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标题: 233MAX。。。关于战士。。。 [打印本页]

作者: marsbaby    时间: 2005-2-26 21:38     标题: 233MAX。。。关于战士。。。








  You know Warriors suck when...


  ...when in a PvP raid, the other faction ignores you, killing everyone in site, then dancing naked with you.

  ...在PVP raid时,对方忽视你的存在,杀掉所有其他职业的玩家,然后脱光了绕着你跳舞欢庆胜利。

  ...when your reaction is “Thank God I didn’t die!” instead of “I totally kicked his ass!”


  ...when you challenge a level 10 mage to a duel when your level 14 and she denies saying it isnt fair, then goes off and duels a level 16 pally.

  ...当你在14级时,挑战一个10级的法师,她拒绝挑战,并告诉你:那不公平。然后她离开去挑战另一个16级的圣骑士。 just want to get to 40 so you can become a Master Armorsmith and reroll.


  ...when a LVL32 Rogue, LVL35 Hunter, LVL33 DRUID, and LVL40 Warrior was about to clear Morladim in Duskwood. The Hunter, DRUID, and Rogue were ready to charge in when, all of a sudden the Warrior says:

  "I think we need ANOTHER healer..."



  ...there’s a thread posted in the warriors forum about how much warriors suck.


  ...when youre fighting one mob and suddenlly you get multiple aggro, and you know theres nothing you can do about it, youre gonna die


  ...when u quit your level 19 warrior, get a rogue to level 14 and kill enemies your level 19 warrior would have died to in 10 seconds.


  ...when level 1 mobs agro you at level 30 cause they know they have a fighting chance.


  ...when your class name is in the title of the game and you wonder why you suck so bad.


  ...when in a duel, the Priests / Pally / Druid

  BUFFS you instead!!!!



  ...When you wish your miss ratio was reversed with your hit ratio


  ...when you beat a priest 3 levels lower than you in a duel, so she accuses you of cheating and calls her mage friend.

  when you beat said priest’s mage friend, who is 4 levels lower than you, 2 out of three duels and they both decide you are a hack, so they both report you...


  ...when a priest in your party says "screw it, I’ll tank!


  ...When your hit indicators read:








  I need a target.

  Priest had killed it all ready. think you have lots of hit points, until the hunter tells you just how many he had at your level


  ... only like 2 out of 100 warriors deny the problem.


  ... when u watch multiple videos of unarmed chaercters owning warriors


  ... when you ask what weapon is the best for you to use and they reply a sheild


  ...when u have played a warrior in EVERY mmorpg you have ever played.


  ... a rogue two levels your junior beats you with a fishing pole...


  ... a Hunter wants to put you in the stable and get out a better pet.


  ... when mobs still run away faster then you after you hamstrung them.


  ... when a guild hunter tries to chear you up by feigning death in a duel, just so that you can say you killed him, once in a hundret tries.


  ...when you realized it cost less to die than drink that healing potion


  ...When you’ve actually played a Warrior, even just once. That’s all it takes.


  ...When u post 12 msg’s telling every1 how much u suck


  ...when your character gets deleted but you actually feel happy

  ...当你真的依依不舍的将陪伴了你多日的战士角色删除的时候,你突然感觉到非常轻松愉快。 consider Blacksmithing as your primary class. Cooking, fishing and warrior are your secondary skills.


  ...When visiting other class boards, and hearing them discuss thier weaknesses, always someone points out "It’s not that bad, at least we’re not Warriors"......and everyone agrees.


  ...your MPS (miss per second) is greater than your DPS ---

  ...你的MPS(miss per second)远高于你的DPS(damage per second)

  ...When you realize that Dual Wielding should be named Dual Shielding. If we can’t hit anything we should at least be able to take more hits with two shields


  ...When you feel stupid being named a warrior because the only thing you’re not good at is being a warrior

  ...你感觉作为战士的自己很笨,只是因为始终无法做个好战士。 shout at your computer. "how can you not hit a 10 foot tall turtle 2 feet in front of you with 2 swords after 10 swings.


  ... when your 6 foot axe gets a critical and hacks a limb off a spellcaster, but he doesn’t stop casting until you tickle him for 15 damage.


  ... when you see two monsters guarding the entrance to your quest, open your queestbook and abandon the quest.


  ... when you aggro a second monster and your first thought is, "Where’s the best place to die"


  ...When you stab yourself in the foot in hopes that it’ll raise your rage bar faster.


  ... You read a thread in the paladin’s forum asking for advice about pulling agro from a hunter’s pet and there is a Warrior joke in it.


  ...When u see mages having a lower melee miss rate.


  ...You see a level 38 pally killing lvl 40 mob, help him kill it thinking he might have troubles with it, and get an answer "Thnx, but I was just skilling up my weapon skill".


  ...You miss less with your gun than you do with your melee


  ...when you ask yourself,"What was the reason I choose warrior class?"


  ...When you’d rather sit in the forums, than go back to playing your warrior because it just depresses you to even think of playing.


作者: marsbaby    时间: 2005-2-26 21:39     标题: 233MAX。。。关于战士。。。

作者: cywater2000    时间: 2005-2-26 22:33     标题: 233MAX。。。关于战士。。。

作者: Ash    时间: 2005-2-26 22:38     标题: 233MAX。。。关于战士。。。

作者: mushroom    时间: 2005-2-27 14:16     标题: 233MAX。。。关于战士。。。

不过真的有顶级装备+pvp build的话,也不是完全没有机会,至少战士不很怕fear


作者: 被K汉姆    时间: 2005-2-28 00:31     标题: 233MAX。。。关于战士。。。

作者: mushroom    时间: 2005-2-28 02:41     标题: 233MAX。。。关于战士。。。


作者: yzh    时间: 2005-2-28 04:44     标题: 233MAX。。。关于战士。。。

marsbaby, 原来你在这里混啊
战士就要加强了,讲DUEL的话, 我HOLY PRIEST 才是谁都打不过
作者: woodnymph    时间: 2005-2-28 11:41     标题: 233MAX。。。关于战士。。。

作者: mushroom    时间: 2005-2-28 12:05     标题: 233MAX。。。关于战士。。。


作者: gameoverer    时间: 2005-2-28 12:46     标题: 233MAX。。。关于战士。。。


作者: alienyu    时间: 2005-3-1 01:09     标题: 233MAX。。。关于战士。。。

作者: mushroom    时间: 2005-3-1 12:27     标题: 233MAX。。。关于战士。。。


出了MS就没有imp intercept,被先攻就只有一次intercept的机会

对stun lock盗贼全靠人品,cheapshot和evi如果miss2次以上才会有机会
对会heal的pummel和shield bash是公共cool down的,第一次打断第二次只能干等着看他加血

对rogue要rend,在开始之前剑盾装defence stance到第一次stun lock结束

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