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标题: 克雷斯波给米兰发出贺电!!! [打印本页]

作者: sarion    时间: 2007-5-6 21:22     标题: 克雷斯波给米兰发出贺电!!!

Inter's Crespo sends congratulations to AC Milan

May 04, 2007

Inter Milan striker Hernan Crespo sent his best wishes to former club AC Milan after their Champions League success this week against Manchester United.

Crespo, who played for Milan last season, said: "I'm happy for (coach Carlo) Ancelotti and for the boys, they have played brilliantly and I'm sure that now that they have the chance to gain revenge after what happened two years ago, they will do everything to achieve it.

"A prediction for the final? I never do that, I am a player."
作者: dearhjj    时间: 2007-5-6 21:34

作者: 无邪    时间: 2007-5-7 09:36

作者: 高城紫门    时间: 2007-5-7 10:33

作者: van601030    时间: 2007-5-7 12:10

同希望啊 可惜了~~~ 相当的遗憾
作者: van601030    时间: 2007-5-7 12:26

同希望啊 可惜了~~~ 相当的遗憾

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