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标题: 死亡之屋新作 [打印本页]

作者: 菅谷梨沙子    时间: 2008-8-20 11:18     标题: 死亡之屋新作

                                                 Originally Posted by Sega Europe:                       

The House of the Dead: OVERKILL Brings Pulp Horror Action to Wii

LEIPZIG (August 19th, 2008) – SEGA® Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America,Inc. today announced The House of the Dead: OVERKILL, an all-newpulp-horror reinvention of the classic SEGA light-gun shooterfranchise. Created by London-based studio Headstrong Games, The Houseof the Dead: OVERKILL will take you right back to the beginning of thisclassic horror series. Available exclusively on the Nintendo Wii earlyin 2009 and announced to coincide with Games Convention at Leipzig, TheHouse of the Dead: OVERKILL will be presented live by developerHeadstrong Games for specially invited members of the press in SEGA’sbusiness centre suite.

The House of the Dead: OVERKILL uncovers the ugly, terrifying, red hotsecrets behind the House of the Dead; the daddy of all over-the-topshooters. While staying true to the classic gameplay this hugelysuccessful SEGA series is getting a new retro look, with distinctivegraphics, sound and attitude that will add to its horror cool status.Plus, thanks to the Wii Remote™, players will fight off zombies whenthey get too close; pistol-whipping jaws off and smashing in skullswith their shotgun butt.

“We wanted to do something really different with The House of the Dead:OVERKILL,” commented Bradley Crooks, Studio Head at Headstrong Games.“With SEGA we’ve been able to create a fresh look for the franchise. Ithink you’ll agree it’s like nothing you’ve seen before on Wii.”

“Paying homage to the pulp horror comics and films that inspiredgenerations of gore fans, The House of the Dead: OVERKILL will exposegamers to a brand-new fleshy rollercoaster ride of revoltingdismemberment,” commented Gary Knight, European Marketing Director atSEGA Europe. “This is the hardcore Wii title you’ve been waiting for.”

The House of the Dead: OVERKILL takes you back to when Special Agent Gwas fresh out of the academy. Teamed up with hard-boiled bad-assDetective Washington, they are sent to investigate stories ofmysterious disappearances in small-town Louisiana. Little do they knowwhat blood-soaked mutant depravity awaits them in the streets andswamps of Bayou City…

The House of the Dead: OVERKILL will be released in early 2009,exclusively for Nintendo Wii. For more information about the game,please visit

Check out our YouTube channel for the UNCUT version of the trailer –



• Pulp Funk Horror.
Zombie cool, one of the most popular shooter classics injected with a whole new retro b-movie look.

• An utterly in-your-face zombie-dismembering blast.
Non-stop light-gun style action on Wii, blow apart zombies for high-score thrills.

• Superb co-op action on Wii.
Bring a friend and play the game as intended in your own buddy action movie as two of the meanest characters in video gaming.

• Relentless, gore-drenched, over-the-top action.
Only the coolest, most cold-hearted agent’s going to keep his headagainst the zombie flood. Use “Slow-Mofo Time” to make the perfecthead-popping shot and “Evil Eye” to spot moments of opportunity that’llsend the whole environment up in flames.

• Wiimote reactions.
Get knee-deep in the dead with motion-sensitive Wii-controls. Shuck ashotgun and when the zombies get too close, pistol whip jaws off orcave some heads in with the stock of your pump-action – all instomach-churning close-up.


In 720P

作者: acoolbat    时间: 2008-8-20 15:36


看这封面,没有wii标志的话,还以为是死亡之屋的电影版呢(this is like something out of a videogame)


[ 本帖最后由 acoolbat 于 2008-8-20 15:40 编辑 ]
作者: assa    时间: 2008-8-21 09:03

风格很像planet terror
作者: 丝袜套头II    时间: 2008-8-24 23:17

作者: 牡丹    时间: 2008-8-25 16:14

作者: hugang    时间: 2008-8-25 16:42


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