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标题: Fallout 3~~又出在。。。 [打印本页]

作者: enjoyud    时间: 2007-1-20 10:50     标题: Fallout 3~~又出在。。。

Fallout: 3 On It's Way For Xbox 360

The Fallout series is perhaps one of the crown jewels of PC RPGs. But now, 360 owners will be happy to know the next mutant slaughter fest is heading their way. Here's what Todd Howard (Executive producer of Oblivion, Morrowind and Fallout) had to say in an interview with UK Official Xbox Magazine.

"With regard to Bethesda's plans for 2007 and beyond, he told us; "We started work (on Fallout 3) in late 2004 with a few people. We only had about 10 people on it until Oblivion wrapped, but most of our staff is on it now." Is it wishful thinking that Fallout 3 will eventually be released on Microsoft's next-gen machine? With the game itself utilising the same Gamebryo engine as Oblivion, perhaps not. And promised to be as huge and open-ended as their multi-award winning 2006 effort, demand for Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360 would be huge.
"We have pretty long preproduction phases on our stuff," continues Howard "doing concepts, design, building prototypes, and such. We should be ready soon to show it off, but we'll see."

For more details and the full interview with Bethesda, check out issue 18 of the Official Xbox 360 Magazine, on sale from the 15th of February."

简单翻译,Fallout 3由 Bethesda 开发,大概在2004年动工,初期只有10人左右。。但是在老头4完成之后,几乎全体人马都加入到fallout3 的工作中。更多的消息会在2月18号的xbox360官方杂志上放出。。。

作者: zenhigh    时间: 2007-1-20 11:00

作者: enjoyud    时间: 2007-1-20 11:05

那么那个xbox 360官方杂志的preview呢?
Is it wishful thinking that Fallout 3 will eventually be released on Microsoft's next-gen machine? With the game itself utilising the same Gamebryo engine as Oblivion, perhaps not.
作者: acid    时间: 2007-1-20 11:06

作者: zenhigh    时间: 2007-1-20 11:11

作者: swiss    时间: 2007-1-20 11:16

作者: kony    时间: 2007-1-20 11:17

作者: 紫龍    时间: 2007-1-20 11:37

作者: clond    时间: 2007-1-20 14:00

作者: frostboy126    时间: 2007-1-20 14:26

作者: tank149510    时间: 2007-1-20 15:29

作者: 青青乐园    时间: 2007-1-20 16:20

作者: RestlessDream    时间: 2007-1-20 17:38



■ 贴出的OXM上原文报道的内容,和当初 Interplay 公布把 Fallout 3 开发权卖给 Bathesda 时透露的消息差不多,没有什么新变化。

■ Fallout 3将使用Oblivion的授权引擎Gamebryo也是当初确定的。

■ Gamebryo是一个通用引擎,不是Bathesda自己开发的,而是授权得来。Gamebryo相对于同辈的UE3,画面并不特别突出。该引擎面向PC\Xbox 360\PS3都有不同的优化开发版本。

■ OXM原文只字未提Fallout 3要登陆Xbox 360

■ 按照Fallout系列的传统,这款回合制 RPG是否能适应TV game平台值得怀疑。更不用说用手柄在一堆S.P.E.C.I.A.L.属性和Skills/perks里来回折腾了。鉴于创造Fallout的Tim Cain大叔(Fallout2计划刚开始他就走人了……但Fallout依然是Tim Cain个人色彩极浓厚的作品。如果你还记得Fo的小图标,那个戴眼镜的毛茸茸的大叔头像的话)后来自立门户用HL2开发的Bloodline惨败这点看来,要把经典的TRPG色彩浓厚的回合制RPG搬到新的3D时代恐怕不那么容易……
作者: 金碧辉煌    时间: 2007-1-20 17:39

2D就可以了 3D无所谓的

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