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微软公布今年内将发售的PS5 Slim?

posted by wap, platform: MAC OS X
The verge的标题可比这个准确多了

Microsoft seems to think we’re getting a PS5 Slim this year

而且预测ps5 slim的同一份文件还包括了对掌机设备的部分,并且并不完全准确

Microsoft’s prediction also has a footnote that says “Sony is also anticipated to release a handheld version of PlayStation 5 later this year for under $300,” which isn’t fully accurate. Sony is planning a handheld device later this year that can run PS5 games by streaming them over Wi-Fi from a PS5 console. Microsoft doesn’t cite any third-party sources for the PS5 slim timing or pricing in its findings of fact and conclusion of law document.


posted by wap, platform: Chrome
assume = “预测” as in“文件是指内部有一些预测,原文也写的是指预计可能发售。”
expected to happen 不是期待(预测)某事会发生,是已经清楚这件事将会发生,并有所准备。

The successors to the PS5 and the Xbox Series X's "expected starting period" is 2028 according to court documents revealed in the ongoing FTC legal battle.

5th grade English lesson?

本帖最后由 Zechs 于 2023-7-5 11:27 通过手机版编辑


posted by wap, platform: MAC OS X
Your title used the word "announce"

Microsoft expects the next console generation to begin no earlier than 2028.

According to your logic it should be titled as "Microsoft announces that the release of PS6 will take place before 2028" which clearly is not true.


posted by wap, platform: MAC OS X
显然The Verge的英文母语编辑也只是5th grade的英语水平了,居然认为microsoft的expect只是prediction

Microsoft thinks we’re getting a PS5 Slim model later this year that might be priced at $399.99. The software giant is currently waiting a ruling in the FTC v. Microsoft hearing and as part of the case Microsoft has filed documents which reveal it thinks a PS5 Slim is on the way “later this year.” Here’s exactly what Microsoft says:

PlayStation likewise sells a less expensive Digital Edition for $399.99, and is expected to release a PlayStation 5 Slim later this year at the same reduced price point.

Insider Gaming reported last year that Sony was preparing for a PS5 with a detachable disc drive for September 2023. The console is rumored to be sold on its own without the disc drive or in a bundle, which suggests Sony could be considering making the slimmer version of the PS5 the default. This would allow people to pick with or without a bundled drive, with the option to add a drive later on if needed. Currently you have to either buy a $399 PS5 Digital Edition or the $499 PS5 with a disc drive, but there’s no option to connect an optional drive at a later date.

Microsoft’s prediction also has a footnote that says “Sony is also anticipated to release a handheld version of PlayStation 5 later this year for under $300,” which isn’t fully accurate. Sony is planning a handheld device later this year that can run PS5 games by streaming them over Wi-Fi from a PS5 console. Microsoft doesn’t cite any third-party sources for the PS5 slim timing or pricing in its findings of fact and conclusion of law document.

If Microsoft’s knowledge of Sony’s planned PlayStation hardware is accurate, it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve seen secrets spill in FTC v. Microsoft. Last week a confidential Sony document wasn’t properly redacted, leading to details spilling about the margins Sony shares with publishers, its Call of Duty revenues, and even the cost of developing some of its games.

本帖最后由 DarthVadar 于 2023-7-5 11:40 通过手机版编辑


赶紧出pro! 2K 30帧受够了


posted by wap, platform: Chrome
原帖由 @DarthVadar  于 2023-7-5 11:32 发表
Your title used the word "announce"

Microsoft expects the next console generation to begin no earlier than 2028.

According to your logic it should be titled as "Microsoft announces that the release of PS6 will take place before 2028" which clearly is not true.
According to the definition in Merriam-Webster, "announce" is "to make known publicly", regardless of the truth or falsity. It works in both English and Mandarin.


posted by wap, platform: iPhone
原帖由 @Zechs  于 2023-7-5 10:15 发表


posted by wap, platform: Chrome
原帖由 @DarthVadar  于 2023-7-5 11:39 发表
显然The Verge的英文母语编辑也只是5th grade的英语水平了,居然认为microsoft的expect只是prediction

Microsoft thinks we’re getting a PS5 Slim model later this year that might be priced at $399.99. The software giant is currently waiting a ruling in the FTC v. Microsoft hearing and as part of the case Microsoft has filed documents which reveal it thinks a PS5 Slim is on the way “later this year.” Here’s exactly what Microsoft says:

PlayStation likewise sells a less expensive Digital Edition for $399.99, and is expected to release a PlayStation 5 Slim later this year at the same reduced price point.

Insider Gaming reported last year that Sony was preparing for a PS5 with a detachable disc drive for September 2023. The console is rumored to be sold on its own without the disc drive or in a bundle, which suggests Sony could be considering making the slimmer version of the PS5 the default. This would allow people to pick with or without a bundled drive, with the option to add a drive later on if needed. Currently you have to either buy a $399 PS5 Digital Edition or the $499 PS5 with a disc drive, but there’s no option to connect an optional drive at a later date.

Microsoft’s prediction also has a footnote that says “Sony is also anticipated to release a handheld version of PlayStation 5 later this year for under $300,” which isn’t fully accurate. Sony is planning a handheld device later this year that can run PS5 games by streaming them over WiFi from a PS5 console. Microsoft doesn’t cite any thirdparty sources for the PS5 slim timing or pricing in its findings of fact and conclusion of law document.

If Microsoft’s knowledge of Sony’s planned PlayStation hardware is accurate, it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve seen secrets spill in FTC v. Microsoft. Last week a confidential Sony document wasn’t properly redacted, leading to details spilling about the margins Sony shares with publishers, its Call of Duty revenues, and even the cost of developing ...
It is Microsoft who "believes" that PS5 Slim will land by the end of this year and made it official on papers committed to the court.
Discussions are only based on facts not predictions in court as you may have already known, otherwise Microsoft could just flood "predictions" like PS5 would go $299 in near future which is obviously inevitable.
The reason why that editor took them as predictions is simply that he was not buying what Microsoft claimed in that document since no third-party sources are showed to endorse them.  
You can easily find a lot of reports that took it seriously.  


posted by wap, platform: VIVO


posted by wap, platform: Chrome
但是微软的xbox SX的硬件真心不错。


posted by wap, platform: Android
原帖由 @wanghujin  于 2023-7-5 05:15 发表
但是微软的xbox SX的硬件真心不错。

本帖最后由 爱猫咪的薛定谔 于 2023-7-5 05:30 通过手机版编辑


posted by wap, platform: MAC OS X
Court documents are legal records that contain various assertions, arguments, and claims made by the involved parties. These documents are part of a legal process and may include opinions, beliefs, or predictions related to the case.

The term "expected" suggests a level of anticipation or belief about a future outcome, but it does not necessarily guarantee its certainty. The information about the handheld device in the same document has already been proved inaccurate, compromising the certainty of projection from Microsoft.

And you should clearly notice the reports you referenced never used the word "announce", but "leak" or "reveal". The court document was an unofficial disclosure of information that may not have been intended for public knowledge. It is not Microsoft's place to announce a product from a competitor like Sony. Microsoft's mention of Sony's potential release of a PS5 Slim in a court document does not constitute an official confirmation or announcement from Microsoft about Sony's plans.


posted by wap, platform: Chrome
You can tell the difference between court documents and documents committed to court, right?
You can comprehend the sentence "Discussions are only based on facts not predictions in court", right?
Basically, what you tried to say is that Microsoft was just assuming a new model PS5 would come out and put that on papers to persuade court of that there is also a competition under $400 including Nintendo. If Microsoft's claim is entirely based on assumption, it should go "Nintendo is releasing successor of Switch priced at $399".  Both you and I would know that it will end up as a ridiculous joke.
Again, if Microsoft was just speculating things they have no clues, why media bothered to follow.
Enjoy it.

本帖最后由 Zechs 于 2023-7-5 14:51 通过手机版编辑


posted by wap, platform: MAC OS X
Kotaku's title is clearly clickbait like yours, with a subtitle "Court documents show the Xbox creator not only revealing the PS5 Slim, but pricing it at $400", using a more appropriate term.
The term “reveal” was used throughout the text.
Again, it is not Microsoft's place to announce any product from a competitor like Sony.

And the anticipation from Microsoft is based on current-gen products and previous patterns, given that all PlayStation consoles have released a "slim" version. It is a reasonable prediction but apparently not a confirmation or an announcement.


原帖由 爱猫咪的薛定谔 于 2023-7-5 13:25 发表
posted by wap, platform: Android

本帖最后由 爱猫咪的薛定谔 于 2023-7-5 05:30 通过手机版编辑  

