标题: 虽不完美,但个性彰显《NinjaDS烧录卡评测中文版》其中有很多不错的思路值得学习 [打印本页]
作者: jun4rui 时间: 2006-9-20 02:37 标题: 虽不完美,但个性彰显《NinjaDS烧录卡评测中文版》其中有很多不错的思路值得学习
Ninja DS
制造商: www.ninjads.com
shaunj66于 2006年9月12日
概要 - Introduction
Welcome back to another official GBAtemp.net review.
This is a review of the newly released Ninja DS - a DS slot based homebrew flash kit.
TheNinjaDS is one of the many announced "new generation"flashkitsolutions for the Nintendo DS. What's the difference?Thenewgeneration use only the DS card slot on your Nintendo DS/DSLite,theyno longer use the GBA slot; which is left completely free.Thisleavesthe slot free for peripherals like the DS rumble pack andRAMexpansioncart.
The majority of DS slot based solutions have abuiltinPassMe feature. This means the DS slot based card is theonlythingyou're going to need to get up and running. No pass cards,GBAslotadapters, FlashMe etc... It really does just make thewholeprocess muchsimpler.
The Ninja DS was actually first announcedback in March of 2006, 6wholemonths ago. Many forum-goers werecynical about the claim that agroupwere coming out with a DS slotbased kit and the claims behind it.Buteventually, more manufacturerscame forward and announced their ownnewgeneration cards and put mostpeoples doubts to rest.
The Ninja DS is a DS slot based device that takes standard SD card memory modules up to 2GB in size.
Let's take a quick look at the list of features the manufacturer boasts about the Ninja DS:
Features of the Ninja DS
- "No Original Cart Needed(无须正版卡带)
- No GBA Flashcart Needed(无须GBA烧录卡)
- No Needed Flash NDS Or Included .DAT File In SD(不用给NDS刷机,也不用在SD上复制.DAT文件)
- Compatible With Any GBA flashcart,Nf,Scard,M3,Etc..(兼容所有的GBA槽烧录卡,什么SC、M3之类的)
- Supports Old/New NDS & NDS Lite(支持老版本的NDS和新的NDSL)
- SD Card Slot Bundled(内建SD插口)
- 2mbytes FlashROM(2MByte的闪存ROM)
- Friendly & Easy Menu(友好且使用简单的菜单)
- Homebrew/Backup Player & Development Tool(有自制/备份播放器[?]和开发工具)
- Libraries for Developers Available(有开发者用函数库)
- SD Card MP3 Player(带有支持SD卡上的MP3播放器)
- Wifi Connection"(支持WIfi联网)
There'syourtypicalflash kit Engrish. But isn't it a big relief to hear thatthe SDcardslot is bundled with the card? It would have been quite thecon ifitwere sold seperately wouldn't it?
包装和内容 - Packaging and Contents
The Ninja DS arrives in a small little cardboard box that's roughly the same height as an old model Nintendo DS (aka. phat).
Thebox has a very awesome photo of a ninja on the bottomrightcornerwhich is a massive point scorer. The rest of the box doesn'tliveupthe coolness of the ninja guy though. We have a run downofthefeatures on the back of the box, and not much else.
Box Contents
- 1x Ninja DS(Ninja DS一片)
- 1x Instructions leaflet(小说明书一张)
The Ninja DS card is sat loose inside the box along with a small piece of paper with a photocopied set of instructions on it.
Thephotocopied instructions that are provided with the NinjaDSareactually surprisingly useful! There is a brief set ofinstructionsforeach feature the Ninja DS has to offer, and othercritical thingsthatyou need to know to get up and running are mentioned.
The Ninja DS
Here'sthe Ninja DS. As you can see it stands at approximately twicethesizeof a regular original DS game card and is only available inwhite.
The bottom portion of the card fits snug in the DS slot, and the upper half which the SD card occupies sticks out of your DS.
The entire card is built fairly solid, and doesn't flex or creak too much. The casing is held together by six tiny screws.
On the "front" of the Ninja DS is a simple label, and on the "back" is the logo and website URL embossed on the plastic.
Overall the build quality is fairly good, but there are a few things I'd like to point out.
First,at the bottom left of the PCB (you can see some photos below) isachip(voltage regulator) that stands just a bit too high for thecasingtoohold. So when screwed together, there is a bump in the casingwherethechip is. But note; this _doesn't_ prevent the Ninja DSfrominsertingand removing from the DS slot at all.
The second thing; I don'tknow if it's just because you have theextraheight on the card tograsp when removing the card as opposed toanormal game card. But theNinja DS can be removed very easily fromtheDS card slot. The actualcard clicks into place just fine; butit'sactually possible you canremove it by accident if you pull slightlyonthe card, like if you arere-inserting the SD card while the Ninja DSisinserted into the DS.
Thethird thing is that because the Ninja DS sticks out of theDSslot(quite like an original PassMe) and is fairly thin, it makesmefeelquite nervous that the card could snap or damage my DS slotiftheNinja DS card is hit or bent at an angle against the DS.
AlthoughI'd be surprised to hear this actually happen, as the carddoesfeelvery solid. I still wouldn't recommend throwing your DSaroundorchucking it into your ruck sack with the Ninja DS inserted!
TheNinja DS features a spring loaded, top loading SD card slot.TheSDcard is very easy to insert and remove, it clicks into placeandfitsflush in the casing. There is a groove in the Ninja DS casingtomakeit easier.
使用NinjaDS - Using the Ninja DS
How easy is the Ninja DS to use? Let's see...
Oneof the most exciting features of the Ninja DS is that itsupportsCLEANROMs. Yes, that's right. This means that there is no PCsideclientsoftware to use, and no need to convert, patch or modify ROMsatall(unless you wish to trim them).
Here's a quote straight from the instruction leaflet:
QUOTE(Ninja DS instructions)
引用(Ninja DS使用说明)
1.Simply insert your ROMS,MP3,JPG,etc... files in your SD CardusingFAT16 filesystem, insert SD Card in NINJADS and plug it inYourNINTENDODS Console.
1、简单的将你的MP3、JPG等文件拷贝到采用FAT16分区格式的SD卡上,把卡插入到Ninja DS上然后将其插入到NDS中
Sounds straight forward. Let's go.
First thing you're going to need to do is connect your SD card to your computer. Format the card using FAT16 (aka. FAT).
Nowwe can simply drag some clean ROMs and homebrew files straighttotheSD card, let's also copy some JPEGs and MP3s to try out theNinjaDS'smedia capabilities (more on this later).
首先我们将SD卡用读卡器链接到电脑上,格式化成FAT16分区格式,然后将Clean ROM和一些自制软件文件拖到SD卡傻瓜内,并复制一些JPG和MP3文件测试下NinjaDS的媒体兼容性(后面有更多的)
That's it! No need forpatching! Just disconnect your SD card fromyourcomputer using thenecessary steps, and then insert it into theNinjaDS. Then, justinsert the Ninja DS into your Nintendo DS like aregulargame card.
TheNinja DS appears as a normal game under the DS main menu as youcanseebelow. Tapping the icon takes you straight into the Ninja DSmainmenu.
The Ninja DS GUI is nice, it's fast, skinnable, touch compatible and simple.
Themain menu has three options: "Launcher", "Media" and "Wifi".TheNinjaDS interface is touch sensitive, but also works using thed-padandbuttons.
Launcher: The launcher is exactly what it's called. This option lets you explore the SD card for ROM files and launch them.
Media: A sub menu with two options. 'MP3' - an MP3 player, and 'Pictures' which lets you browse and view JPEG files.
Wifi:A sub menu with two more options. 'File Reciever' abuilt-inFTP serverand 'NINJAME' a utility that lets you load and runNDS filesacrossy our Wifi network.
Wifi也有两个子菜单,“File Reciever”是一个自带的FTP服务器程序,而“NINJAME”是一个让你通过DSWifi网络载入并且运行程序的工具
Choosing launcher will take you to adirectory view of your SDcard.Folder and file names are limited tothe first 6 characters. Whenyouopen the folder containing ROMs, youare presented with all thegameseach indicated by their filename(again 6 chars) and the ROMsinternalicon.
选择 Launcher 将会出现SD卡带上的一个目录,目录和文件名限定用6个字符标示。当你打开装有NDS ROM的文件夹的时候,会出现它们的图标和文件名(还是只有6个字符)。
Tapping a ROM willdisplay further information on the top screen -thefull filename, theinternal name of the ROM, the second internalline(publisher/continued game name) and the size of the game inmegabits.
Tapping the gameicon again will launch it. There is a slight delaywhenlaunching larger games. The maximum I've experienced is approx.3seconds.
Savegames in NDS ROMs are handled fairly well, and are kept ina'SAV'folder on the root of the SD card. They are RAW 256KB .sav files.
NDS ROM的存档处理得不错,它们保存在SD卡带根目录下的“SAV”文件夹中,采用未加工的256KB的.sav文件保存
If you load a game through the launcher that doesn't have a savefileonyour SD card, or if there isn't even a SAV folder on thecard,theNinja DS will create them both automatically.
Saves are written tothe SD card immediately when saving within agame inreal-time. Andsave game files are linked to each ROM byfilename,unfortunately this means that you can't have more than onesave FILE pergame. (Though theactual game itself may allow severalgame save slots).
As saves are created and stored on the SD card, they can be backed up to your computer with ease.
There are further two options/features found at the bottom right ofthemainNinja DS menu. One is an icon of a GBA cart and the other a DSLitewith a number on it. What are these options? One is a PassMeoption(GBAcart) and the second sets the read speed of your SD card.More ontheselater in the 'Additional Features' section of this review.
而在NinjaDS的主菜单右下角还有两个选项。一个是GBA卡带的图标,这是一个PassMe设置(GBA卡,译者估计是用GBA烧录卡存储NDS ROM,然后那NinjaDS当Passme用的吧),另外一个是一台标明了数字的NDS,这个是SD卡的读取速度。
If your preferred language isn't English, the Ninja DS GUI canalsobeviewed in French, German, Italian and Spanish. AJapaneselanguageoption will be available in a later firmware update.
The language setting is chosen according to what language you have your Nintendo DS set to.
Updatingthe firmware on the NinjaDS is very simple and safe.Simplydownloadthe latest update from the NinjaDS website, copy theupdate.binfile tothe root of your SD card, insert it into your NinjaDS,plug thatintoyour DS and turn on. The update will be detectedautomatically. Andyouwill be asked to confirm the update - make sureyou have a goodportionof battery life yet - don't update with a redlight - and moreimportantly; don't turn off your DS during the updateuntil you aretoldto do so. Doing otherwise could brick your NinjaDS.
Didn't understand that? Here's a video guide on how to update the firmware...
How to update the NinjaDS firmware
So...Using the Ninja DS is very simple, and is made even easier without theneed for PC client software to convert anything.
Everything can just be copied straight to the memory card as it is.
Here's a small shaky-cam video of the Ninja DS showing you a few options and a quick tour of the GUI:
Quick tour of the NinjaDS interface
Now we know how to use the Ninja DS, how does the it actually perform? Let's move on and find out.
NinjaDS的性能 - Ninja DS Performance
Duringthe performance section of this review, I am using a SandiskUltraII1GB SD card formatted in FAT16. The firmware loaded on theNinja DSduring testing is version 1.02. I am using a Black EuropeanNintendoDSLite that is un-flashed.
在评测的性能测试里面,我们使用一块 Sandisk Ultra II 1GB的SD卡,格式化成FAT16格式。固件采用 NinjaDS还在测试中的 1.02版。我们使用的机器是黑色的欧版未刷机的NDS Lite。
PASS: 玩起来和真正的卡带没有两样.
FAIL: 游戏无法载入甚至游戏在进入操作前就死掉了.
PROBLEMS: 游戏可以玩,但是有某些问题.
For review purposes I am going to try the following ROM backups. Let's take a look and see how each one runs individually.
- Animal Crossing Wild World(动物森林:禽兽世界。笑)
- PROBLEMS:Thegameloads and plays, but the menus and speech are extremely slow andtheaudio stutters a lot even using speed mode 3. Wi-Fi appears tobebroken.Saves OK.(游戏可以玩,但是菜单和语音极其缓慢而声音断断续续。采用速度3,Wifi有问题,存档OK) - Asphalt Urban GT(沥青都市)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Big Brain Academy(头脑学校)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Castlevania DS(恶魔城)
- PASS:Introstutters slightly on speed mode 2, plays fine on speed 3.Otherwise,game plays and saves fine.(片头在SPEED2模式下卡,但是SPEED3模式就很好了,其它正常) - Cooking Mama(蛋糕妈咪)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Crash Bandicoot Festival
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Lego Star Wars II(LEOG星球大战II,国内n个烧录卡完蛋的游戏)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Mario Kart DS(马车DS)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. Wi-Fi working. (Speed 2) - MechAssault: Phantom War(机甲先锋)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Megaman ZX(洛克人ZX)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Metroid Prime Hunters(银河战士)
- PROBLEMS:Menusareextremely slow even using speed mode 3 though FMV's play fine.Wi-fiappears to be broken due to the slow loading you get kicked off.Gamesaves OK.(用SPEED3模式菜单极其缓慢,虽然全屏动画播放的挺好的。Wifi挂掉,存档OK) - Need for Speed Underground 2(极品飞车地下狂飙2)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. Wi-Fi working. (Speed 2) - New Super Mario Bros(新超级马里奥)
- PROBLEMS: Game plays and saves fine, but the mini-games section crashes the game. (Speed 2)(mini游戏死机,其它OK) - Nintendogs - Lab and Friends(天堂狗)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney(逆转裁判)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Ping Pals
- FAIL: White screens. (Speed 2/3)(白屏) - Pokémon Dash(口袋冲刺)
- FAIL: White screens. (Speed 2/3)(白屏) - Pokémon Ranger(口袋游侠)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Sonic Rush(索尼克Rush)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Star Fox Command(星际火狐Command)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. Wi-fi appears to work. (Speed 2) - Super Mario 64(马里奥64DS)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Tenchu DS(天诛DS)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Tetris DS(俄罗斯方块DS)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. Wi-fi works. (Speed 2) - The Rub Rabbits(为你而死)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2, European version) - Touch! Kirby's Magic Paint Brush(触摸卡比)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Tony Hawks(托尼滑板)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. Wi-fi appears to work. (Speed 2) - Ultimate Spider-Man(终极蜘蛛人)
- FAIL: Freezes at "Licensed by Nintendo" logo. (Speed 2/3)(显示 Licensed by Nintendo 的LOGO时死掉) - Viewtiful Joe(红侠乔伊)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Yoshi Touch and Go(触摸耀西)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2)
Asyoucan see, unfortunately the Ninja DS is not without a fairshareofcompatibility problems. This said, during my review, the NinjaDSteamcontacted me several times and sent me a few firmware updates.Iamcurrently using 1.02, and compatibility has rose since I tried1.00and1.01.
If the Ninja DS team can continue supporting this productfor sometime,then hopefully they'll fix the remaining problems. Butif theydecide todrop support or release a newer product and work onthat, youcouldpotentially be left with a card that doesn't have agreatcompatibility.
ROM compatibility is not the only problemI've encountered.Duringtesting, I've recieved a few strange errorsthat are probably duetobugs or instability in the Ninja DS's GUI.
Sometimes, when loading a ROM I would get a strange "ROM Error.Pleaserestart ROM." Which forces you to turn off your DS and tryagain,whichthen would work. I've no idea why this happens.
ROM兼容性并不是唯一的问题,在测试期间,我也碰到过一些图形界面方面的BUG。有些时候,当我载入ROM的时候,我看到了一个陌生的提示“ROM Error. Please restart ROM.(ROM错误,请重新开始ROM)”,强制关闭NDS电源重启后问题消失。
Another problemalso, during testing that I've found, is that theNinjaDS appears tosometimes create a lot of corrupt folders in the SAVfolderthat cannotbe deleted and can only be removed by formatting thecard.This bug appears to happen when the SD card is almost full andtries tocreate another .SAV file for a new ROM but has run out ofspace.
The Ninja DS team assure me that this will be fixed very soon and is a problem related to Chism's FAT driver.
Onemore problem I've just found - Single card multiplayerdoesn'tappearto work at all. I've tried several games and they allsendcorrupt datato the recieving DS which is strange. The Nintendo logoontherecieving DS appears scrambled and the network playgetsdisconnected.
Whether this can be fixed via firmware update remains unknown.
Sleepmode support is here! I have tested sleep mode (byclosingthescreens/lid on the Nintendo DS) in several different gamesand itworksflawlessly.
NinjaDS的附加功能 - Additional Ninja DS Features
Let's take a look at the remaining features the Ninja DS has to offer, in order as they appear in the GUI.
Media - Pictures:A very simple image viewer that supportsJPEGs.Images load quickly(even high-res) and are stretched to span thetwoscreens. You canscroll around the image using the touch screen likeyouwould click anddrag a mouse on a PC. There are two icons to zoom inandout of theimage and a exit button to return to the menu.
Media - MP3:A simple MP3 player that supports MP3, WAV, MODandS3M formats. Thereis a file/directory browser on the top screen andatouch screen playeron the bottom. Options are play, pause, stopandplay all. Shuffle andrepeat don't appear to work yet.
The bottom screen shows ID3 information of the currently playing track (title, artist, album).
TheMP3 player supports sleep mode, which will turn off the DSscreensandspeakers and continue playing the music through theheadphonejack.This means you can close your DS screens, put your DS inyourpocketand continue listening to your songs.
Wifi - WIFI FTP:(Renamed from 'File Reciever' to 'Wifi FTP'innewer firmware versions)"WIFI FTP" is a fully fledged FTP server andisvery impressive and even useful! The program uses the Wi-ficonnectioninformation in yourDS firmware that has been setup in a Wi-fienabledgame such as MarioKart DS or Animal Crossing, so if you don'thaveWi-fi configured onyour DS yet you will need to use one of thesegamesand set it upfirst. The server works on port 21, and uses theusernameand password"ninjads" - neither of these settings areconfigurable atthis time.
Wifi-Wifi FTP(新版固件中从“File Reciever”改名成“Wifi FTP”)是一个不错的FTP服务器,他使用NDS本体中的Wifi连接设定,用户名和密码都是“ninjads”。
TheFTP server works very well, and using FlashFXP I could connecttoandbrowse the SD card with long filename support in my Ninja DSinmyNintendo DS wirelessly. I have yet to encounter any problemswiththisprogram. The transfer rate from my PC to my DS in the sameroomstayedat a steady 20KB/s, not the greatest of speeds but the FTPserverisstill very useful. I have been told that the transfer ratewillbeimproved in future firmware versions.
这个FTP服务器工作得非常好,使用FlashFXP 软件我能连接和查看NinjaDS上SD卡的长文件名,在同一个房间中传输率在 20KB/s,虽然速度还不理想,但是这个功能确实好用,而且速度将在新版固件升级中得到改善。(连拷贝ROM都省掉了,当然爽啦!)
Wifi - NINJAME:This feature apparently allows you to bootNDSfiles on your DSdirectly from a network location over Wi-Fi. Isayapparently becausethis feature doesn't work at the moment. The NinjaDSteam assured meit will be working soon.
PassMe: The GBA cart icon issimply a PassMe feature. Thisallowsyou to boot a compatible GBA flashcart adapter (M3, Supercardetc...)from the GBA slot using only theNinja DS.
I have tested this feature with the following cards:
- M3 Adapter - PASSED
- Supercard - PASSED
- EZ Flash IV Lite - PASSED
- eWin 2 - PASSED
SD Card Read Speed:TheDSLite icon is a setting that controls the speed the SD memorycard isreadat. Tapping the icon cycles from speed 1, 2 and 3. 1 beingtheslowest, 2being normal, and 3 being the fastest. Speed settingnumber 3is onlysupported by a small number of SD cards, one of thembeing theSandiskUltra II series. Speed setting number 2 is defaultand isrecommended formost games.
SD卡读取速度:右下角带数字的NDSL图标是控制SD卡的读取速度的。点击图标数字将在1,2,3之间切换,1最慢而3最快。速度3仅支持少数恶SD卡,例如Sandisk Ultra II系列。大部分SD卡推荐采用SPEED2模式。
Skins: The Ninja DSGUI is skinnable in the most simplest ofways.You can replace the mainmenu, ROM launcher and the MP3 player topandbottom screensbackgrounds. Nothing else if configurable.
皮肤:NinjaDS的图形界面支持换肤,你能重新定义主菜单,ROM Launcher和MP3播放器的上、下屏背景。
Backgrounds arereplaced simply by making your own 250x192 JPEG filesandplacing themin a folder named 'BACKGROUNDS' on the root of the SDcard.Here arethe necessary filenames:
- MenuUp.jpg
- MenuDown.jpg
ROM Launcher
- ExplorerUp.jpg
- ExplorerDown.jpg
- PlayerUp.jpg
- PlayerDown.jpg |
NinjaDS上的自制软件-Homebrew on the Ninja DS
Ihave tested seven popular homebrew softwares on the Ninja DS.Fourofwhich were modified by the Ninja DS team themselves to workontheNinja DS, these are clearly noted.
Here are my results:
- DS Organize 2.25 (Ninja DS 修改版):
-Works very well. All main features appear to work, and are abletosave.Homebrew download database works fine, and can download to theSDcard.IRC works fine also. The only problem seems to be that youcan'tboot anyNDS files from within DSOrganize.(运行得很好,所有的主要功能均能工作,并且能保存。自制软件下载数据库工作的不错,而且能下载到SD卡上,IRC同样工作的不错,仅有的问题就是不不能晕倒任何NDS文件) - Moonshell 1.4 (Ninja DS 修改版):
-Seems to work fine. MP3s, JPGs and TXT work, other pluginsseemtofunction. Error when trying to boot homebrew and NDS filesfromwithinMoonshell - "Not supportadapter".(似乎工作不错,MP3、JPG和TXT功能都K。其它插件似乎也很好。但是当我尝试在其下运行自制软件和NDS文件的时候Moonshell报告说“不支持的接口”) - PicoDrive 0.1.5 (Ninja DS 修改版):
-Works just as it should.(工作的很好) - Doom DS (Ninja DS 修改版):
-Requires 'doom.wad' and 'prboom.wad' to be placed on SD card root. Works fine, sound works, no lag, save states work.(要求 doom.wad文件和prboom。wab文件到SD卡的根目录,工作得不错,有声音,无延迟,存档OK) - BeUp 0.3 rev 2
- Works, but crashes soon after loading the contact list or when sending or recieving a message.(工作,但是在载入联系人列表和首发消息后很快死机) - NES DS
-Doesn't boot. White screens and corrupt icon in Ninja DS Launcher.(不能引导,白屏且图标错误) - SNEmulDS
-Doesn't work. Hangs when trying to initialise file system.(不能工作)
Asyoucansee, unless the homebrew app has been made to work with theNinjaDS,then chances of it working properly are slim. The good newsis thattheNinja DS team have released their 'FATLIB' so hopefullymoredeveloperswill implement support for this product in theirhomebrew.
There are two additional features of the Ninja DS thatare designedforhomebrew purposes. These are documented in theinstructionleafletincluded.
The first of the two features is an option to automatically boot an.NDSfile from your SD card withoutentering the Ninja DS menu. Thisisachieved by renaming the file to'default.nds' and placing it intheroot of the SD card. Then turn onyour DS and while holding down the'L'trigger, enter the Ninja DS GUIand it will automatically bootthe'default.nds' file.
两个功能中的一个是在进入NinjaDS菜单的时候将自动运行一个 .NDS 文件。需要把你要自动运行的 .NDS文件改名教'default.nds' 然后放在SD卡的根目录下,当你按住L键不放打开NDS,进入NinjaDS的图形界面的时候将自动运行这个文件。
I tested this with a homebrew game called "Rubber Bands" and a backup ROM of "Yoshi Touch & Go"; both auto booted correctly.
我用一个叫“Rubber Bands”的自制软件和商业游戏“触摸耀西”做了测试,都能成功。
Thesecond additional feature is a homebrew flash area. Thereis1MB(megabyte) of onboard flash ROM that can be flashed with anyNDSfilethat will fit in its limited space. Unfortunately this featurehasnot yet been implemented, the team have told me that they'd ratherworkon other features and ROM compatibility first, this featurewillfollow soon.
Now the Ninja DS has finally been released, how did it shape up?
TheNinja DS is by no means a terrible product. It's hardlythemostaesthetically pleasing product but this is due to the fact thatitusesstandard SD memory cards, large sizes of which (up to 2GB)canbepurchased very cheap these days. The cards build qualityissolidotherwise.
It seems to be early days for the Ninja DS, mostproblems it faces -themajority being ROM compatibility - can be fixedthroughfirmwareupdates, along with the missing features like"NINJAME" and the1MBhomebrew flash area. The issue with single cardmultiplayer - beingthatit doesn't work at all, is a big problem, andwe're uncertainwhetherthis can be fixed via a firmware update or not.
Whetheror not the team continues to support this product andfixtheseproblems can't be told... Though if they continue supportingitlikethey have done during my review, then mostcompatibilityproblemsshould be fixed in no time.
So, let's just hope their new line of products work on the same firmware as this version of the Ninja DS.
TheNinja DS does offer some very tempting features. The biggestofwhichis the ability to run clean ROMs without any kind ofpatchingormodification needed. The amount of time and fuss this savescomparedtoother kits on the market is staggering. The only thing you'llneedtokeep updated is the Ninja DS' firmware.
Other great featuresthis card has to offer are the FTP server -whichworks great, and isjust an excellent feature to have built in fromthestart, an option touse the card as a PassMe and boot toothercompatible GBA flash kits, abuilt in image viewer and MP3 player-though minimal at best are stillhandy, and other features soon tobeadded. The NINJAME option which issaid to boot .NDS files directlyonthe DS across your Wi-Fi networksounds like a very interestingfeature,but again; is still yet to come.
Overall,the Ninja DS feels like it was released a few weeks tooearly.Thefirmware needs work, and hopefully will recieve thenecessaryupdates.And if then, you can over look how the card sticksout, thenthe NinjaDS could be a very promising card.
+ Extremely easy to use(极其容易使用)
+ Supports clean ROMs(支持CleanROM)
+ Expandable memory - standard SD cards(支持扩展容量的SD卡)
+ Great automatic save game system(伟大的自动游戏存档功能)
+ Very nice additional built-in features - FTP, PassMe, media capabilities(FTP、PassMe、媒体播放器等内建功能非常不错)
+ GUI is nice, fast and simple(界面美观、简洁和快速)
+ Skinnable GUI(可以换皮肤)
+ Firmware updates seem to be very frequent(固件升级很频繁)
+ Supports sleep mode(支持休眠模式)
- Ugly design - sticks out of the DS and impedes its portability(丑陋的设计)
- The current firmware can be buggy at times(目前的固件臭虫太多)
- ROM compatibility currently not too good(ROM兼容性还不是太好)
- Single card multi player doesn't work(单卡多人功能不支持)
- Some advertised features not yet working(一些功能还没有开放)
- Needs more support on the homebrew front(需要更好的支持自制软件)
Thanks for reading!
作者: 斗烟玉 时间: 2006-9-20 02:40
作者: jun4rui 时间: 2006-9-20 02:51
GBAtemp.net review of the...
Ninja DS
制造商: www.ninjads.com
shaunj66于 2006年9月12日
- "No Original Cart Needed(无须正版卡带)
- No GBA Flashcart Needed(无须GBA烧录卡)
- No Needed Flash NDS Or Included .DAT File In SD(不用给NDS刷机,也不用在SD上复制.DAT文件)
- Compatible With Any GBA flashcart,Nf,Scard,M3,Etc..(兼容所有的GBA槽烧录卡,什么SC、M3之类的)
- Supports Old/New NDS & NDS Lite(支持老版本的NDS和新的NDSL)
- SD Card Slot Bundled(内建SD插口)
- 2mbytes FlashROM(2MByte的闪存ROM)
- Friendly & Easy Menu(友好且使用简单的菜单)
- Homebrew/Backup Player & Development Tool(有自制/备份播放器[?]和开发工具)
- Libraries for Developers Available(有开发者用函数库)
- SD Card MP3 Player(带有支持SD卡上的MP3播放器)
- Wifi Connection"(支持WIfi联网)
- 1x Ninja DS(Ninja DS一片)
- 1x Instructions leaflet(小说明书一张)
The Ninja DS
使用NinjaDS - Using the Ninja DS
引用(Ninja DS使用说明)
1、简单的将你的MP3、JPG等文件拷贝到采用FAT16分区格式的SD卡上,把卡插入到Ninja DS上然后将其插入到NDS中
首先我们将SD卡用读卡器链接到电脑上,格式化成FAT16分区格式,然后将Clean ROM和一些自制软件文件拖到SD卡傻瓜内,并复制一些JPG和MP3文件测试下NinjaDS的媒体兼容性(后面有更多的)
Wifi也有两个子菜单,“File Reciever”是一个自带的FTP服务器程序,而“NINJAME”是一个让你通过DSWifi网络载入并且运行程序的工具
选择 Launcher 将会出现SD卡带上的一个目录,目录和文件名限定用6个字符标示。当你打开装有NDS ROM的文件夹的时候,会出现它们的图标和文件名(还是只有6个字符)。
NDS ROM的存档处理得不错,它们保存在SD卡带根目录下的“SAV”文件夹中,采用未加工的256KB的.sav文件保存
而在NinjaDS的主菜单右下角还有两个选项。一个是GBA卡带的图标,这是一个PassMe设置(GBA卡,译者估计是用GBA烧录卡存储NDS ROM,然后那NinjaDS当Passme用的吧),另外一个是一台标明了数字的NDS,这个是SD卡的读取速度。
在评测的性能测试里面,我们使用一块 Sandisk Ultra II 1GB的SD卡,格式化成FAT16格式。固件采用 NinjaDS还在测试中的 1.02版。我们使用的机器是黑色的欧版未刷机的NDS Lite。
PASS: 玩起来和真正的卡带没有两样.
FAIL: 游戏无法载入甚至游戏在进入操作前就死掉了.
PROBLEMS: 游戏可以玩,但是有某些问题.
- Animal Crossing Wild World(动物森林:禽兽世界。笑)
- PROBLEMS:(游戏可以玩,但是菜单和语音极其缓慢而声音断断续续。采用速度3,Wifi有问题,存档OK) - Asphalt Urban GT(沥青都市)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Big Brain Academy(头脑学校)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Castlevania DS(恶魔城)
- PASS:(片头在SPEED2模式下卡,但是SPEED3模式就很好了,其它正常) - Cooking Mama(蛋糕妈咪)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Crash Bandicoot Festival
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Lego Star Wars II(LEOG星球大战II,国内n个烧录卡完蛋的游戏)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Mario Kart DS(马车DS)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. Wi-Fi working. (Speed 2) - MechAssault: Phantom War(机甲先锋)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Megaman ZX(洛克人ZX)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Metroid Prime Hunters(银河战士)
- PROBLEMS:(用SPEED3模式菜单极其缓慢,虽然全屏动画播放的挺好的。Wifi挂掉,存档OK) - Need for Speed Underground 2(极品飞车地下狂飙2)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. Wi-Fi working. (Speed 2) - New Super Mario Bros(新超级马里奥)
- PROBLEMS: (mini游戏死机,其它OK) - Nintendogs - Lab and Friends(天堂狗)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney(逆转裁判)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Ping Pals
- FAIL: White screens. (Speed 2/3)(白屏) - Pokémon Dash(口袋冲刺)
- FAIL: White screens. (Speed 2/3)(白屏) - Pokémon Ranger(口袋游侠)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Sonic Rush(索尼克Rush)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Star Fox Command(星际火狐Command)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. Wi-fi appears to work. (Speed 2) - Super Mario 64(马里奥64DS)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Tenchu DS(天诛DS)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Tetris DS(俄罗斯方块DS)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. Wi-fi works. (Speed 2) - The Rub Rabbits(为你而死)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2, European version) - Touch! Kirby's Magic Paint Brush(触摸卡比)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Tony Hawks(托尼滑板)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. Wi-fi appears to work. (Speed 2) - Ultimate Spider-Man(终极蜘蛛人)
- FAIL: (显示 Licensed by Nintendo 的LOGO时死掉) - Viewtiful Joe(红侠乔伊)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2) - Yoshi Touch and Go(触摸耀西)
- PASS: Plays and saves fine. (Speed 2)
ROM兼容性并不是唯一的问题,在测试期间,我也碰到过一些图形界面方面的BUG。有些时候,当我载入ROM的时候,我看到了一个陌生的提示“ROM Error. Please restart ROM.(ROM错误,请重新开始ROM)”,强制关闭NDS电源重启后问题消失。
Wifi-Wifi FTP(新版固件中从“File Reciever”改名成“Wifi FTP”)是一个不错的FTP服务器,他使用NDS本体中的Wifi连接设定,用户名和密码都是“ninjads”。
这个FTP服务器工作得非常好,使用FlashFXP 软件我能连接和查看NinjaDS上SD卡的长文件名,在同一个房间中传输率在 20KB/s,虽然速度还不理想,但是这个功能确实好用,而且速度将在新版固件升级中得到改善。(连拷贝ROM都省掉了,当然爽啦!)
- M3 Adapter - PASSED
- Supercard - PASSED
- EZ Flash IV Lite - PASSED
- eWin 2 - PASSED
SD卡读取速度:右下角带数字的NDSL图标是控制SD卡的读取速度的。点击图标数字将在1,2,3之间切换,1最慢而3最快。速度3仅支持少数恶SD卡,例如Sandisk Ultra II系列。大部分SD卡推荐采用SPEED2模式。
皮肤:NinjaDS的图形界面支持换肤,你能重新定义主菜单,ROM Launcher和MP3播放器的上、下屏背景。
- MenuUp.jpg
- MenuDown.jpg
ROM Launcher
- ExplorerUp.jpg
- ExplorerDown.jpg
- PlayerUp.jpg
- PlayerDown.jpg |
- DS Organize 2.25 (Ninja DS 修改版):
-(运行得很好,所有的主要功能均能工作,并且能保存。自制软件下载数据库工作的不错,而且能下载到SD卡上,IRC同样工作的不错,仅有的问题就是不不能晕倒任何NDS文件) - Moonshell 1.4 (Ninja DS 修改版):
-(似乎工作不错,MP3、JPG和TXT功能都K。其它插件似乎也很好。但是当我尝试在其下运行自制软件和NDS文件的时候Moonshell报告说“不支持的接口”) - PicoDrive 0.1.5 (Ninja DS 修改版):
-(工作的很好) - Doom DS (Ninja DS 修改版):
-(要求 doom.wad文件和prboom。wab文件到SD卡的根目录,工作得不错,有声音,无延迟,存档OK) - BeUp 0.3 rev 2
- (工作,但是在载入联系人列表和首发消息后很快死机) - NES DS
-(不能引导,白屏且图标错误) - SNEmulDS
两个功能中的一个是在进入NinjaDS菜单的时候将自动运行一个 .NDS 文件。需要把你要自动运行的 .NDS文件改名教'default.nds' 然后放在SD卡的根目录下,当你按住L键不放打开NDS,进入NinjaDS的图形界面的时候将自动运行这个文件。
我用一个叫“Rubber Bands”的自制软件和商业游戏“触摸耀西”做了测试,都能成功。
+ Extremely easy to use(极其容易使用)
+ Supports clean ROMs(支持CleanROM)
+ Expandable memory - standard SD cards(支持扩展容量的SD卡)
+ Great automatic save game system(伟大的自动游戏存档功能)
+ Very nice additional built-in features - FTP, PassMe, media capabilities(FTP、PassMe、媒体播放器等内建功能非常不错)
+ GUI is nice, fast and simple(界面美观、简洁和快速)
+ Skinnable GUI(可以换皮肤)
+ Firmware updates seem to be very frequent(固件升级很频繁)
+ Supports sleep mode(支持休眠模式)
- Ugly design - sticks out of the DS and impedes its portability(丑陋的设计)
- The current firmware can be buggy at times(目前的固件臭虫太多)
- ROM compatibility currently not too good(ROM兼容性还不是太好)
- Single card multi player doesn't work(单卡多人功能不支持)
- Some advertised features not yet working(一些功能还没有开放)
- Needs more support on the homebrew front(需要更好的支持自制软件)
作者: 第N个新来的小P孩 时间: 2006-9-20 03:14
作者: cc0128 时间: 2006-9-20 07:23
作者: bububububu 时间: 2006-9-20 07:45
作者: 真阿拉鬱悶安 时间: 2006-9-20 08:43
長太多... 影響外觀,所以覺得不夠完美。
作者: iiwang 时间: 2006-9-20 08:46
作者: gil 时间: 2006-9-20 08:50
作者: Jeffrey 时间: 2006-9-20 08:57
作者: 少先队员 时间: 2006-9-20 09:01
作者: 我不懂 时间: 2006-9-20 09:11
作者: n2 时间: 2006-9-20 09:25
作者: camelot 时间: 2006-9-20 09:39
作者: blackisle 时间: 2006-9-20 09:40
作者: 光之翼 时间: 2006-9-20 09:50
一个字,“太长鸟”(不管是卡还是贴子 )
作者: xiandan 时间: 2006-9-20 09:53
记得当初NinjiaDS发概念的图的时候 牛X轰轰的是张原卡的大小,根本不是现在这种两倍长的形状.
作者: BigBangBang 时间: 2006-9-20 10:10
█ ←数据线
作者: 卡米哇可可 时间: 2006-9-20 10:17
作者: 飞人乔丹 时间: 2006-9-20 11:07
作者: dhddhddhd 时间: 2006-9-20 11:40
作者: 劳模 时间: 2006-9-20 12:30
:D 不兼容的比DS还多,问题多多,烧录卡就不存在完美兼容一说
作者: 今晚打老鼠 时间: 2006-9-20 12:46
作者: fangel 时间: 2006-9-20 15:48
作者: dhddhddhd 时间: 2006-9-20 15:50
作者: 长牛角 时间: 2006-9-20 15:54
原帖由 光之翼 于 2006-9-20 09:50 发表
一个字,“太长鸟”(不管是卡还是贴子 )
作者: winger 时间: 2006-9-20 17:28
作者: westlost 时间: 2006-9-20 19:40
作者: 洛克狼 时间: 2006-9-20 20:26
作者: van601030 时间: 2006-9-20 21:09
按照说的来看 改进了外观的话 会很不错哦
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