i tried to download Grand turismo with you ps3 proxy program..
but it didn't works...
please can you help me out.
i really want to play the game
a few day's ago i got my ps3 but gt HD wassen't annymore on psn/...
J’utilise assez souvent ton programme (Ps3Proxyserver).
J’aimerais comprendre le fonctionnement et pouvoir y apporter quelques modifications pour mon usage personnel (si tu es d’accord), aurais-tu l’amabilité de me transmettre tes sources stp .
Un grand merci.
Dimitri. 作者: cf3b5 时间: 2008-8-28 09:26
i am trying to use your product thjat allows you to download home beta i have entered everything correctly and when i sign into the ps3 no icon pops up ? help lol please reply to this messege plz 作者: cf3b5 时间: 2008-8-28 09:29
hey i am having probles with the proxy. yesterday i used it to download home beta and it work but the home beta version was out of date. so i downloaded a new one and wen i opened up the proxy i did wat i usualy do but my ps3 wont connect to the network. it says a network error has occured. i setup internet connection without proxy and it works just fine. i cant seem to find the problem. can u help me please 作者: ps2boy 时间: 2008-8-28 09:36
Hello, I rather often use your program (Ps3Proxyserver). I would like to include/understand operation and there to be able to make some modifications for my personal use (if you are of agreement), would have you the kindness to transmit your stp sources to me
Large a mercy
简单说来,这家伙说经常使用你的proxy,想了解proxy的工作原理,并想自己开发一个mod版出来自己用(for my personal use )(可能想改进点什么<--这个是我自己想的),然后想向你取得源代码,最后要你大大大大的可怜他一下,发发慈悲
Un grand merci