info:Hi, my name is Tanja S.. Welcome to Apple!
Tanja S.:Hello Lux. Please give me a moment while I check your inquiry and account, I'll be right back with you. Thank you for your patience.
luxzip:thank you
Tanja S.:So you cannot find the option "send to mobileme" anymore with iphone software 3.1.2 Lux, is this correct?
Tanja S.:And you dont have a wifi connection? What connection are you using instead?
luxzip:means that i cant post my photos to the gallery
Tanja S.:3G is good Lux, this problem has another root I guess.
luxzip:How can I get that option back on my phone?
Tanja S.:So if you tap on a photo and then on the envelope in the menue at the bottom, you should have different options to send this photo including "send to mobileme".
Tanja S.:I dont think this option is removed from your phone Lux.
luxzip:yes it is instead of “send by MMS”
luxzip:but its not there anymore
Tanja S.:Can you maybe scroll down a little bit more and see if the option is there?
luxzip:it couldnot be done
Tanja S.

ux, in this case I will need to refer you to the iPhone support. Just give me a moment, I will quickly grab the contact information for you.
luxzip:all i can see are 4 button
Tanja S.:
luxzip:can i send a photo copy to you?
Tanja S.:Wrong link, I am sorry, I will send it new.
Tanja S.

ux, one more question before: are you signed in with your mobileme account on your iPhone, is your mobileme email configured on the iPhone?
luxzip:yes i am sure
Tanja S.:Ok, thanks for the information.
Tanja S.:Mac Technical Support / iPhone Support
Tanja S.

hone: 852 - 2112 - 0099.
Tanja S.

lease contact the iPhone support regarding this issue Lux, they will be able to assist you. Is there anything else I can do for you today?
luxzip:wait a moment
luxzip:it links to chinese apple website
luxzip:and there isn't mobileme on it
Tanja S.:Yes because I thought you are in China, am I wrong?
Tanja S.:US Mac Technical Support website
luxzip:ur right...so they can solve this? i thought they dont offer mobileme
Tanja S.:This is right but since this seems to be an technical issue with the phone, it is their scope of support Lux. This issue hasn't to do much with MobileMe but there seems to be missing an option in the software.

k thank you very much
Tanja S.:You're welcome Lux. I hope you were satisfied with your chat experience today. Please click the blue "Close" button at top left to answer a few questions about your experience with us and have a transcript of this chat emailed to you if you wish so. Have a great day and please do not hesitate to contact us again, if you need any further assistance.