『歴史は駈け廻る——』(The Chronicles of history. It's as rapid as the blink of
an eye.)
离散の老预言者と流浪の三姉妹(The diaspora ancient oracle and vagrant sisters.)
父と母を両皿に倾かざる少女の天秤(The scales of Layla influenced by Moor and
昏き冷雨の牢狱 朽の眠りに囚われし男(A cold dank dungeon, a man in the grip of a
夺われし焔を取り戻し 绯き瞳を静かに开いた(The lost flame revealed in his soul.
He awakened with ruby eyes.)
男は少女に问うた 少女は《美しき夜》の名で応えた(He asked the girl.) [xxxx?]
(The reply is "Layla".) [Anaa ismii Layla.]
少女も男に问うた 答えは驯染みの无い异国の响き(She returned the question.)
[Ma-smuka?] (His reply was crepted.) [xxxx.]
少女は男を《悪魔》と呼ぶことにした 男は奇妙に嗤った(She proclaimed him a
demon.) [Shaytān.] (He laughed mysteriously. )
少女は生死を别つ渊に立ちながらも 凛として怯えなかった……(Perched upon the
precipice, She showed no fear……)
‘历史循环往复——’(The Chronicles of history. It's as rapid as the blink of an
离散的老预言家和流浪的三姐妹(The diaspora ancient oracle and vagrant sisters.)
少女的天秤无法向父母中任何一方倾斜(The scales of Layla influenced by Moor and
阴冷潮湿的牢狱 被囚禁在腐坏长眠中的男人(A cold dank dungeon, a man in the grip
of a coma.)
取回了被夺走的火焰 绯色的眼眸静静地睁开(The lost flame revealed in his soul. He
awakened with ruby eyes.)
男人向少女问道 她答以“美丽之夜”的名字(He asked the girl. The reply was
“xxxx?”[xxxx?] “我叫Layla。”[Anaa
ismii Layla.]⑤
少女向男人问道 他答以从未听过的异国语言(She returned the question. His reply
was cryptic.)
“你是谁?”[Ma-smuka?] “xxxx.”
少女将男人称为“恶魔” 男人却神秘地笑了(She proclaimed him a demon. He laughed
她没有丝毫胆怯 尽管正站在生死两隔的边缘…(Perched upon the precipice, She
showed no fear……)
『争いの歴史は駈け廻る——』(The Chronicles of history. It's as rapid as the
blink of eye.)
风は彼の地に 《支配者》(おうじゃ)を运び続けたが
刹那の瞬きの间に 谁もが皆立ち去った
歴史が骗らざる 戦火の叙事诗(うた)を咏いましょう
败は大地に倒れ 几度も花を散らす
千の孤独が 蚀む槛の中から
朽ちゆく其の身を 解き放った绯き《焔》(ひかり)
『憎しみの歴史は駈け廻る——』(The Chronicles of history. It's as rapid as the
blink of an eye.)
约束されざる文字をも巻き込んで《悪魔》は咏う(The Demon sings. Giving words
without a promise.)
黒の军を率いるは 褐色の狼将【勇者イスハーク】(The iron forces led by the bronze
wolf【a Very Valiant Ishaq】)
白の军を率いるは 歴戦の英雄【圣骑士ラミレス】(The ivory forces led by the
barrier savior【Holy Knight Ramirez】)
胜利と正义を剣に悬けた 戦士达の『狂想诗』(Victory and justice. The Iberian
rhapsody of a warrior's royalty to his sword.)
率领黑色军队的是 褐色之狼将【勇者Ishaq】(The iron forces led by the bronze
wolf【a Very Valiant Ishaq】)
率领白色军队的是 历战的英雄【圣骑士Ramirez】(The ivory forces led by the
barrier savior【Holy Knight Ramirez】)
高悬起胜利和正义的宝剑 战士们的“狂想曲”(Victory and justice. The Iberian
rhapsody of a warrior's royalty to his sword.)