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标题: [深度探讨]Wii的发售对任天堂的影响! [打印本页]

作者: parpar    时间: 2006-8-15 14:38     标题: [深度探讨]Wii的发售对任天堂的影响!

转自Nintendo Wii 主题社区



Craig Beridon, IGN Insider: With the most recent rumor mills stating that the Wii will launch less than 2 weeks before the PS3, it's even more now important that the system has a strong showing out of the gate. Is this a smart move by Nintendo? Would an earlier or later launch, further away from the PS3's, help sell more systems?

One thing's for sure: the Wii has arguably a stronger lineup of launch games than any Nintendo system that has come before it. With a new Zelda, and Metroid title available on day 1 and Mario Galaxy coming shortly there after (something the big N has never had before) the software is definitely in place for the system to sell big.

So, of all the games announced for the upcoming Wii launch, what are you looking forward to playing the most? What titles will you pass up on launch day? How do you think the system is going to sell with the PS3 right around the corner? Will you actually buy any of Ubisoft's numerous ports of year-old titles that we're recently announced?

Any and all thoughts on the Wii launch are encouraged.

Meghan Sullivan, IGN DB Editor: I DO think it's smart to launch the Wii two weeks before the PS3. Even fans who want both platforms aren't going to be able to afford to do so, considering PS3's staggering asking price. Better to nudge parents to get the cheaper platform for their kids while riding the hype for the PS3 at the same time. Plus, it's better to sell the Wii as soon as possible before people get fed up with that stupid controller...
Chris Roper, IGN PlayStation: Launching a few weeks or even a month earlier likely wouldn't impact sales too much either way. It's possible that Nintendo would get a few more sales from people that had saved up money for a PS3 as they might think, "Well, the Wii is only $250 (or whatever) and I have time to save that up again before the PS3 hits." But for the most part, early adopters have already made up their minds about which system(s) they're going to buy anyway and it won't really matter much. Both companies are going to sell out, regardless of system price.
Indeed, the system's launch lineup and following release schedule is quite strong. Personally, Super Mario Galaxy didn't wow me in the least, though I'm obviously quite deep in the minority on this one. Regardless, with a (relatively) low price point, a number of AAA signature titles and whatever else hits on day one, Nintendo has given fans plenty of reasons to pre-order.

As for myself, being that I'll have to spend $3,276 a week or two later on the PS3 launch, I'll probably keep my Wii purchases to a relative minimum and pick up the system, Zelda and Metroid, with Mario whenever it hits (regardless of the fact that it currently doesn't interest me). Oh, and Smash Bros. as well of course. Those I'd buy regardless of whether I knew anything about them or not, but everything else I'll hold out on until I can actually try them out and see how they run.

Peer Schneider, IGN Mastermind: Launching early is definitely an advantage when it comes to the early-adopter crowd. Parents and "casual" gamers wait until November to do their holiday shopping, but if Nintendo's online and TV presence in October is going full force, few gaming enthusiasts will be able to resist plunking down the cash for a Wii, Zelda, Metroid, Red Steel, Monkey Ball, and all the other fun-looking games making the launch window. And the more money they spend early, the less likely the chances that they'll be dropping the big bucks on PS3 come November.
But who knows -- there's plenty of intelligence (check: GamerMetrics research blog) that suggests Wii has the big benefit of falling outside of the purchasing realm of the other two platforms. So maybe gamers' minds are already made up and it's just a matter of whether someone will be an Xbox 360 and Wii gamer or a PS3 and Wii gamer.

Matt Casamassina, IGN Wii: There are few reasons for Nintendo not to launch early, to be quite honest. The Wii hardware itself is running well ahead of schedule and the games are right on part with it. Launching late offers little to no benefit for the Big N.
Supposing rumors are to be believed and Wii, in fact, does hit in very late October or very early November, the console will enjoy a two-to-three week head start on PlayStation 3 and it will have the same amount of time to deliver its user base waves of games. Wii will have some 35 titles available in its launch window, which is a good number, but it would be stupid to release all of these games at the same time. Some quality games would almost certainly be overlooked. Instead, an early release affords Nintendo and its partners the opportunity to release games every week leading through November and into December without missing out on the busy holiday shopping season. The schedule would be far less flexible if Wii were to launch on, say, November 18.

Retailers will love Nintendo's new console because it mimics the successful business model of DS, but they will also love it because if it arrives in late October or early November, it will effectively jump start the holiday buying craze. And unlike Sony, whose PlayStation 3 system promises to be both expensive and in short supply, Nintendo's new platform will be relatively cheap and in great supply -- more than five million pieces of hardware through the year, if hearsay is true.

Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess is perhaps the greatest launch game in Nintendo history and I think that this title alone will be more than enough for some consumers. But Wii seems to have all of its major genres covered with other legitimately big and anticipated efforts, including Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Excite Truck, NFL Madden, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz Red Steel, Trauma Center: Second Opinion, and more. Mario is unlikely to arrive for launch -- I'll bet it drops around March 2007. Still, even without the fat, Italian plumber, this is an amazing lineup from Nintendo and third parties, and of course we haven't even considered other efforts including Far Cry, Blazing Angels, GT Pro Series, Need for Speed, Call of Duty 3, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, Elebits, and Wii Sports, all of which are launch games for Wii.

Will some of these games arrive as quick, cash-in ports? Perhaps. Certainly efforts like Rampage from Midway don't have me overly excited. But I'm actually looking forward to what Ubisoft does with Far Cry for Wii. There is a lot of potential there. Of course, it isn't likely to look as good as the Xbox 360 version of the title, but remember that Wii is more powerful than the original Xbox, and that build looked pretty decent. Plus, if they can really tweak the control to work with the Wii-mote, it could be a lot of fun. Obviously, similar arguments could be made for Blazing Angels, and GT Pro Series is an entirely different beast as it is designed exclusively for Wii. Meanwhile, there is always the argument that Wii's audience may never have played any of these titles before, which is realistic stance.

I happen to think that this is a hell of a lineup and that consumers will also gain access to all of these high-potential games for a fraction of the price of competing consoles. There's something to be said for that.

Craig Beridon(IGN分析员) : 根据最近的传言,Wii将会比PS3早大约2周上市。任天堂这么做,仿佛是在向PS3挑衅,那么这是不是一个明智之举呢?如果避开PS3的发售档期来卖Wii会不会更好呢?

有一件事我们可以确定:Wii相比任社其他的主机,在首发游戏阵容可谓是空前的丰富。新的塞尔达,银河战士很有可能在主机首发当天发售。 马里奥:银河也将会在主机首发式后很短的时间内上市。这在以前从来没有发生过。而且不用说,这些软件肯定可以买得非常好。

那么,这种多首发游戏阵容当中,你最倾向于购买哪一款? 你怎么看待Wii将会和PS3的发售时间发生冲突这件事? 你会不会真的买育碧公司那些经过重新制作的老游戏呢?

Meghan Sullivan(IGN 编辑): 我认为任社早两周于PS3发售Wii的做法很明智,即便是两种平台的粉丝也不可能都同时承担得起两个主机的价钱。试想一下PS3刚发售时那恐怖的价格,就知道玩家肯定会选择便宜得多的Wii,就算是父母给孩子买圣诞礼物也会选择Wii。 此外,任社最好尽快发售Wii,以便让人们适应这个新的手柄。

Chris Roper(IGN PS版编辑): 我认为,任社早几周或者是早一个月来发售Wii都不会对销售额有太大的促进作用。他们可能会认为,这样做可以让那些攒钱买PS3的玩家忍不住而最终选择了Wii。那么,Wii仅售250美元或者是其他较低的价格,我有足够的时间来咱这么多钱。但是最重要的,那些攒好钱或者正在攒钱的玩家可能已经想好了他们究竟要买哪一款主机。就这点,我认为无论是Sony还是任社都将会有很高的销售业绩。


对于我而言,我会在PS3发售之后的一周或两周内为之花3276美元,我很有可能流出一小部分来买Wii,塞尔达以及银河战士,超级马利可能不在考虑之中(因为他目前还没日我提起兴趣),对了还有Smash Bro。

Peer Schneider(IGN策划): 提早发售肯定会带来一定的优势,家长们以及偶然对感兴趣的玩家得等到11月来进行他们的假期大采购。如果任社能在10月发售这个主机,相信会很多骨灰及玩家会颇不加代的买Wii,塞尔达,银河战士,赤铁,猴子球等等。 如果他们越多花费在Wii,他们越不会去考虑贵而没有太多强势首发阵容的PS3。


Matt Casamassina(IGN Wii版编辑): 说实话,我认为任社有很多理由可以更早的发售Wii。Wii的硬件已经成熟了并在生产之中,而且游戏也配套的很好。

不管怎么说,无论他是在10月底发售还是11月初都会让他比PS3更有优势,而且Wii会有更多的时间来计划生产和出货。 Wii现在已经有了35个首发游戏的名单,数量是如此之多。 不过这些游戏要是在同一天发售,可能会带来一些负面影响,有些做得很好的游戏可能会被忽视掉。相反,较早的发售可以让Wii每周都能发售一些顶级的游戏,这个势头可以从11月底一直延续到12月末,这样的话就可以覆盖那时候大部分的节假日。如果Wii在11月18日发售的话,时间表上就可能没又那么灵活了。


塞尔达传说:黎明的公主可能将会是任社到目前为止销售额最高的游戏,我认为就这一个游戏就已经可以大大满足玩家们的胃口了。但是任社仍然会在主机首发的当天上市一大批强势游戏。包括银河战士3:堕落,激情卡车,NFL,雷曼大战兔子军团,超级猴子球:香蕉闪电战,赤铁等等。不幸的是超级马利被延期到了07年的3月。尽管如此,这仍然是历史上空前的首发阵容。此外还会有一些二线作品,例如孤岛惊魂,炽天使,GT职业赛车,极品飞车,使命召唤3,托尼霍克滑板,Wii 体育游戏集合等等。

这些游戏会接二连三地到来么,很有可能。但是Midway出的暴乱却没有让我感兴趣。不过我倒是觉得,Wii上的孤岛惊魂会比较有意思! 他可能不会有Xbox360版的画面那么好,但是Wii的机能会比以前的Xbox强很多,所以画面也会很好。此外,他还可以用哪种新的操控方式来玩,因此我非常看好这个游戏。同样的炽天使和GT职业赛车也将会有全新的体验! 这些游戏的价格可能会和其他平台的游戏形成竞争,让消费者很难选择。


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作者: 鱼鱼鱼鱼    时间: 2006-8-15 18:17

作者: 半熟英雄    时间: 2006-8-15 19:49

作者: leoli306    时间: 2006-8-15 20:05

作者: 网上的final    时间: 2006-8-15 21:21

作者: luxman    时间: 2006-8-15 21:27

作者: 蒙其D路飞    时间: 2006-8-15 22:14

作者: czzj12345    时间: 2006-8-15 22:25

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作者: fangel    时间: 2006-8-15 23:33


作者: ANGELZELDA    时间: 2006-8-16 00:18

作者: 半熟英雄    时间: 2006-8-16 08:48

作者: LYA    时间: 2006-8-16 11:27

原帖由 半熟英雄 于 2006-8-16 08:48 发表
作者: 半熟英雄    时间: 2006-8-16 11:30

原帖由 LYA 于 2006-8-16 11:27 发表

作者: GAYBL    时间: 2006-8-16 13:39

作者: cloudchilya    时间: 2006-8-17 00:03

作者: 霏菲飞    时间: 2006-8-17 02:36

作者: 店小七    时间: 2006-8-17 10:05

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作者: 量产QUBELEY    时间: 2006-8-17 11:32

作者: xinkepeng    时间: 2006-8-17 11:34

作者: 阿西达卡    时间: 2006-8-17 22:08

作者: cloudchilya    时间: 2006-8-17 22:55

那PS3 和 XO的新类型游戏在哪?
作者: van601030    时间: 2006-8-17 22:59

作者: 真奥丁神    时间: 2006-8-17 23:24


作者: acoolbat    时间: 2006-8-19 10:44

作者: cloudchilya    时间: 2006-8-19 10:46

原帖由 真奥丁神 于 2006-8-17 23:24 发表


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