Guitar Hero III: Metallica "Death Magnetic" Full Album Content:Metallica "Death Magnetic" Full Album Price: 1440 Microsoft Points Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions Dash Text: [ESRB: T (Teen) MILD LYRICS,MILD SUGGESTIVE THEMES] Metallica "Death Magnetic" Full Album featuring 2 exclusive versions of "Suicide & Redemption", including - "That Was Just Your Life", "The End Of The Line", "Broken, Beat & Scarred", "The Day That Never Comes", "All Nightmare Long", "Cyanide", "The Unforgiven III", "The Judas Kiss", "Suicide & Redemption J.H.", "Suicide & Redemption K.H.", and "My Apocalypse". This downloadable content is playable in both Guitar Hero III and Guitar Hero World Tour. For all song credits please visit There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see 作者: golden 时间: 2008-9-12 23:12