At closing day for comic-con (Sunday 5 p.m. in San Diego, yes it is the real time it closed every one said it was 6 p.m. but I live here so I think I know) I saw a booth that showed the realese dates for upcoming movies and games, one cought my eye on the front left corner of the almost completely closed booth, through the gargantuant amounts of people I stormed back to see it; It showed a highly detailed Arbitor (improved Halo 3 engane I think) covering the majority of the right side of the 3 1/2 foot poster, the other side as well as the backround of the Arbitor was a blury, desert image with little blury/gray rekage peices (I think) and at the sprawled semi-Halo style white words: HALO Interactive Movie Game comming fall 2008 . That was the first time I say what possibly could be Peter Jacksons Halo game!!!! my heart was racing, its only a few months away!!!!. No, this is not my account, this is my couzins, MY real one is : GamesMaster142 Mine has no bungie connection so... you get the point. Feal free to post.