Demo: Mercenaries 2 Content: Mercenaries 2 Demo Price: Free Availability: Not available in Germany Dash Text: [ESRB: T (Teen) LANGUAGE,USE OF ALCOHOL,USE OF TOBACCO,VIOLENCE] It’s your chance to destroy anything and everything – Mercs style! Check out the new Mercenaries 2 Demo! Size: 1.22 GB
Demo: Fracture Content: FRACTURE Demo Price: Free Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions Dash Text: [ESRB: T (Teen) ANIMATED BLOOD,MILD LANGUAGE,VIOLENCE] Defend the world against a genetically modified enemy force and unleash the power of terrain-deforming weapons and technology. Download the Fracture demo now!!
Posted: Sep 18 2008, 02:00 AM by Major Nelson | with 1 comment(s) | Filed under: Marketplace, Demo
DLC: Burnout Paradise Bikes Content: Burnout Paradise Bikes Price: Free Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions Dash Text: [ESRB: E10+ (Everyone 10+) LANGUAGE,VIOLENCE] Hold onto your handlebars; Motorbikes have hit the streets of Paradise City. In this second free update, we’re giving all Burnout Paradise owners the chance to explore the city on two wheels. There’s plenty of fun to be had along the way either offline, or while Freeburning online with your friends; so grab the free download and start pulling those wheelies!
Posted: Sep 18 2008, 02:00 AM by Major Nelson | with 5 comment(s) | Filed under: Marketplace, In-Game Content作者: sniperm82 时间: 2008-9-18 20:07