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标题: 凉宫春日和道格拉斯·亚当斯 [打印本页]

作者: saviolazy    时间: 2006-7-3 18:45     标题: 凉宫春日和道格拉斯·亚当斯


事实上,这个想法和科幻大师道格拉斯·亚当斯的一部作品不谋而合:"THE RESTAURANT AT THE END OF THE UNIVERSE". 这是著名的银河系漫游指南系列的第二部。这里面亚当斯的设定是银河执政官Zaphod是某个平行宇宙的中心,那个宇宙存在的目的就是Zaphord. 有趣的是,Zaphod本人一开始也不知道这一点,误打误撞发生了很多趣事。最后机缘巧合他得知了这一点,作者是这样描述的:

A short while later he was running across the plain in thedirection of the ruined city.

The dank air wheezed heavily in his lungs and he frequently stumbled with the exhaustion he was still feeling. Night was beginning to fall too, and the rough ground was treacherous.

The elation of his recent experience was still with him though. The whole Universe. He had seen the whole Universe stretching to infinity around him – everything. And with it had come the clear and extraordinary knowledge that he was the most important thing in it. Having a conceited ego is one thing. Actually being told by a machine is another.


作者: 恶魔的微笑    时间: 2006-7-4 05:18     标题: 凉宫春日和道格拉斯·亚当斯

“Actually being told by a machine is another.”

作者: saviolazy    时间: 2006-7-4 11:10     标题: 凉宫春日和道格拉斯·亚当斯

上下文是说, Zaphod误入了一个平行宇宙。在那个平行宇宙有台机器专门告诉别人宇宙的意义.一般人听到这个都感到极度的恐怖,惟有Zaphod一听到这个机器说的就high了。

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