Why It Rocked: One announcement at the end of July had one of the largest effects on the entire gaming industry. Surprisingly, it had nothing to do with console shortages, the HD revolution or perennial favorites like Halo or Grand Theft Auto slipping to 2007. No, the largest surprise that rocked us all was the decision by the ESA to restructure E3 from the massive trade show that it's become known as into a smaller, more intimate affair that will move from downtown Los Angles in May to Santa Monica in July. With larger companies becoming increasingly disenchanted with the ever increasingly extravagant costs of the show, as well as multiple publishers holding their own separate showcase events, it seemed like it was only a matter of time before something had to give.
What no one expected would happen was a downsizing of the 12-year old show, which had become synonymous with large crowds, massive press conferences and flashy demos. With the elimination of the single "mega-show" in favor of smaller press events and meetings with media, retailers and developers, the restructuring of E3 also spawned a new consumer show, the Entertainment for All Expo, which will take place in October.
Ladies and Gentlemen, may we please have a moment of silence, because E3 as we all knew it is dead. E3, we are pouring out a 40 in your honor.
谁是E3接班人?IDG说:E For All Expo是也
发表于 Jan 10, 2007, 8:03 PM ET by Icebin
归类: 科技新闻, 游戏产品
对许多游戏玩家而言,2006年是丰收的一年–三大 次世代主机全部到齐;也是令人伤心的一年–E3展的黯然落幕。不过这并不代表整个活动取消,而是改成较小型的商展。而主辨单位历经几个月来的讨论,最近终于将这个接班人的名称拍板定案,命名为:Entertainment For All Expo( 简称 E For All )。
2007年的E For All Expo将会在10月18日~20日于洛杉矶会议中心举行,内容当然还是会以最新的电玩游戏为主。不过到时究竟会端出什么样的菜色?就请各位随时注意官方网站的消息吧。