Huckebein the Raven
原帖由 @Guycc 于 2017-3-11 00:25 发表 刚看见导演说提及Jean的某个删减对话……服了…… 我已经开始信了这就是主线时间线了啦啦啦…… 什么25年什么的,没听见没听见……
原帖由 凋朱颜 于 2017-3-10 17:06 发表 然而三傻已证实新的x战警系列电影即将开拍...
原帖由 wpang 于 2017-3-11 00:44 发表 posted by wap, platform: iPhone I sketched out different conversations for that dinner scene and one of them went to a much darker place. Mrs Munson asks Logan if he’s married, and Charles says he wa ...
原帖由 @Raven 于 2017-3-11 00:47 发表 这帮人是不是有杀人挖坟再鞭尸的癖好
猴市猛于虎 让你再炒股
用毓婷 放心爱你mb!
原帖由 @wpang 于 2017-3-11 00:44 发表 I sketched out different conversations for that dinner scene and one of them went to a much darker place. Mrs Munson asks Logan if he’s married, and Charles says he was – but he killed her. Of course, he wasn’t really married, but what that then spawns is Charles waxing poetic about Jean Grey, and it’s a really cool moment. Both Hugh and Patrick were amazing. The problem was, it created an incredibly powerful lead brick in the middle of the only moment in the movie where there was a breather. Even I, with my taste for the dark, felt that it was one too many. Things go pretty shitty within seconds after that. I think will make it to the Bluray. 233 按照LZ特别不喜欢这部的理由之一 Jean在这条「主时间线」也必须再死一次 感觉他们几个都要精分了
原帖由 @Guycc 于 2017-3-11 01:26 发表 其实我看到的说法,按照这集就是新历史延续的说法,这段并不代表Jean就得这么死,而且对应逆转里面,老狼回去之后,年轻教授看过他的脑子,看到过旧历史的那一段…… 然后逆转结尾,那个老教授就是那个年轻教授,也就是现在这个老老教授…… 另外主线下一集不就是黑凤凰了么,估计Jean也就完了吧,肯定没狼叔杀他了…… 应该…… 所以,一切都延续的挺好的,只要看不见听不见那什么狗屁的25年……