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标题: Metroid Prime Developers Breakaway to EA [打印本页]

作者: 阿西达卡    时间: 2008-9-16 16:19     标题: Metroid Prime Developers Breakaway to EA

Metroid Prime Developers Breakaway to EA
Three core designers of classic game form new studio Armature.
by Martin Robinson, IGN UK

UK, September 16, 2008 - Principal developers on the modern classic Metroid Prime have formed their own studio and established a publishing deal with Electronic Arts.

Retro Studio's Metroid Prime was one of the definitive titles on Nintendo's GameCube, and the game's director, art director and principal tech engineer have all broken away to form their own Austin based studio Armature, announced in a statement picked up by Gamasutra.

EA's Louis Castle, who is Armature's acting executive producer, said, "I can't begin to describe how thrilled I am to be working with the talented team that created such an amazingly well-crafted series of games."

"What really gets me going is that now, no platform is off limits. That is just something we didn't have the ability to do before," said Mark Pacini, who was game director on Metroid Prime.

Any future titles from the newly formed studio are as yet unannounced, though we'll be sure to bring you news of when anything breaks.

作者: krojb    时间: 2008-9-16 16:22

作者: wiixbox360    时间: 2008-9-16 16:26

作者: 趣味第二    时间: 2008-9-16 16:48

作者: 任天鼠    时间: 2008-9-16 16:53

作者: lsn    时间: 2008-9-16 17:09

Metroid Prime该结束了

作者: yak    时间: 2008-9-16 17:49



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