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标题: 有没有人玩过使命召唤-FINEST HOUR!!! [打印本页]

作者: 洛克狼    时间: 2006-9-15 20:53     标题: 有没有人玩过使命召唤-FINEST HOUR!!!



攻占建筑物前那段吵赞,那军官对着士兵撕声叫喊“保卫祖国母亲”,我听得地都all wet了,然后一堆冲着出去,那激昂的BGM响起....





[ 本帖最后由 洛克狼 于 2006-9-15 21:06 编辑 ]
作者: 洛克狼    时间: 2006-9-15 23:14


作者:火星电玩网 真不容易   更新时间:2004-11-29
点击: COCOON Counter 6 独家专稿,未经许可,请勿转载

英 文 名:call of duty:finest hour
游戏平台:Playstation 2
游戏开发:Spark Unlimited





本作和PC上的原作一样,由苏联、英国、美国三个战役版块组成,而每个战役由许许多多各富特色的关卡组成,这些关卡将以许多不同背景的人物为主线连接。比如在苏联斯大林格勒一役中,玩家就需要先控制一名冲锋队员经过抢滩登陆,火力点压制,和抢占敌人山头据点的任务,然后剧情切换到美女狙击手“坦雅” (恩,美女总是让人印象深刻)从地下水道潜入军工厂,守护己方坦克和掩护坦克技师突破火线,然后是换成坦克驾驶员大叔继续向城市内部推进,扫平德国人机枪火力点。


我之所以在“战争”两字上打上引号进行强调,是因为本作除了在战场氛围表现出众外,在“射击”要素方面实在算不上出色。枪支种类固然多,比如 MP40,PPSH,KAR98等二战时期常见的武器,但是许是为了增加游戏真实感,枪支的准心都很飘忽,后坐力巨大,而且由于场景的关系黑暗处的敌人很难被瞄到。可是在坦克上,炮弹的飞行弹道就完全无视地心引力了,几乎是指哪打哪,真实感完全没有。








作者: huya    时间: 2006-9-16 04:20


作者: jahaman    时间: 2006-9-16 08:46

作者: 洛克狼    时间: 2006-9-16 09:36


作者: 洛克狼    时间: 2006-9-16 09:45

III                     III        III        
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    III  I   I IIII IIII    III  I     III   III    I     I

    I     I   II I I   I      I      I  I I   I I   I I   I
    III   I   I II III  II    I      IIII I   I I   I III
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    I   IIIII I  I III III    I      I  I  III   III  I   I

                      Copyright 2005 Andrew Hecker

--------Legal 1.0

This may only be reproduced for personal use. This may not be
placed on any web site or made public without my permission. The
use of this guide on any other web site or as a public display is
prohibited, and a violation of copyright without my permission.
The only sites that can use this are...

games extreme
call of duty union

If you find something I missed or you would like to use my guide
you can contact me at

--------History 2.0

  Version 0.1  Feb 8   did legal and table of contents
  Version 0.2  Feb 12  started russian missions and did some spell
  Version 0.2  Feb 13  still working on russian missions

  Version 0.25 Feb 15  still working on russian missions

  Version 0.3  Feb 16  finished russian missions

  Version 0.4  Feb 17  started english missions
  Version 0.6  Feb 19  finished english missions

  Version 1.0  Feb 20  finished guide

--------Table of Contents

1.0  Legal
2.0  History
3.0  Missions
3.1  Eastern Front      

3.11  Not One Step Back    (nosb)
3.12  The Flag Must Fall   (tfmf)
3.13  Dead in Her Sights   (dihs)
3.14  Defend the Factory   (dftf)
3.15  Breakdown            (bkdn)
3.16  Into Red Square      (itrs)
3.17  Op. Little Saturn    (opls)
3.18  Airfield Ambush      (afab)
3.2  North Africa
3.21  Mission: Matmata     (msmm)
3.22  Depot Saboteurs      (dsor)
3.23  A Desert Ride        (adsr)   
3.24  Raiding the Fortress (rtft)
3.3  Western Front

3.31  First City to Fall   (fctf)
3.32  Underground Passage  (ugps)
3.33  Surrender at Aachen  (saac)
3.34  Come Out Fighting    (coft)
3.35  Road to Remagen      (rtrg)
3.36  Last Bridge Standing (lbsd)
3.37  Into the Heartland   (itth)
4.0   Credit
5.0   Contact

-------------------------Eastern Front------------------------

---(nosb)---Not One Step Back---3.11---

Health: is found all over
Ammunition: none until you pick your first weapon
Difficulty: (1/10)

When you have control, go over to Sgt. Puskov. Follow him up the
hill. Once you have reached the middle of the refinery there will
a guy that is shot and killed. Puskov will tell you to pick up
the rifle. Now kill all the Germans in the building, and go into it.
Go towards the window, and kill the retreating Germans. Soon after
Puskov will clear some rubble behind you. Follow him through the
new path until he stops. Puskov will go again when the man across
from you finishes his speech. Follow him until he gets to a building.
Go inside and clear it out. At the end of the building there is a hole
in the wall. Head through it.

---(tfmf)---The Flag Must Fall---3.12---

Health: everywhere but can be hard to find at times
Ammunition: everywhere
Difficulty: (2/10)

Head to the door, and order your men to open it. Clear out the room,
and open the door to the next one. Kill the men in that room and head
through the hole in the wall. Work your way down the stairs to the
window. Wait for the machine gun to be set up. One of your men will man
it, but will be gunned down shortly after. Now man it, and shoot the
Germans coming at you from the wall below. After the cut-scene go down  
the stairs and outside. Go through one of the holes in the wall. Go
up the hill and there will be a trench on your left. Go through it,
and take the only right. As you get out take a right, and you can see
a hole in the trench above you. Head through it, and take a right. Kill
the gunner. Now you have cleared the left pillbox. Exit the pillbox, and
follow the trench until it ends. There will be another trench across from
you. Enter it, and follow it into the pillbox. Kill the gunner. Now the
center pillbox is cleared. Exit the trench, and turn a right. Follow the
trench right until it ends. You can now see the trench that will lead you
to the final pillbox. Head through the trench, and enter the pillbox. Kill
the gunner. All pillboxes have now been cleared. Exit the trench and enter
one across from you. Take the first right, and work your way around the
hill. When you get to the trench, enter it, and follow it through. Go
around the corner, and open the door to your left. Clear out the room,
and tear down the Nazi flag.

---(dihs)---Dead in Her Sights---3.13---

Health: everywhere
Ammunition: everywhere
Difficulty (2/10)

Don't waste time moving from window to window. Just kill all 8 Germans.
After they are killed, a tank will come. Shoot the 3 Germans riding on
the tank. When the tank is destroyed Pvt. Kirelenko will tell you to
follow him. Follow him around, and into the sewer. At the next two
intersections you need to take a right. Follow the tunnel until you
get to a area where you can go left or straight. Go straight through,
and into the next opening. Follow the tunnel, and go straight through
the intersection. At the next intersection take a right, and go
straight through the one after that. Follow the hall till you find a
hole on the wall. Head through it, and go right. That hall will lead
to the next intersection. Go left, and follow that path until you get
to a pile of rubble blocking the way. On the right side is a hole that
you can crouch through. Once your out of the hole you need go through
the archway on your. On the other side take a left, and go across the
wooden planks. Go through the arch, but watch out for the machine guns.
When finished, go left through the archway. Take the next two rights,
and go up the stairs. Go through the doorway, and down the latter on
your left. Head over to the rubble, and go through the hole in the wall.
Follow the hill up.

---(dftf)---Defend the Factory---3.14---

Health: not a lot
Ammunition: not a lot
Difficulty: (4/10)

Follow Pvt.Sokolov into the factory. When inside, head upstairs, and
listen to Commissar. Now turn left, and go upstairs. Use the window
in between the two that are boarded up. If the run low on health or
ammunition there is some to the left. Use the ammunition on the
machine guns and the guys with Panzerchrecks. Every so often someone
will yell out which way the Germans are coming from. After ten minutes
you will be told to report to ground floor. When the door to the right
opens, kill the attacking Germans. When the crew gets inside, one of
them will be injured. Heal the person then enter the tank.


Health: everywhere
Ammunition: everywhere
Difficulty: (3/10)

Find a good place to defend the tank. To avoid getting shot, use one
of the concrete barriers. After the German tank has been destroyed,
you need to get into your tank. Follow the tank into the city. Don't
stop to shoot the soldiers. Follow the tank around the first three
turns. Go all the way down the street, and turn left. In this area
there will be anywhere from two to four tanks to face. Go the down
the street, and turn left. Head down the street again, and turn right.
Now head towards headquarters. When there, German tanks will be coming
from both sides. When the tanks are destroyed, park your tank, and
go inside. Listen to General Belov. Pick up the radio, and head back
to the tank.

---(itrs)---Into Red Square---3.16---

Health: everywhere
Ammunition: everywhere
Difficulty: (3/10)

Follow the tank around the corner, and the down the street. Follow it into
Red Square while destroying tanks, and machine guns. When the Red Square
has been retaken, continue to follow the tank. Once you get train station
you need to ram the door. Park your tank, and head upstairs. When there
go right, then left around the corner. Go down the hallway, and open the
door to your left. Clear the room, and go through the hole in the wall.
Take a right, and go through another hole in the wall. Go right, and
clear out the room ahead of you. Now go through the doorway, turn
right, and head up the stairs. Stay in that room until the wall falls.
When it does, climb over the rubble, and kill the Germans. Turn right,
and go up the stairs. Go through the doorway, and turn left. Turn
right, and go through the next two rooms. Head up the stairs on your
left. Open the door when you reach it.

---(opls)---OP. Little Saturn---3.17---

Health: a little
Ammunition: everywhere
Difficulty: (4/10)

Use the machine gun to take down the Stukas. Follow the tanks to the
base. When you enter the base, follow the road to the right. Halfway
down the road a tank will come out from the left. Destroy it, and
keep going down the road. At the intersection, turn right. Follow the
road to the next intersection. Turn right, and head inside of the
building ahead of you. Near the end you should see some Germans on
top of a tank. Use your machine gun to kill them. After that
continue out of the building. Follow the road around the corner,
and down. At the end of the street, take a right. Now take a left at
the next intersection. Follow the road around, while destroying the
armored units. Weave your way through the barb wire. Follow the road
into the building, and dismount your tank. Climb the stairs on your
left. When there, go across the catwalk, and into the building. Clear
out the room, and head to the door on the other side. Open it, and
kill the four guys with the Panzerchrecks. Follow the catwalk
around, and down to the tank.

---(afab)---Airfield Ambush---3.18---

Health: a little
Ammunition: everywhere
Difficulty: (5/10)

Follow the tanks to the train depot. After that, follow the road until
you are told to destroy the planes. Most of the planes can be destroyed
from the street, but others are in hangers. When all planes are
destroyed a hanger will open. Follow the road into that hanger.
Continue to follow the road after you have left the hanger. Follow the
road to the runway. Work your way to the north side. Try not to get hit
by the planes taking off. When you get to the north side, get on the
road that goes up the hill. Follow it until you can dismount a tank.
When that's done, you need to work your way up the hill. Avoid the
trenches to the sides. Watch out when you get to the tower. There are
two machine guns that you must avoid. The easy way is to wait for the
one on the tower to reload, then run for the trucks. When you get to
the last truck there is a Panzerchreck in the back. You can use these
to destroy the two machine guns. You can now take the path or stairs
to the door of the tower. Open the door, and clear out the room. Go
upstairs, and clear out the room. Head to the door in the back of the
room, and open it. Clear out the room. On the side of the room there
are some stairs. Head up there, and kill the guy. Go back down stairs.
The intelligence is a book lying in between two of your guys.

-------------------------North Africa------------------------

---(msmm)---Mission: Matmata---3.21---

Health: not a lot
Ammunition: everywhere
Difficulty: (6/10)

Work your way towards the machine guns. Your men should take them out.
Head towards the star on your map. Once you reach the building, the
windows will open. Kill the Germans, and go inside. When the
communication has been sent, one of your men will kick down the door.
Head outside, and follow the trail. When you find a door, you need to
open it. Once you have cleared out the building you need to find the
antenna outside, and place a charge on it. When it blows up you need
to go down the new path. Follow the road left when you get into the
city. When you reach a big building in the middle of the city you need
to follow your men up the stairs. Clear out the rooftop, and man the
machine gun. Shoot at the Germans below until the gate is rammed. Turn
around, and head down some steps to your right. Head through the gate,
and take a left. At the end of the street you should see the generator
on your left. Clear out the area, and place a charge on the generator.

---(dsor)---Depot Saboteurs---3.22---

Health: not a lot
Ammunition: everywhere
Difficulty: (5/10)

Save your sticky bombs for now. Walk towards your man, and follow them
up the stairs. Pick up the mines inside, and follow your men out the
window. Go into the street, and throw the mines you just got. Go up
the stairs, and clear out the building. Look at the building to the
north-west. Head over, and clear it out. Pick up anything you need. By
this time you should notice the last tank shooting at you. Throw some
sticky bombs at it from the top of the building. When it has been
destroyed you need to go down the street it was on. Watch out for the
machine guns. On your right you should see a gate. Head into the
building on the left of the gate. Go through the back door, and work
your way down the street. When you get to the caches of fuel, you need
to destroy them. When all five are destroyed, head back up the street.
Go back through the building, and hop into the jeep.

---(adsr)---A Desert Ride---3.23---

Health: 2-3 Pieces
Ammunition: none
Difficulty: (4/10)

Shoot the sniper, and pick up the health by the jeep. When the jeep is
refueled you can hop in it. When the jeep stops for the first time you
need to destroy the truck blocking the way. At the second stop kill
the enemy soldiers. Destroy the trucks in front of you on the road. At
the next stop defend the truck. Down the road destroy the truck blocking
the way. At the next road block you need to destroy the truck in the way.

---(rtft)---Raiding the Fortress---3.24---

Health: not a lot
Ammunition: everywhere
Difficulty: (6/10)

First look for some health if you don't have any. First kill both machine
gunners. Now run, and place a charge at the German entry point. Now get
out of there, and work your way towards the tower. Head up the stairs,
and clear out the room inside. Go up the other set of stairs. At one of
the windows you can snipe a machine gunner on the other side. Go down
stairs and outside. Go back to where you started. Now they will tell you
Stuka's are coming. So go prone, and wait for the explosion. Now turn
right, and go all the way down the street. Hold off the Germans until
reinforcements arrive. Now go plant explosives on the Half-track. Now
stand behind the corner, and kill the machine gunners. Work your way
down the stairs.

-------------------------Western Front------------------------

---(fctf)---First City to Fall---3.31---

Health: can be hard to find at times
Ammunition: everywhere
Difficulty (8/10)

Try to stay behind the tanks. When a building on your right is blown
open, you need to run in, and clear it out the first floor. Go upstairs,
and clear out all the rooms. Go outside, and hide behind the tanks. When
the tanks stop the next time you need to kill the Germans on the right,
and left. Follow the tanks until they stop again. Now kill the anti-armor
crew in the street. Follow the tanks. At the first chance you need to
enter a building on you right, and clear out the first floor. Head
upstairs, and clear out the floor. Head upstairs again, and kill the
anti-armor crew. Head downstairs, and search the basement. Clear out the
room, and pick up anything you need. Start going through the underground
tunnel. When you reach the building, you need to clear it out. Head
upstairs, and use the machine gun to kill the anti-armor crews. When the
theater has been destroyed, you need to go downstairs. Now go outside,
and follow the tanks. Now kill the Germans that come out of the sewer
behind you. Enter the sewer.

---(ugps)---Underground Passage---3.32---

Health: not a lot
Ammunition: everywhere
Difficulty: (6/10)

Place a bomb on the ladder. Now go through the tunnel behind you. Go
down the stairs, and clear out the area. Go through the doorway, and up
the stairs in the back of the room. At the top you need to place a
bomb on the ladder. Turn around, and go back down the stairs. Turn
left, and work your way down to the ladder. Place a bomb on it. Head
back, and turn right at the first chance. Work your way around, and up
to the machine gun nest. Clear it out, and place a bomb on the ladder.
Head through a doorway on your right. At the first intersection you need
to take a left, and kill all the Germans. Take the second right, and
follow the tunnel to the ladder. Climb the ladder, and take a right at
the intersection. Head down the tunnel, and place a bomb on the last
ladder. Turn right, and go into the exit tunnel. Just run through
this area, because the Germans wont stop coming.

---(saac)---Surrender at Aachen---3.33---

Health: not a lot
Ammunition: everywhere
Difficulty: (5/10)
Go up the stairs. Open the door, and clear the room. Head upstairs, and
open the door. Clear out the room. Open the door, and go up the stairs.
Man the machine gun, and kill all the anti-tank crews. Now go up the
ramp on your left. Pick up any health or ammunition that you need. Now
go downstairs. Open the door, and quickly work your way downstairs.
Clear out the room, and head downstairs. Open the door, and go outside.
Stay behind the tank. When you get to the square, you need to run across,
and enter the building. Go outside, and head down the alley. Watch out
for the machine gun. Snipe the machine gunner from a archway on the left
side of the alley. Now charge, and kill the remaining Germans. To the
right of the machine gun is a door you can open. Open it, and clear out
the room. Go upstairs, and kill the Germans with the Panzerchrecks.
Pick up a Panzerchreck, and shoot at the tanks.

---(coft)---Come Out Fighting---3.34---

Health: everywhere
Ammunition: everywhere
Difficulty: (5/10)

While the road down into the valley, while destroying tanks. Go across
the valley, and get on the road. Destroy the tanks coming down the road.
Kill the two machine gunners. Turn left, and follow the road. Watch out
for the Flak 88s. There's going to be two on the right, and one on the
left. Head up the road, and there's going to be one on your right. Head
into town, and destroy more Flak 88s. Go in between the two building
that are behind the sign that says "Tillet". Continue going that way,
and take the second left onto a road. Park your tank at the first
doorway on your left. Find the door on the side of the building, and
open it. Clear out the bottom floor, then go upstairs. Clear out all
the rooms. Head back outside, and remount your tank. Back up, and go
right. Turn right at the intersection, and follow the road. As your
going up the hill you need to watch out for the building on your right.
There are several Germans with Panzerchrecks in it. Now continue to
follow the road. Shortly after passing the building there will be a
Flak 88 on your left. Destroy it, and head into the second part of
town. After all Flak 88s are destroyed in town, you need to take the
first left. Take the first right, and follow the road to the
intersection. Take a right, then a left into a yard. Park your tank.
Run up to the front door, and open it. Get inside quickly to avoid
being shot by the machine gun. Head upstairs, and clear out the rooms.
If you need health one of the back rooms has some. Pick up a
Panzerchreck, and start firing at the enemy tanks. When the tanks have
been destroyed, you need to go outside, and remount your tank. Turn
left into the alley, and take a left onto the main road. Now follow
the road. Watch out for the Flak 88s, and the anti-tank crews on the
side of the road. Head into the third part of town, and destroy the
eight patrolling tanks. Head to the church. The tanks come down a
street to the north-west of the church.

---(rtrg)---Road to Remagen---3.35---

Health: everywhere
Ammunition: everywhere
Difficulty: (9/10)

Go off to the right, and pick up the health and ammunition. Take the
first right, and work your way down the street. When you get to the
square, you need to go left through the alley. Turn right, and follow
the road. Turn left at the first chance. Go down to the end of the
road, and turn right. Turn left, and go all the way down the road. Go
down the stairs, and kill the machine gunner. Work your way towards
the next machine gun. Now head down the tunnel behind the machine gun.
Watch out for the machine gun on the right. Kill the machine gunner,
and man the machine gun. Kill the rest of the Germans. Pick up some
health at the top of the hill. Follow your men around the fortified
area. Head up the stairs on the right. Follow the building around to
the left. When you get to the machine gun, you need to man. Kill all
the Germans in the area. Go through the doorway on your left. Work
your way up the street. Turn right, and go inside the building on
your right. Clear out the rooms, and pick up any health you need.
Pick up the Panzerchreck, and shoot the tanks. Pick up anything
you need, then leave.

---(lbsd)---Last Bridge Standing---3.36---

Health: everywhere
Ammunition: everywhere
Difficulty: (8/10)

Pick up any weapons you need beside you. Now follow the tanks. After
a tank has been blown up by a mine, you should throw a grenade into
the machine gun nest. Use grenades to blow up the mines. Now continue
down the road as soon as the road block has been removed. When you
reach a dirt mound, you will be told to scout ahead. Turn around,
and take a right at the intersection. Follow that road. At the end
of the road, you need to turn right, and follow the alley. Continue
across the road into the alley. Watch out for the machine gun at the
end. The tanks will take care of it. Continue through the alley, and
go down the stairs. Now protect the tanks from the anti-tank crews.
Work your way down the left street. At the end of the street, you
need to enter the building on your right. Work your way through the
rooms. Continue out of the warehouse, but stay close to the tanks.

---(itth)---Into the Heartland---3.37---

Health: not a lot
Ammunition: can be hard to find at times
Difficulty: (10/10)

Head toward the left side of the bridge. Stay on this side until you
can pick up a sniper rifle. Continue down the bridge, but watch out
for the machine guns. When the gun nest on the bridge has been
neutralized, you need to run for the door on the left side. Pick up
any health or ammunition you need, then go downstairs. When on the
bottom floor, you need to cross to the other side. Head up the
stairs, and go through the tunnel. Head downstairs, and clear out
the room. Head up the stairs on the other side of the room. Continue
to follow the stone steps until you reach the main level. Kill the
Germans in the room, then head upstairs. Keep going until you reach
a ladder. Climb it, and kill everyone up there. Now use the
anti-aircraft gun to repel the Stuka attack.


Thanks to mjckansas2002 for testing my guide

Thanks to Activision, Bink, Kuju, for making the game


Name: Andrew Hecker


Version: 1.0
作者: pp1234    时间: 2006-9-16 10:22

我第一次玩走到攻占建筑物里也是,听到那人在喊什么"our mother...our sister"之后第一个冲出去结果没几秒就倒下了,后来才知道那里不需要冲,需要跟着绿名字的人后潜入屋内.....
作者: 洛克狼    时间: 2006-9-16 11:15

Follow Pvt.Sokolov into the factory. When inside, head upstairs, and
listen to Commissar. Now turn left, and go upstairs. Use the window
in between the two that are boarded up. If the run low on health or
ammunition there is some to the left. Use the ammunition on the
machine guns and the guys with Panzerchrecks. Every so often someone
will yell out which way the Germans are coming from. After ten minutes
you will be told to report to ground floor. When the door to the right
opens, kill the attacking Germans. When the crew gets inside, one of
them will be injured. Heal the person then enter the tank.

作者: 莎木迷    时间: 2006-9-16 13:09

作者: 洛克狼    时间: 2006-9-16 20:51


作者: 江西恐龙    时间: 2006-9-16 21:21


使命召唤 联合袭击(1代资料片)

使命召唤 尖锋时刻(XBOX、PS2、NGC)
使命召唤2 红二中队(XBOX、PS2,不知道有没有NGC)

作者: 洛克狼    时间: 2006-9-17 10:30


使命召唤2 红二中队有NGC版的,已经买了,还没开始攻略,不过也没时间玩了

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