Ninja Gaiden II Demo on JPN Marketplace this Friday...
If you can't wait until next week for Ninja Gaiden II's release, you might want to check out the JPN Marketplace this Friday because a Ninja Gaiden II demo is expected to surface then.
There are no news about the demo appearing on the local SG Marketplace, but if there is, it will not be out until sometime in June.
12:09:33 | 添加评论 | 阅读评论 (2) | 发送消息 | 查看引用通告 (0) | 写入日志 | XBOX 360
Yes, some demos may be locked to a specific marketplace based on your IP address. I remember I couldn't get the Bourne Conspiracy demo from US place and I had to wait a couple of days for it to appear on the SG marketplace.
I hope this is not the case for Ninja Gaiden II demo.
5月29日 18:00:59
(http://cid-1a9bd408117c037c.spaces.live.com/)Where are you get this information about the NG2 demo ??? Are you sure that the NG2 demo will be release tomorrow ??? Is it compatible with the xbox 360 PAL hardware ? Because the Operation Darkness japanese demo won't play on xbox 360 pal. Thanks