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标题: 最近几个游戏的奖杯消息!!! [打印本页]

作者: ps2boy    时间: 2008-9-16 09:38     标题: 最近几个游戏的奖杯消息!!!

Battlefield: Bad Company 战地:反叛连 奖杯即将公布

Today it was revealed that trophy support will be patched into the popular shooter, Battlefield: Bad Company, along with general game tweaking.

We have added the game to our site, along with a sub-forum for all BF:BC-related discussion!

Check out the official report from EA and DICE here.

战地 反叛连 包含奖杯的补丁将于9月发放. 奖杯列表和数量不明.
作者: ps2boy    时间: 2008-9-16 09:39

审判之眼 奖杯 即将发放

New 100-card expansion pack brings new creatures, powers and gameplay
* New cards give players amazing new creatures, abilities and attack options
* New features make the game deeper and more accessible – get involved now!
* Download it from PLAYSTATION®Network this October and get the cards in stores

新增的100种卡片将包含新的怪物, 能力和新玩法.
*新卡带来的超炫怪物, 能力和攻击方式
*10月即可在PLAYSTATION®stores 下载到

Trophies have been announced for the popular PlayStation Eye/Card game, The Eye of Judgment.
To enable the trophies, you will need to purchase the SET.3 expansion pack, which is being released on October the 16th.
The expansion pack also features 100 new cards. This is not one to miss!
审判之眼奖杯发布.  想要获得这些奖杯, 你需要购买 SET.3 补丁包. 新补丁包将会在 10月16日放出.
补丁包包含了 100张新卡! 千万不要错过!!
作者: ps2boy    时间: 2008-9-16 09:41

Ferrari Challenge 法拉利挑战赛 奖杯公布

Trophies Added. 46 Total.

Patch Coming 17th September.

作者: qustttt    时间: 2008-9-16 09:45

作者: 山君    时间: 2008-9-16 14:41

作者: ps2boy    时间: 2008-9-16 15:47

原帖由 山君 于 2008-9-16 14:41 发表
山君兄弟:pain 拿了几个奖杯勒
作者: 狗娃    时间: 2008-9-16 16:03

作者: tank817    时间: 2008-9-16 19:16



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