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标题: 7.7 Bungie 纪念日活动! [打印本页]

作者: west2046    时间: 2008-7-4 06:09     标题: 7.7 Bungie 纪念日活动!

Monday is Bungie day!
Bungie (and Halo) fans, be sure to mark your calendar…since Monday (7/7) is Bungie Day. That means all sorts of Bungie related activities will be kick off, including:

7 Exclusive new gamerpictures and a Bungie day theme will be available on Marketplace. These are available for one day only.
7月7日当天,Bungie 提供免费玩家头像下载,仅限一天。

Cold Storage, a free new Halo 3 multiplayer map inspired by the original map Chill Out found in “Halo: Combat Evolved”
7月7日开始,将提供新地图『冷藏库 Cold Storage』免费下载。

The Legendary Map Pack will drop in price to 600 points
7月7日开始,『传奇地图包 Legendary Map Pack』降价为 600points。

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