Path of the Acolyte– The lowest difficulty level, it is designed specifically for people who have not played many action games or aren't very good at action games. Whereas “Ninja Dog Mode” was really just the normal difficulty with extra health items thrown in, Path of the Acolyte has the inherent difficulty toned down significantly. Along with more forgiving health regeneration, expect to see smaller groups of less aggressive enemies in this mode. Itagaki has said he designed this mode so that his wife can beat NGII.
Path of the Warrior– This is the difficulty for people who've beaten Ninja Gaiden. It’s been designed so that it remains enjoyable while still maintaining an appropriate level of challenge to keep things interesting, but if you are a Ninja Gaiden veteran don't be surprised if it still seems pretty easy. Itagaki claims he can beat this mode while drunk.
Path of the Mentor– This is where things start to get difficult. The goal with this mode is to challenge even experienced Ninja Gaiden players without discouraging them. Itagaki says he needs to be sober and really focused in order to get through this mode.
Path of the Master Ninja– Beating the game on this difficulty will be a badge of honor. Any GAFfers who accomplish this feat will have their names listed here so they may be worshiped. 作者: mouseguard 时间: 2008-5-31 23:51