- “Party version of Facebreaker,” but title is misleading (not really minigames)
- Graphics look great - art style is impressive, moves nicely
- Gameplay has a lot of promise also, but Matt wasn’t able to play it long
- Shot from the sideview, still a 3D boxing game
- Very fast, arcadey
Skate It
- Still not a lot of gameplay available in the version Matt + Daemon played
- Will be a learning curve, but it’ll be a “cool” way to play a skateboarding game - Daemon
- Programmed intuitively
- Grinding all about timing
- Visually not too impressive
- Framerate needs to be up and running - lag won’t be good for the game
DS Version of Skate It
- Developed by Exient
- Looks very, very good for the DS
- Draw all tricks on the touch screen, drawings are similar, so you might do a trick by mistake
- Looks promising
Order Up!
- Latest version more polished, somewhat enjoyable
- Kind of like Cooking Mama/Diner Dash, more control of what you’re doing
- Won’t blow anyone away, but Matt would rather play it than Cooking Mama
Cocoto Kart Racing
- Looks decent, rip-off of Mario Kart
- Unnecessary game because of Mario Kart
- One control option works well though if you use it, there isn’t much of a challenge
SPOGS Racing
- Worst WiiWare game, ugliest game on the Wii
- No license, but sort of basing it on Pogs game
- Makes Virtua Racing from 1991 look great
- Just a tire, not even a car or anything
- Computer AI is awful (rubber-banding)
- Two new Harvest Moon games announced (DS and Wii)
- New stuff on Little King’s Story
- Single-player shooter
- Good, but not as “wowed” because of Dementium
- Saw it very early on, but so far not too much exploration
- Puzzles related around a little droid
- Not a lot to shoot when enemies showed up - won’t ever be overwhelmed
- Will be very difficult to play on DS Fat because of the darkness
- Matt interested in seeing more
Guitar Hero On Tour
- Received mixed reviews
- Selling very well - 300K in first week
- Amazing for third-party DS game AND with its price
- Best selling DS game of all time for Activision
- Craig was teasing about feature in the game that hasn’t been unlocked yet, will know about it in around a week (Craig already knows, we should know during E3)
Away Shuffle Dungeon
- Announced for US
- Did Blue Dragon on 360
- Surprised Majesco is publishing it
Reader Questions
- Mario Tennis will come to the Wii eventually, according to Bozon
- Ultimate Band will be decent (or High School Musical) for younger audiences interested in music games like Guitar Hero
- Excite Truck not the only game to offer custom soundtrack (Endless Ocean, too but you couldn’t really create a soundtrack)
- Funny emails about people asking to pimp their rides, someone who thinks the IGN Nintendo Team partially developed Mario Kart Wii
- Look forward to (hopefully) Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Monster Hunter, Fatal Frame, any surprises at E3 - Mega Man 9 supposed to be at E3
- E3 fantasy surprise: Bozon - Miyamoto coming out botomless, Matt - Retro’s serious next big game
- Matt doesn’t think we’ll see more Metroid at E3 unless it’s a remake of Wii controls for MP1 + MP2
- The IGN Nintendo team says they’re not ready for E3 - It’s pre-E3 for them right now
- Matt & Bozon are psyched for Fatal Frame, but one of Matt’s friends said it had a weird framerate - should be fairly hyped
- Matt will sell his Wii Fit to Craig
- Matt will have a little fun at the E3 media briefing (it’s the highlight for everyone basically)
- Wario Land for Wii footage (thoughts) - looks alright, it’s a 2D platformer
- Kid Icarus or Man Icarus? Man Icarus (Icarus is supposed to be older anyway)
- IGN Nintendo team hyped for The Dark Knight
- Know 5-6 at least games for Wii for sure, expect more games though (gimmicky stuff and traditional stuff)
- Pikmin 3 Party Babyz joke
- Space Station Tycoon still canceled
- New peripheral at E3? Bozon thinks they’re bound to, need voice chat and storage solution (not sure if these two will be peripherals)
- Overall E3 rating hype: Watch out for crazy factor, Nintendo should have some good stuff this year
- Other franchises that will get the Mega Man 9 deal: Bozon hopes for Castlevania, not too many franchises that would work
- IGN stream keynotes up to Fran
- Matt thought Elebits 2 DS would be for the Wii, but Konami still thinking about a Wii version
- There’ll be a lot of RE5 gameplay
- Daemon doesn’t like Civilization Revolution for DS, nothing like Advance Wars
- We’ll never stop getting VC crap
- More third-party games other than The Conduit need to sell well for them to step up on Wii
- There will be third-party E3 surprises, but nothing too big
- Joke about NGamer’s blurb on the unexpected take on a next gen-favorite (Bionic Commando card game for Wii joke)
- Not too high chances for Crystal Bearers at E3
- Chrono Trigger port/remake looks just like a SNES game on the DS, won’t be coming to the VC
- Nothing too much that has blown Matt away graphically that will be at E3 (don’t know anything first-party though)
- Rygar was delayed again for the Wii, is still supposed to come out
- If Kid Icarus shows up, that’s a big piece of fan service. Same with Animal Crossing and maybe Pikmin 3
- Star Wars Force Unleashed: 360 version excites the IGN Nintendo Team the most
- Star Fox Wii at E3: Matt hopes not, Craig wants to see the series continue
- Soul Bubbles review up, Craig enjoyed it - can only get it at Toys R Us
- Chances of OLED for next handheld: Not high
- New handheld this generation? Bozon’s theory: Will be linked with Wii, a bit of internal memory, GB, GBC, backwards compatible with DS, touch and rumble - announcement maybe this year, could come out in 2009