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标题: 转, [原创翻译]PES2008 vs FIFA2008试玩对比 [打印本页]

作者: 老刘吃嫩草    时间: 2007-8-28 12:29     标题: 转, [原创翻译]PES2008 vs FIFA2008试玩对比

译文: 世界上最著名的两个足球游戏年度大战在德国展开。我们两天前试玩了FIFA,直到今天才有机会一试PES。在等了TMD30分钟后才有机会上手。我们还录制了一些视频供参考。 两个游戏在图像上都有提高。FIFA07已经很好了,今年画面又有提升。PES总是有提升的余地因为去年360上的版本图像太差了,这作是目前为止图像最好的一代,大家可以放心的看到这点。 游戏可玩方面,两个游戏保持了各自的风格。PES2008和去年相比流畅快速得多,上一版传球慢且沉,现在球速和以往一样快了,这是我们很高兴看到的变化(本人注:欧洲人还是喜欢快节奏啊)。与之相比,FIFA球速慢多了,球在草皮上滚动要花较长的时间(本人注:怎么是我喜欢的风格?),这让我们感到有一点点让人失望,也许是因为试玩的原因,因为只能玩半场所以体验的不够,但是PES却可以体验整场比赛(排队等那么长时间真是很烦人)。进球很少见,玩家会发现很难得到很多射门机会。我们观看了几场其他人玩的比赛证实了这一点,看来不是我们水平太烂。 球的物理表现很重要,PES再次展现了为什么那么多人喜爱它。球总是按照它应该的方式运动,正确的随着球员的接触跳动,所以变得不可预知。我们排队的时候曾看到一场比赛,罚角球,球碰到防守队员后反弹到跑过来的进攻队员,球恰好碰到他的膝盖弹进网窝。那真是太棒了因为在现实中你见到过这种情况,所以在游戏中再现真的很爽。但是FIFA就没有这样的情景出现,同样也许这只是应为试玩太短的原因,但是从我们看到的虚拟45分钟试玩比赛来看,几乎没有看到令人兴奋的偶然混乱场面出现。 操作两个游戏基本差不多,除了射门。如果你上一版本的FIFA和PES都玩过的话,你会很快熟悉操作;没什么变化。射门变得不多,但是必须玩很长时间和很多比赛才能感觉到游戏的平衡性。 动作方面,两个游戏都有各自独特的特性。球员因为不满围住裁判,两个游戏在铲球导致的身体碰撞方面都表现的很好。可以认出球星比如小罗的动作。当队员被罚牌的时候及其反应都会出现近距离过场视频。这里PES出现了一个小问题:过场视频的时候画面会拖慢(注:还好不是比赛中),回放也不像希望中的那样平滑。 因为展厅太嘈杂,两个游戏的音效都听不太清楚。总是有人在用德语喊叫,所以关于音效你只能等自己下载了DEMO才能感觉。其他功能看不出来,两个游戏都只提供友谊比赛的试玩。 在我们短暂体验游戏后,PES应该略胜一筹。PES玩起来比FIFA顺畅,尽管画面不如FIFA, 但是球的物理特性使其与FIFA拉开距离。我只是说PES赢得了这场比较,但是并不能说今年PES就胜利了:还有很长的路要走。 FIFA08将于9月推出,PES2008将于10月在欧洲推出。试玩的PES是75%的完成度,但是FIFA的完成度不明。

原文: Hands On: PES 2008 vs. FIFA 2008 The annual fight between the two biggest football titles has officially commenced here in Germany, with both being shown not just at their own developer’s booths, but elsewhere on the floor too. We managed to play FIFA two days ago, but couldn’t get to PES until today. Having waited for around thirty minutes for the damn public to get out of our way, we finally stepped up to complete our hands on. We also have some video footage for you to check out. Both games immediately look visually better than last year. FIFA 07 already looked good, however this year it again has improved. PES was always going to look better since it looked so awful last year on the 360, and it is certainly the best it has ever been. Naturally, this was reassuring to see. gameplay wise, both games remain totally different. PES 2008 is a lot smoother and quicker this year compared to its 360 outing last year, as passing was slow and heavy. Now, the ball zips across the park just as it used to, and it’s a welcome change. In contrast, FIFA feels a lot slower. It takes longer to get the ball moving up-field, and as such leaves you feeling a tad frustrated. The demo perhaps didn’t help since only one half was playable, whereas you got a full game of PES (very frustrating for the waiting queue behind though). Goals were scored infrequently, as players found it hard to get a lot of shooting opportunities. We watched quite a few games too, and this was proven by others, so it’s not just because we suck. Ball physics are all important, and PES once again demonstrated why so many love it. The ball reacts the way it should all the time, bouncing off of players correctly so it becomes unpredictable. One game we witnessed whilst waiting in the queue for PES saw a corner come in, hit a defender but then bounce off of an attacker running in. The attacker accidentally put the ball into the net thanks to his knees. It was great because you see it time and again in real life, so to see it happen in a game is a pleasure. FIFA however had no such moments. Again this may have been because of the demo limit, but even in the virtual forty five minutes that were played, there were almost no scrambles that were exciting. The controls are almost identical for both versions, except the shooting. If you have played both FIFA and PES’s iterations last year, then you will automatically be familiar with the controls; nothing at all has been changed that we noticed. Shooting hasn’t changed a great deal either, however a lot more time and a lot more games need to be played to see what affects balancing has, what affects cutting in from the sides has and so on. Animation-wise, both games have their own unique attributes. Players surround the referee at bad decisions, tackles and the resulting collisions are done well in both games, and the movement of the top players such as Ronaldinho is spot on. Both games again have the very short cut scenes when a player is booked and their reactions can be seen up close. Here PES caused a slight concern, as there was some slow down during the scenes. The cutting to a replay too wasn’t as smooth as you’d hope for a new generation title. Thanks to all the background noise, nothing could really be heard from either game (you’ll notice this in the videos included in the post). There were people shouting in German all over the place, so you’ll have to wait for the demos to check out the sound. Features too naturally weren’t available for viewing; both were just straight up demos of a friendly match as you would expect. In the short time we spent with each game then, PES probably just about wins the battle. It plays smoother than FIFA although again not looking as pretty, but the ball physics separate them apart for now. Just because PES won this battle though, does not mean it will win this year’s War: there is still a long way to go. FIFA 08 will ship in September, with PES 2008 shipping in October for Europe. The version we played of PES was 75% complete, but there was no completion percentage for FIFA.

作者: hsu    时间: 2007-8-28 12:32

作者: Pires    时间: 2007-8-28 12:51

作者: bzjian    时间: 2007-8-28 12:58

原帖由 hsu 于 2007-8-28 12:32 发表
作者: 纣王    时间: 2007-8-28 13:02

WEX玩腻了  换换口味UEFA也应该不错
作者: yang_yii    时间: 2007-8-28 13:18

作者: bzjian    时间: 2007-8-28 13:33

作者: 风中的排骨    时间: 2007-8-28 14:01

作者: 纣王    时间: 2007-8-28 14:09

看了一下视频FIFA08射门还是不需要准备动作 有些假 但画面很强
作者: 文康    时间: 2007-8-28 14:14

作者: callus    时间: 2007-8-28 14:24

作者: 纣王    时间: 2007-8-28 14:24

原帖由 文康 于 2007-8-28 14:14 发表
有是有 但是时间较短且打出的射门力量很大  这点来说不如WE真实
作者: 文康    时间: 2007-8-28 14:29

原帖由 纣王 于 2007-8-28 14:24 发表

有是有 但是时间较短且打出的射门力量很大  这点来说不如WE真实
作者: slaimlin    时间: 2007-8-28 14:41

作者: norush    时间: 2007-8-28 14:48

作者: dragonfly    时间: 2007-8-28 14:58

作者: 6533186dc    时间: 2007-8-28 15:32

作者: qtxs    时间: 2007-8-28 20:04

作者: 烏鴉    时间: 2007-8-28 21:12


作者: 没钱的命    时间: 2007-8-30 18:54


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