but I don't think I care. Or you do. Then again, this is Sales-Age. I am at an impasse. I'm just typing and not listening right now. I'm way too apathetic to be doing this. Oh shit they're moving to the next topic.
Q: Dr. Mario demos a good idea?
A: Yes.
Q: Achievements?
A: Achievements are cool.
Q: WiiMusic?
A: We will probably see something about it this.
Q: Indy 4?
A: Matt thought it was "okay". Bozon was dissapointed. SPOILARZ.
Q: What does The Conduit offer to multi-platform owners?
A: It's uhhhh... a non-wartime shooter with maybe good Wii controls. AKA not much. They haven't played it yet.
Q: Capcom rumors?
A: Matt can't say anything.
Q: A World Ends With You type title on Wii?
A: Probably not...
A reader makes a pun. "Kid ICKarus. Latest adventures is the Pits."
Q: Seen footage of Factor 5's game?
A: Nope.
Q: Conduit multiplayer?
A: Yes, they do want to include online deathmatch. Still no publisher, but they have plenty of offers on the table. BTW, Gyrostarr is still in Nintendo's hands.
[[Couple useless questions]]
Oh god I'm going into a coma this is so boring.
Red Steel 2 still in development! I guess that's something.
Guitar Hero DS info soon.