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标题: [新闻] Factor 5: 闹鬼的龙穴 [打印本页]

作者: Jabberwork    时间: 2007-9-8 12:35     标题: Factor 5: 闹鬼的龙穴

September 6, 2007 - The critical mauling Lair received last week is now the stuff of legend. But according to Julian Eggebrecht, the title's director at developer Factor 5, the problems didn't begin with the game's release. In a recent interview with MTV's GameFile, Eggebrecht says the entire course of Lair's development was plagued with problems and setbacks.

"I am not a believer in ghosts, but this one was haunted," Eggebrecht said.

Going all the way back to Sony's PlayStation 3 unveiling in May of 2005, Factor 5 was rushing to finish the game's first trailer.

Factor 5's Julian Eggebrecht"Our trailer was very dark, and we delivered the trailer with a different black level for the frames than Sony was expecting, making them even darker. They showed the material at the last minute to Kutaragi-san, who didn't see a thing and bounced us off the [PS3's demo] reel. That's why the first tech-trailer was shown at the PlayStation meeting a few months later. That was the start of one catastrophe after the other -- deaths in the family at the worst time [and] sudden surgeries for key members, which bounced the technology off-track. And just in general, every single time there was a crucial delivery, something bizarre went wrong -- all the way to power outages when writing the master disks."

As for the poor reviews, Eggebrecht seems to chalk them up to the fact that Lair is a first-generation PS3 game. Factor 5 also created the well-received first-gen GameCube game, Rogue Leader.

"That is exactly the kick of creating a first-year game: exploring the not-yet-finished hardware and growing the technology while the hardware is coming together. I think both Rogue Leader and Lair gave a good stab at poking into the depths of the systems for such early titles, and from that you have a second-generation growth opportunity that surpasses most developers that jump onto the bandwagon later."

Perhaps the most oft-cited complaint with Lair is its motion control system, which Eggebrecht admits, by the scheme's very nature, isn't perfect. When asked how often he pulls off the 180 turn, he says, "about eight out of 10, which is the same ratio that I get in Wii Sports tennis when I try to do a backspin.

"The Sixaxis motion control itself feels a lot more organic and free-form than the rigid controls of other flight games and does much better for casual players, as we saw in focus tests. It does seem to alienate some reviewers who are at the top of the hardcore crowd and seem to have a passionate hate for all things motion, be it Wii Sports with sometimes absurdly low scores for what might become the defining game of this generation, or Lair as their newest poster child of evil. It's an unfortunate development that, if the players themselves listen too much to the motion-hatred message, will divide the gaming community. Our potential for growth as an art form for the mainstream is in the easier-to-access control schemes that might be less precise but a lot of fun."


《龙穴》遭到的恶评已经成为了一段传奇。不过《龙穴》的开发主管Julian Eggebrecht日前在接受MTV GameFile采访时表示:其实从游戏开发伊始,《龙穴》就问题不断。



1、E3 2005,Factor 5制作的第一个《龙穴》的trailer,在本身色调就很暗的情况下再按照SONY的要求调得更暗,结果久多良木健在上台演讲前的最后一刻,看到trailer里只有一团漆黑,于是直接取消了trailer在E3上展示。闹鬼开始。






Eggebrecht也承认游戏的操作方式并非完美,当被问到在游戏中不小心做出180度转弯的次数时,他表示:每10次中有8次。不过他又争辩说6轴更自由,对一般玩家更自然。他认为作为重度玩家的评论家们“极度厌恶所有会动的东西”,又拿《Wii Sports》出来与《龙穴》相比,还说他们向一般玩家传达出的“仇恨信息”会分裂玩家群体。他认为《龙穴》的操作也许不够精确,但很有趣。

[ 本帖最后由 Jabberwork 于 2007-9-8 12:38 编辑 ]
作者: dingdong    时间: 2007-9-8 12:37

我就说怎么这么衰啊, 原来都是鬼闹的!
作者: chovosky    时间: 2007-9-8 12:37

作者: dingdong    时间: 2007-9-8 12:41

我觉得F5老板真可怜, 还被鬼迷上. 大家要多多体谅, 你看混口饭吃容易吗. "你有压力我有压力". 呀!
作者: tdkgtm    时间: 2007-9-8 12:44

作者: sparrow526    时间: 2007-9-8 13:16

恩 这游戏理应高分。
作者: 测试一下    时间: 2007-9-8 13:21

"about eight out of 10"

作者: 没钱的命    时间: 2007-9-8 13:22

作者: gutt    时间: 2007-9-8 13:22

作者: 神话传说3    时间: 2007-9-8 13:23

作者: iiwang    时间: 2007-9-8 13:25





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