"Something isn’t right,” I said to one of my TXB colleagues after playing a review copy of Ninja Gaiden II on our debug system. I know what kind of pride Team Ninja has, and the feeling was that the reviewable debug build was not representative of what the boxed copy would offer consumers.
I was right.
As some of you may know, TeamXbox.com held off on its review of Ninja Gaiden II because of the very reason described above. Sometimes, “review” copies of games don’t quite run right; such was the case with the code of Ninja Gaiden II we had. It was a bit of a risk on our part to wait– no site wants to miss the boat on a big review. But with boxed copy in hand for comparison’s sake, we now know that pulling back on the reins was the correct thing to do in this circumstance.
The issue that has been pretty much completely eradicated in the boxed copy of Ninja Gaiden II has to do with the access times from the DVD drive. Let’s just say that your boxed copy of Ninja Gaiden II will greet you with more than acceptable load times, and will be as smooth as silk when transitioning between the action, cut scenes and general gameplay interludes. We might as well mention at this point that, due to the additional items to render (read: severed appendages and the resultant red stuff) and high enemy counts, Ninja Gaiden II will drop its framerate every now and then. While this is reserved for the later, high-frenzy events, it’s still worth mentioning as we discuss the technical bits of Team Ninja’s latest slice-and-dice.
原帖由 bobykid 于 2008-6-4 00:58 发表
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原帖由 很明显我是马甲 于 2008-6-4 16:28 发表
原帖由 xzsslp 于 2008-6-4 17:34 发表
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