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标题: 卡神在CES上接受Gameinformer采访第一部分 [打印本页]

作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2007-1-10 21:11     标题: 卡神在CES上接受Gameinformer采访第一部分 ... 37.15034.htm?Page=1

GI: At QuakeCon two years ago, you were very adamant during your keynote about not being too thrilled about developing for multi-core systems. Not just specifically with PCs, but also the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Now that you’ve been working with both of them since then, have your thoughts changed at all?

Carmack: Microsoft has made some pretty nice tools that show you what you can make on the Xbox 360. I get a nice multi-frame graph, and I can label everything across six threads and three cores. They are nice tools for doing all of that, but the fundamental problem is that it’s still hard to do. If you want to utilize all of that unused performance, it’s going to become more of a risk to you and bring pain and suffering to the programming side. It already tends to be a long pole in the tent for getting a game out of the door. It’s no help to developers to be adding all of this extra stuff where we can spend more effort on this. We’re going to be incentivized, obviously, to take advantage of the system, because everybody’s going to be doing that. It’s not like anyone’s going to say that it’s impossible to do. People tend to look at it from the up side. It gives you this many more flops and it gives you this much more power to do that. But you have to recognize that there is another edge to that sword, and you will suffer in some ways for dealing with this. I don’t have any expectation that anytime soon, a massive breakthrough will occur that will make parallel programming much easier. It’s been an active research project for many years. Better tools will help and somewhat better programming methodologies will help. One of the big problems with modern game development with CC++ languages is that your junior programmer who’s supposed to be over there working on how the pistol works can’t have one tiny little erase condition that interacts with the background thread doing something. I do sweat about the fragility of what we do with the large-scale software stuff with multiple programmers developing on things, and adding multi-core development makes it much scarier and much worse in that regard.

So we’re dealing with it, but it’s an aspect of the landscape that obviously would have been better if we would have been able to get more gigahertz in a processor core. But life didn’t turn out like that, and we have to just take the best advantage with it.

GI: You talked a lot about the Xbox 360. What are your thoughts on the PlayStation 3 now that you’ve had more time on it?

Carmack: We’ve got our PlayStation 3 dev kits, and we’ve got our code compiling on it. I do intend to do a simultaneous release on it. But the honest truth is that Microsoft dev tools are so much better than Sony’s. We expect to keep in mind the issues of bringing this up on the PlayStation 3. But we’re not going to do much until we’re at the point where we need to bring it up to spec on the PlayStation 3. We’ll probably do that two or three times during the major development schedule. It’s not something we’re going to try and keep in-step with us. None of my opinions have really changed on that. I think the decision to use an asymmetric CPU by Sony was a wrong one. There are aspects that could make it a winning decision, but they’re not helpful to the developers. If they make the developers say that Sony is going to own the main marketplace, let’s make them develop toward this and build it this way, it would somewhat downplay the benefits of the Xbox 360 and play to the PlayStation 3’s strengths. I suspect they’re not going to overwhelmingly crush the marketplace this time, which wasn’t clear a year ago. A lot of people were thinking it’s going to be a rerun of the last generation, and it’s now looking like it might not be. I’ve been pulling for Microsoft, because I think they’ve done a better job for development support, and I think they have made somewhat smarter decisions on the platform. It’s not like the PlayStation 3 is a piece of junk or anything. I was not a fan of the PlayStation 2 and the way its architecture was set up. With the PlayStation 3, it’s not even that it’s ugly--they just took a design decision that wasn’t the best from a development standpoint.

作者: muranus    时间: 2007-1-10 21:15

But the honest truth is that Microsoft dev tools are so much better than Sony’s.

作者: 顶级FORD    时间: 2007-1-10 21:16



作者: 狩魔冥    时间: 2007-1-10 21:27

It’s not like the PlayStation 3 is a piece of junk or anything.
作者: silverhoof    时间: 2007-1-10 21:32

A lot of people were thinking it’s going to be a rerun of the last generation, and it’s now looking like it might not be.

作者: 猛男乙    时间: 2007-1-10 21:34

I’ve been pulling for Microsoft, because I think they’ve done a better job for development support, and I think they have made somewhat smarter decisions on the platform. It’s not like the PlayStation 3 is a piece of junk or anything.I was not a fan of the PlayStation 2 and the way its architecture was set up. ..


作者: hourousha    时间: 2007-1-10 21:47

作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2007-1-10 21:47

其实那两句话在表扬sony,虽然他认为sony的选择不正确,但ps3也不是a piece of junk,而且比ps2好多了……从程序员的角度来sony的选择不好不代表市场不接受
作者: 藕是张力    时间: 2007-1-10 22:03

作者: BD    时间: 2007-1-10 22:05


论起开发环境,当然是微软的好,那么多年的Visual Studio白做的?
作者: hourousha    时间: 2007-1-10 22:12

作者: 林中骑士    时间: 2007-1-10 22:13

作者: west2046    时间: 2007-1-10 22:13

作者: 林中骑士    时间: 2007-1-10 22:14

原帖由 BD 于 2007-1-10 22:05 发表

论起开发环境,当然是微软的好,那么多年的Visual Studio白做的?
作者: tdkgtm    时间: 2007-1-10 22:14

原帖由 BD 于 2007-1-10 22:05 发表

论起开发环境,当然是微软的好,那么多年的Visual Studio白做的?
作者: ibelieveicandie    时间: 2007-1-10 22:18

原帖由 hourousha 于 2007-1-10 22:12 发表
作者: westlost    时间: 2007-1-10 22:21

I’ve been pulling for Microsoft, because I think they’ve done a better job for development support, and I think they have made somewhat smarter decisions on the platform.
作者: xtpl    时间: 2007-1-10 22:32

作者: baggio635193    时间: 2007-1-10 22:37

原帖由 xtpl 于 2007-1-10 22:32 发表
作者: 网上的final    时间: 2007-1-10 23:54

偶就勉为其难的翻译一下吧 :D
      quakecon两年前 你非常坚持在你左右不要太兴奋了基调发展为多核心系统. 不只是具体电脑,而且xbox的PlayStation3和360. 现在,你已经同他们两人自那时起,一切都在改变你的想法? carmack:微软已经取得了一些漂亮的表演,你有什么好工具就可以做出xbox360. 我要漂亮多帧图形,而且我可以跨越一切帽子、三芯线六. 他们所做的一切都是很好的工具,但根本的问题是,它仍然很难做. 如果你想利用这一切,未表现这将成为一个更危险议编程带来痛苦的一面. 这似乎是一个已经在漫长杆搭帐棚游戏出家门. 它的发展是没有帮助所有这些额外添加的东西我们可以花更多精力. 我们将予以incentivized,显然利用该系统,因为大家的将是在这样做. 它不像别人去说不可能这样做. 人们往往从增长方. 这让你多反复,这也使你更有权这样做. 但你不得不承认,还有力地说剑在某些方面,你会受到处理. 我没有任何期望不久将出现大量的突破,将使并行程序容易得多. 这是一个积极的研究项目多年. 更好的工具,将有助于更好地编程方法将会有所帮助. 其中一个大问题,用现代语言游戏开发完工++初级程序员谁是你的工作理应是那边如何手枪作品一不可抹杀大喜条件与在后台线程做事. 我的汗水与我们脆弱的大型软件开发程序员多一点东西, 加上多核心发展非常可怕,使得这方面的更糟. 所以我们对付它, 但它的一个方面的景观,显然会比较好,如果我们都能够在一个更加兆赫处理器核心. 但生命并不属实,而我们只把最好的优势来. 肠胃:你畅谈xbox360. 您对目前的PlayStation3,你有更多时间呢? carmack:我们的仰韶文化的PlayStation3368套,我们一定得在编制代码. 我打算做同步发行. 但事实是,微软诚实工具等368比索尼的. 我们期望铭记这一问题带来了对游戏机3. 但我们并不是在做多点,直到我们要努力达到的光谱的PlayStation3. 也许我们会做两至三倍,在大开发的时间表. 这不是我们要去尝试紧步我们. 我真的没有意见,就改变了. 我认为决定使用对称CPU的错误之一是索尼. 还有一个方面,可以使它赢得决策,但是他们没有帮助开发商. 开发商说,如果他们提出索尼将自己的主要市场 让他们把它朝着这样它的好处有点淡化xbox360玩游戏机到3的优势. 我猜想他们不会压倒粉碎市集此时,一年前尚不清楚. 很多人以为今天是一场重播的上一代而它现在的样子,可能不是. 我被拉动微软,因为我觉得他们已经做了更好的发展支助, 我觉得你们有点醒了决策平台. 它不像是一块垃圾的PlayStation3或者什么. 我不是范的PlayStation2和的方式成立,其建筑. 随着游戏机三日它连它的丑陋--他们只是代为设计决定,从发展的角度看,并非最佳.
作者: 红叶    时间: 2007-1-11 00:20

作者: 猛男乙    时间: 2007-1-11 00:21

原帖由 网上的final 于 2007-1-10 23:54 发表
偶就勉为其难的翻译一下吧 :D
      quakecon两年前 你非常坚持在你左右不要太兴奋了基调发展为多核心系统. 不只是具体电脑,而且xbox的PlayStation3 ...
作者: RestlessDream    时间: 2007-1-11 00:58

But the honest truth is that Microsoft dev tools are so much better than Sony’s.

With the PlayStation 3, it’s not even that it’s ugly--they just took a design decision that wasn’t the best from a development standpoint.
作者: west2046    时间: 2007-1-11 06:21

卡神 果然给人喷了!!!
不过发现 喷的厉害的3D人都很强!!:D
作者: dboy99    时间: 2007-1-11 08:38

作者: tdkgtm    时间: 2007-1-11 09:07

作者: handsomeken    时间: 2007-1-11 09:22

原帖由 网上的final 于 2007-1-10 23:54 发表
偶就勉为其难的翻译一下吧 :D
      quakecon两年前 你非常坚持在你左右不要太兴奋了基调发展为多核心系统. 不只是具体电脑,而且xbox的PlayStation3 ...
作者: handsomeken    时间: 2007-1-11 09:25


GI: At QuakeCon two years ago, you were very adamant during your keynote about not being too thrilled about developing for multi-core systems. Not just specifically with PCs, but also the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Now that you’ve been working with both of them since then, have your thoughts changed at all?

GI:在2年前的QuakeCon上,您曾经坚决地表示在多核心系统上做开发工作不会有很大难度,这其中不仅仅指个人电脑,也包括索尼的PS3和Xbox 360。在您已经在两个平台上工作了一段时间的今天,不知道您的看法是否与当时有所不同?

Carmack: Microsoft has made some pretty nice tools that show you what you can make on the Xbox 360. I get a nice multi-frame graph, and I can label everything across six threads and three cores. They are nice tools for doing all of that, but the fundamental problem is that it’s still hard to do. If you want to utilize all of that unused performance, it’s going to become more of a risk to you and bring pain and suffering to the programming side. It already tends to be a long pole in the tent for getting a game out of the door. It’s no help to developers to be adding all of this extra stuff where we can spend more effort on this. We’re going to be incentivized, obviously, to take advantage of the system, because everybody’s going to be doing that. It’s not like anyone’s going to say that it’s impossible to do. People tend to look at it from the up side. It gives you this many more flops and it gives you this much more power to do that. But you have to recognize that there is another edge to that sword, and you will suffer in some ways for dealing with this. I don’t have any expectation that anytime soon, a massive breakthrough will occur that will make parallel programming much easier. It’s been an active research project for many years. Better tools will help and somewhat better programming methodologies will help. One of the big problems with modern game development with CC++ languages is that your junior programmer who’s supposed to be over there working on how the pistol works can’t have one tiny little erase condition that interacts with the background thread doing something. I do sweat about the fragility of what we do with the large-scale software stuff with multiple programmers developing on things, and adding multi-core development makes it much scarier and much worse in that regard.


[ 本帖最后由 handsomeken 于 2007-1-11 09:42 编辑 ]
作者: 网上的final    时间: 2007-1-11 09:29

我现在已经能阅读机器翻译了 !!
作者: silverhoof    时间: 2007-1-11 10:49

Carmack的选择非常理智,他并不是因为Microsoft有Visual Studio而选择XO,他是因为看到了CELL结构不适合应付目前主流游戏的需求,因此更加倾向XO。就像当年他对DX早期版本嗤之以鼻而坚持OPEN GL一样。
作者: 卡马克    时间: 2007-1-11 10:53

原帖由 BD 于 2007-1-10 22:05 发表

论起开发环境,当然是微软的好,那么多年的Visual Studio白做的?
作者: kirbyx    时间: 2007-1-11 10:56

原帖由 tdkgtm 于 2007-1-10 22:14 发表

作者: baggio635193    时间: 2007-1-11 11:03


[ 本帖最后由 baggio635193 于 2007-1-11 13:10 编辑 ]

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