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标题: HALO3 ODST综合帖 [打印本页]

作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2008-9-21 13:46     标题: HALO3 ODST综合帖


ODST距离发售小于一个月,包装配置为ODST游戏碟一张(包含新战役模式和持久战,多人合作,剧院模式),HALO 3多人游戏碟一张(包括所有已经出了的地图包:英雄,传奇,冷藏室,Mythic第一弹和Mythic第二弹,Forge,剧院)





Sandbox IGN采访第二弹

加入了Sky Bubble,是一个空中平台,Forge模式可以通过一个传送器到达那个平台上,然后就可以在那个平台上放东西





A:要么购买Halo Wars限定版得到下载码,要么等一段时间之后在marketplace下载单独的地图包

A:第二弹会在年底整合在Halo3资料片HALO ODST中,购买ODST即可得到另外三张图




1280 x 1024 1360 x 768 1440 x 900 1600 x 1200 1920 x 1200









小号非对称地图,地点是Quito太空战和地面链接的管道中,适合One Flag或者One Bomb




10月10日的Bungie Weekly Update ... pnews&cid=15806


玩家控制的是ODST(an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper),故事发生在H2性梦(其实是星盟)战舰在新蒙巴萨跳跃后



H3R的多人模式包括09年初放出的Mythic Map Pack和一些其他地图

H3R的多人模式和H3基本相同,玩家不会扮演ODST(注:H3 mp已经有ODST盔甲了……)








What is Halo 3: Recon?

Halo 3: Recon is a standalone, disc-based campaign expansion to Halo 3. It will be available at fine retailers around the globe in Fall of 2009.

Is Halo 3 : Recon a 3rd person / squad based shooter?

Nope. "Recon" is definitely first person and it's definitely still a Halo game as you've come to know it. That said, playing as an ODST in this new setting will bring some new twists to the gameplay.
Will the Recon campaign content or the other multiplayer maps be available through Xbox LIVE Marketplace?

Beyond the Mythic Map Pack early next year, there are no plans to release other portions of the Recon package outside of the retail box.

Is there a multiplayer component to Halo 3: Recon?

There are multiplayer maps that will appear as a part of the Halo 3: Recon package. This includes the aforementioned Mythic Map Pack in addition to a few others.  You can also experience the entire Recon campaign cooperatively with up to 4 players.
Will we get to play as ODSTs in multiplayer now?

No. The multiplayer maps included with the retail package are straight up Halo 3 multiplayer maps. The ODST and other components that make up the Recon campaign are in a separate bucket and not crossing over into the competitive multiplayer realm.  Think of it as two games in one.

Will the Halo 3 : Recon multiplayer maps work with "regular" copies of Halo 3?

If you purchase the Mythic Map Pack early next year via Marketplace and your friend waits and gets them with the Halo 3 : Recon retail package next Fall, you can still play together.  The multiplayer maps are all part of the Halo 3 "title ID" family, regardless of where or how you get them.
What about other features from Halo 3?

Halo 3: Recon will still make use of Screenshots, Forge and Saved Films just like Halo 3 does.   

Will Halo 3 : Recon have new achievements? Are these the same as the ones already "leaked" online?

There are actually two separate buckets for new achievements. The multiplayer achievements will be considered additive to your existing Halo 3 gamerscore. Some of these will be available when the Mythic Map Pack is released on Marketplace early next year.  The Recon campaign will include a complete set of unique achievements and a full bounty of 1000 gamerscore to obtain.






Vidmaster Challenge: Lightswitch (0 points) – Get to the rank of Lieutenant in any playlist in the new EXP progression system.
Vidmaster Challenge: 7 on 7 (0 points) – Enter into any ranked or social playlist with 7 EXP on the 7th of the month.
Vidmaster Challenge: Annual (0 points) – After 9/25/08, complete Halo on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and everyone in Ghosts.
Double Double (25 points) – On a Legendary map, get two Double Kills during any ranked or social match.
Poor Yorick (25 points) – On a Legendary map, get 3 Oddball melee kills during any ranked or social match.
Came…From…Behind (50 points) – On a Legendary map, get 3 assassinations during any ranked or social match.
Defend This (50 points) – On a Legendary map, get a flag melee kill during any ranked or social match.
Flag Dropped (25 points) – On a Legendary map, get 2 flag carrier kills during any ranked or social match.
Road Rage (25 points) – On a Legendary map, get 5 Warthog chaingun kills during any ranked or social match.
Look Both Ways (50 points) – On a Legendary map, get a Splatter Spree during any ranked or social match.
You may have already heard about more or perhaps you have even seen more Halo 3 achievements than the ten listed above. We’re not ready to comment on any other achievements right now – all will become clear in due time. Stay tuned.

UPDATE: This time with less subtlety - Yes, there are a lot more achievements that are now visible as a result of TU2. However, only the ten listed above are ones you should be concerned with for the time being. The other achievements are tied to things we have yet to reveal and there's really not much we can say on the matter right now.  It's no mystery we have more maps in the works though and once we have a release plan finalized with our publisher we'll share that news immediately. In the meantime, rest assured that the other achievements aren't going anywhere, they will still be there when the time comes for them to finally be earned.  As soon as we know, you will know.
The other major outward facing component of TU2 is the addition of “Playlist Ratings” to Halo 3. In a nutshell, playlist ratings are the playlist-level decoupling of Trueskill values (the in-game number next to your name) from Experience (the icon next to your name). You will now have a separate military rating (based purely on EXP) in each playlist. So this means that being a General in a playlist is based on how many games you’ve won in the playlist, not based on the Trueskill number next to your name. Your Trueskill values are NOT being reset. If someone checks your service record, they will still see your Highest Skill.

The most important thing to note here is that nothing is being taken away – you are not losing your existing global ratings. We are in fact ADDING new stats via per-playlist EXP and ratings.

To further clarify things, I asked Tyson (Multiplayer Designer) and Shishka (Playlist Designer) to answer a few questions on this topic.

Hey guys, one of the main points of interest for TU2 is the addition of a new online rating system. What all does this entail?

Tyson: In TU2, our rating system is starting to track a rating per playlist, in addition to your traditional global performance rating. As you earn EXP in each playlist, you can earn a rating specific to that playlist, to show off your progress in the playlist of your choice. Of course, your old ratings remain fully intact and will continue to progress.

What will this ultimately mean for players?

Tyson: More stats, in the form of more detailed breakdown of your progress. If you spend most of your time in Team Slayer, you’ll be able to see the progress you’re making there.

How does this new system differ from the previous ranking framework?

Tyson: The nice thing is that it doesn’t change any of the old ratings—your prior accomplishments remain fully intact. When you’re sitting in a playlist lobby, you will see the new rating symbols instead of the old global ones, but your global rating is still front-and-center in your service record.

Why was the decision made to implement this new rating system?

Tyson: Two reasons: first, so that people who prefer to play in particular playlists can compare themselves more directly against other people in that playlist. Second, so that players who are a long way from meeting the EXP requirement for their global rating have some new, more immediate feedback regarding their progress.

Will the EXP I earn in playlists count toward my global rating?

Shishka: Yes. That’s why we call it your “global” rating.

How does this affect Double EXP weekends? Could I become a General in Griffball?

Shishka: Double EXP weekends will continue to make a regular appearance in Halo 3 for the foreseeable future. Yes, it is potentially possible to become a General in a double EXP weekend playlist, and yes, it will occur in half the time it’d take to become a General in a regular playlist.

去年这个时候,连续几天熬夜玩legendary+网战,结果上课的时候给学生讲微分方程的stationary points讲成了spawn points,下面的小弟弟们一脸迷茫,我只好说昨天晚上halo 3玩多了,下面的美国小p孩们一阵骚动,今天这个时候,我已经不教这种高级课了,教课越来越简单,也不会再有学生上来索要gamertag了,因为2/3都是文科的女生,连一元二次方程都不会解的新生,不禁感慨时间过的真够迅速的

言归正传,halo 3马上就要发售一周年了,大家也说说在这一年里面的变化吧

发售前Frankie真情流露 ... pnews&cid=12740
Last week’s update was miserably slim, because everyone was out of the office. To be honest, little has changed, nor is it likely to in the next few weeks. Lots and lots of travel and antics are distracting us from feeding you morsels of tasty info, so we’re forced to toss you scraps from the table.

This week, at least, I’ll endeavor to tell you what there is to know. First and foremost, the game went gold. The literal definition of this term is that the game is finished and ready to be manufactured. The broader, more lyrical definition is that an incredible team of talented geniuses just put the finishing touches to three years of herculean effort and shipped a concluding chapter to our trilogy, that everyone here is proud of.

Halo 2 was a fantastic game, evidenced by its review scores and the fact that about 300k people still play it every day. But it contained compromises we could never have been happy with. There were compromises that many would never have noticed nor complained about – and there were compromises you did notice and were entitled to complain about. After all, games aren’t free. Hard as we work to make them perfect, we never forget that they cost you money. We understand that we’re not doing you a favor. For your hard-earned lucre, we’re providing goods and services and we owe you the highest quality for both.

With Halo 3 however, there are no glaring compromises, and almost no invisible ones. We’ve not only executed on all the stuff we wanted to for Halo 2, we’ve executed on a bunch of stuff that seemed like pipe dreams three years ago. The shopping list of features is crazy. Campaign, 4 player co-op, Team Scoring, Saved Films, Forge, Multiplayer, File Sharing, the new Bnet. We already encountered a problem with this as we planned out review events.

The fact is that even if you end up not liking Halo 3, you probably won’t argue that it doesn’t contain a lot of stuff. I hope the reviewers like it, because otherwise they’re going to be pretty mad by the time they get done plowing through it.

And speaking of review events, they’re going on over the next week or two. Press in various regions will be invited to various locales to play the finished game – we can’t send ‘em out for logistical, XBL-related and security reasons, but we can provide a safe, well-lighted place where reviewers can play through the Campaign, play through co-op, make saved films, tinker in Forge and try out Multiplayer. Luke is getting back from one of those on Tuesday and here’s his report, redacted for top secrecy.
我依稀记得我当时转载这个weekly update的黑字部分翻译是:即使你不觉得halo 3非常的风韵,也会觉得她相当的丰满


1. bungie脱离微软独立 ... pnews&cid=12834
Bungie Studios Becomes Privately Held Independent Company

Bungie and Microsoft forge new long-term relationship.

KIRKLAND, Wash. — Oct. 5, 2007 — Bungie and Microsoft Corp. today announced a plan for Bungie Studios, the developers of Microsoft’s “Halo” franchise, to become a privately held independent company, Bungie, LLC, in which Microsoft will hold a minority equity interest. As part of this transaction, Bungie and Microsoft have forged a deep and long-term development and publishing relationship focused on the continued success of the “Halo” franchise. It is also the intent of both parties to expand their partnership to include new IP created and owned by Bungie.

Bungie’s critically acclaimed Xbox 360® exclusive “Halo 3” achieved $300 million in global sales in its first week. Released on Tuesday, Sept. 25, “Halo 3” is the fastest-selling video game ever and already one of the most successful entertainment properties in history.

“This exciting evolution of our relationship with Microsoft will enable us to expand both creatively and organizationally in our mission to create world-class games,” said Harold Ryan, studio head for Bungie. “We will continue to develop with our primary focus on Microsoft’s platforms; we greatly value our mutually prosperous relationship with our publisher, Microsoft Game Studios, and we look forward to continuing that affiliation through ‘Halo’ and beyond.”

“Working with Microsoft was great for us, it allowed us to grow as a team and make the ambitious, blockbuster games we all wanted to work on.  And they will continue to be a great partner.  But Bungie is like a shark.  We have to keep moving to survive.  We have to continually test ourselves, or we might as well be dolphins.  Or manatees,” said Jason Jones, Bungie founder and partner.

Bungie’s management retained the services of Don Leeds, senior managing director of B-Hive Global, LLC, to spearhead the structuring of the deal and negotiate on their behalf. Bungie will remain in Kirkland, Washington, and is always looking to hire excellent talent.

About Bungie

Bungie was founded in 1991 with two goals: to develop games that combine brilliant technology, beautiful art, intelligent stories and deep gameplay, and to sell enough of those games to achieve its real goal of total world domination. Over the past 10 years it has produced games such as the “Marathon” trilogy and the first two “Myth” games, hailed as classics by critics and gamers around the world. Bungie’s “Halo” franchise is an international award-winning action title that has grown into a global entertainment phenomenon, selling more than 18 million units worldwide, logging billions of hours of multiplayer action on Xbox LIVE®, and spawning action figures, books, graphic novels, soundtracks, apparel and more. The critically acclaimed “Halo 3”, released on Tuesday, Sept. 25th 2007, is the fastest-selling video game ever, achieving $300 million in global sales its first week,  making it one of the most successful entertainment properties in history. More information on Bungie can be found at

2. Frankie离开bungie,weekly update再也没有mister chief ... pnews&cid=13795

3. halo 3总杀人数超过70亿大关 ... 0&ssid=43387601
在今年的bungie day来到之前,UNSC campaign kill count来到了70亿……

4. new halo project倒计时和e3不得不说的故事 ... pnews&cid=15526





[ 本帖最后由 Jonsoncao 于 2009-8-28 11:42 编辑 ]
作者: hugang    时间: 2008-9-21 13:55

作者: slowsonic    时间: 2008-9-21 13:59     标题: 回复 1# 的帖子

去年的今天,强生曹老师在High Ground中把美国屁孩爆头。

今年的今天,强生操老师The Pit中把文科女生颜射。

I'm king of the hill, suck my GUN!!!!
作者: 马la414    时间: 2008-9-21 14:01

游戏不错 微软有钱
作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2008-9-21 14:02

作者: sniperm82    时间: 2008-9-21 14:06

作者: shiningfire    时间: 2008-9-21 14:12


[ 本帖最后由 shiningfire 于 2008-9-21 23:05 编辑 ]
作者: asuka00    时间: 2008-9-21 14:12

作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2008-9-21 14:13

原帖由 asuka00 于 2008-9-21 14:12 发表
作者: west2046    时间: 2008-9-21 14:15

Player SnapshotPlayer Since 9/25/2007  |  Last Played 9/20/2008

UNSC Campaign Report

Halo 3 Career Stats | View All Stats

This feature is offline or this player has not played in any playlists that support playlist progression.
作者: Virtue    时间: 2008-9-21 16:20

[posted by wap]

作者: sniperm82    时间: 2008-9-21 16:24

原帖由 west2046 于 2008-9-21 14:15 发表 ... =0&fl=1&m=1
  • GDwest - M73
  • Global Rank: Colonel, Grade 3
  • Highest Skill: 41  |  Total EXP: 1319  |   Next Rating: Sk ...
  • 要晒就晒KD比
    作者: Raven    时间: 2008-9-21 16:25

    作者: 隐的游戏    时间: 2008-9-21 16:36

    作者: west2046    时间: 2008-9-21 17:09

    原帖由 sniperm82 于 2008-9-21 16:24 发表

    作者: 江西恐龙    时间: 2008-9-21 18:16


    XBOX360 Game “HALO3”
    "A very worthy way to finish the fight"
    I have been waiting for Halo 3 since the day Halo 2 came out. I have listened to every Bungie Podcast, and read every Bungie weekly update. That being said, my hype for this game was way higher than that of the average user. Based on what I'd seen in the beta and read/heard from Bungie, I knew the game was going to rock. I just didn't know how much it was going to rock. I will say it right now: Halo 3 is the best game that I've ever played on any console or computer. And I've played a LOT of games. From the epic story to the amazingly in depth multiplayer, the game delivers extremely well on all fronts. I have no doubt that every gamer (or even somebody who's not a huge gamer) will love Halo 3. Due to the complexity of the game, this review consists of two main sections (Multiplayer and Campaign), each of which is broken down into subdivisions.
    If you've played other Halo games, then you basically know what the story in Halo 3 will be like. I can't really say too much about the story without spoiling anything, however the story starts out strong right where Halo 2 left off, and goes on strong. Bungie learned from their mistakes from Halo 2, and the story takes place only on Earth. The game does use an excessive amount of cut scenes, however they use the same engine as the game, so it never really feels like you are out of the game at all. Note: Be sure that you stick around to watch the credits, because there is more to come afterwards

    作者: Kuzuryuusen    时间: 2008-9-21 18:17

    作者: RestlessDream    时间: 2008-9-21 18:30

    也不须惊怪,沈郎易瘦; 也不须惊怪,潘鬓先愁。 总是难禁,许多魔难,奈好事教人不自由。

    作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-21 19:43

    Halo3等我寒假再继续战- -
    作者: 装机工    时间: 2008-9-21 19:47

    作者: 小饼干    时间: 2008-9-21 20:05

    作者: west2046    时间: 2008-9-21 20:08

    作者: 咸蛋小朋友    时间: 2008-9-21 20:23

    作者: 爱骑车的胖子    时间: 2008-9-21 22:13


    强生操 你莫非教到美国高中去了??
    作者: ash1983    时间: 2008-9-22 10:32


    作者: ash1983    时间: 2008-9-22 17:08


    作者: 真三国无双3    时间: 2008-9-22 17:16

    就一年了啊?? 我的游戏还没拆开呢....
    作者: west2046    时间: 2008-9-22 17:19

    原帖由 真三国无双3 于 2008-9-22 17:16 发表
    就一年了啊?? 我的游戏还没拆开呢....
    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2008-9-23 11:24

    作者: west2046    时间: 2008-9-23 11:33

    原帖由 Jonsoncao 于 2008-9-23 11:24 发表
    作者: RestlessDream    时间: 2008-9-23 12:29

    原帖由 ash1983 于 2008-9-22 17:08 发表

    作者: RestlessDream    时间: 2008-9-23 12:34

    作者: ash1983    时间: 2008-9-23 15:07


    作者: Virtue    时间: 2008-9-23 16:10

    ls今晚收拾你 让你自己修改自己签名
    作者: 东京都葛饰区    时间: 2008-9-23 17:08

    作者: west2046    时间: 2008-9-23 19:00

    Halo 3 Title Update 2 Interview
    We chat with Brian Jarrard about the changes coming to Halo 3.
    by Erik Brudvig

    September 22, 2008 - Judging by the back and forth between Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3 at the top of each week's rankings of which games are being played the most on Xbox Live, there are still a lot people interested in Halo 3. That's a testament to both the game's quality and the stellar support that Bungie has given the game post-launch. That support continues on September 23 with Title Update 2, a patch that will automatically download and install itself when you log on to Xbox Live, bringing several fixes, changes, and new achievements. We had the opportunity to send a few questions regarding the update to Bungie Community Lead Brian Jarrard.

    IGN: is sporting some teaser stories right now. Is that related to the new title update or is it something more juicy like a new game announcement?

    Brian Jarrard
    : Something is definitely amiss at, but it's not clear exactly what is going on.

    IGN: Can you explain the changes coming to the Halo 3 ranking system in a way that somebody who doesn't live and breathe Halo would understand? If the answer is yes, please do so.

    : I can certainly try… the gist of it is that we're adding a new dimension to the existing player rating system. We are introducing "Playlist Ratings" which will generate a separate military rating, based purely on your EXP (games played/won), for each matchmaking playlist. Now it is possible to be a General in a specific playlist, like Team Slayer, without any reliance or cross-over with your TrueSkill rating. It's important to note though that we are NOT resetting people's existing TrueSkill ranks, your highest skill will still be visible in your Service Record.

    IGN: You guys have gone through a lot of the playlist and player rating updates on Are there any changes that are flying under the radar right now that big Halo fans will get excited about?

    :Until people get their hands dirty and start playing in their favorite playlist, it may be hard to really grasp the impact of these changes. This new playlist rating removes the previous barricades to achieving a General by allowing you to simply play and enjoy your favorite playlist and not stress about your TrueSkill rank. It's safe to say that some hardcore fans may feel this 'cheapens' their current, legit, "global" General ranking but that honor will always live on in their service record. For everyone else, it really opens up a clearer reward path for playing the playlist you like.

    IGN: What about this title update will get people who have lost interest excited about playing Halo 3 again?

    : The main draw for most will likely be the new achievements. With 10 new achievements
    and 250 gamer points up for grabs, why NOT go back and play what is still an awesome game anyways? There's more to say on this later, especially regarding the three zero-point "Vidmaster" achievements. There is no gamerscore on the line but there will be a payoff.

    Another change that some may welcome is the improvement to our cheat-detection tools and Banhammer punishment system. We realize there are a lot of deviants and miscreants out there who enjoy ruining the game for others and we're doing our best to remove them from the population.

    We've also seen a big increase in custom content and file sharing lately as these features are really starting to hit their stride. The team has been extremely busy, recently launching revamped player stats and profile pages with a major overhaul to the file sharing infrastructure on the horizon. This should really improve sharing and discovering custom content within the Halo 3 community.

    These changes, along with the promise of new maps, new achievements and a more rewarding player rating system are all things our fans have asked for. And we've listened.

    IGN: New achievements are always fun. [Note: Head over to to read up on the changes and new achievements.] Why is one being held until September 25 rather than all of them going up at once? Which do you expect to be the hardest to earn? Care to tell us a few of the new achievements you haven't already announced?

    : The "Annual" achievement is specifically being held until 9/25 so it coincides with the one-year anniversary of Halo 3s release. Keep in mind that when this work all began, we weren't quite sure exactly when it would get released, we just knew it had to be before 9/25. We're hoping it's a fun way to get the community to rally and share a collective experience on the anniversary day.

    The co-op achievement won't exactly be a walk in the park but I think the "7 on 7" could be the most difficult to obtain since you really only get one shot at it every month. The remaining achievements shouldn't be too hard for a dedicated player.

    IGN: There's a new Halo 3 campaign achievement going up with this title update. Are there any plans to add new content to the campaign with this update or future ones?

    : We're always looking at ways to further expand and improve the Halo 3 experience, but there are currently no plans for an update to add new campaign content.

    IGN: Will the new Assembly map be released with this update? If not, when can we expect more multiplayer maps?

    : It's been great getting such a strong reaction to the new map "Assembly," which debuted last month at PAX. We're as eager to release it as our fans are to play it, but the timeframe and means are still something being discussed with various parties.

    IGN: There's been a lot of speculation regarding a full map editor for Halo 3. That's not coming with this update, is it?

    : Funny how you can make one award acceptance video using an internal build and next thing you know we've somehow guaranteed our fans that we're shipping a campaign editor or a new version of Forge with bots or whatever the rumor-of-the-week is. We've definitely got cool stuff coming with TU2 and more cool Halo 3 stuff on the way but there is no functional augmentation to Forge in the works.

    IGN: Is it ever coming?

    : We're really happy with the Forge map editor in Halo 3, but also realize there's a lot we can improve in terms of sharing and discovering this custom content within the community. That is what we've been primarily focusing on for the time being. We don't have any plans to build a "full map editor" for Halo 3, but there are more maps coming and we're definitely building maps with Forge functionality in our thoughts.

    IGN: How long do you plan to support Halo 3 with updates like this, map packs and the like?

    : We still have a sizeable team in the studio that is focused solely on sustaining and improving Halo 3 and the experience. It's hard to put a limit on how long that support will continue but we've just now hit one year, our community is as strong as ever and we're seeing growth in areas like file sharing and custom content. Suffice it to say we are not close to being done with Halo 3 yet.

    IGN: When Master Chief is in stasis at the end of Halo 3, does he grow a beard?

    : Hair growth and cellular activity does continue while in cryo sleep but at a dramatically reduced rate.
    作者: DKNYZK    时间: 2008-9-24 04:03

    [posted by wap, platform: Nokia]

    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2008-9-24 04:44

    neogaf的halo 3主题帖破十万帖指日可待啊……

    作者: sniperm82    时间: 2008-9-24 09:38

    原帖由 DKNYZK 于 2008-9-24 04:03 发表
    [posted by wap, platform: Nokia]
    作者: sniperm82    时间: 2008-9-24 09:42

    原帖由 west2046 于 2008-9-21 17:09 发表

    作者: west2046    时间: 2008-9-24 09:44

    原帖由 sniperm82 于 2008-9-24 09:42 发表

    广州电信4M ADSL,和你们连起来太差了!
    作者: ash1983    时间: 2008-9-24 10:05

    作者: tianshicon    时间: 2008-9-24 10:13

    [posted by wap]

    作者: west2046    时间: 2008-9-24 15:48

    原帖由 ash1983 于 2008-9-24 10:05 发表
    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2008-9-25 11:16

    作者: west2046    时间: 2008-9-25 11:29

    原帖由 Jonsoncao 于 2008-9-25 11:16 发表

    作者: RestlessDream    时间: 2008-9-25 11:35

    作者: BirdZou    时间: 2008-9-25 11:44

    作者: west2046    时间: 2008-9-25 22:03

    作者: west2046    时间: 2008-9-25 22:05

    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2008-9-25 22:05

    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2008-9-25 22:10

    作者: west2046    时间: 2008-9-25 22:10 ... pnews&cid=15574
    作者: BirdZou    时间: 2008-9-25 22:10

    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2008-9-25 22:11

    原来如此 233
    作者: west2046    时间: 2008-9-25 22:12

    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2008-9-25 22:13

    我日了,等了这么久等出来个这个狗屁都没有,prepare to drop

    作者: BirdZou    时间: 2008-9-25 22:16

    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2008-9-25 22:21

    作者: BirdZou    时间: 2008-9-25 22:26

    原帖由 Jonsoncao 于 2008-9-25 22:21 发表
    作者: slowsonic    时间: 2008-9-25 22:28

    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2008-9-25 22:30

    作者: BirdZou    时间: 2008-9-25 22:31

    作者: BirdZou    时间: 2008-9-25 22:31

    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2008-9-25 22:32

    Holy jesus shiat!!!!!

    Maddie is that little girl that got kidnapped a year ago.
    作者: BirdZou    时间: 2008-9-25 22:40

    作者: BirdZou    时间: 2008-9-25 23:08

    貌似采用倒叙的方式,后面的时间是 2552 16:0X...这个时候降下来一个,前面降的很多的是16:1X分
    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2008-9-25 23:08

    作者: BirdZou    时间: 2008-9-25 23:12

    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2009-1-31 03:59



    halo wars的demo,mythic map pack的详情
    作者: west2046    时间: 2009-1-31 09:10

    作者: Virtue    时间: 2009-2-1 14:07

    下次见继续操翻, 叫你不一起玩.
    作者: west2046    时间: 2009-2-1 14:52

    原帖由 Virtue 于 2009-2-1 14:07 发表
    下次见继续操翻, 叫你不一起玩.
    作者: planar    时间: 2009-2-1 19:52

    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2009-2-4 12:23
    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2009-2-5 05:08

    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2009-2-7 01:02

    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2009-2-10 10:14

    Sandbox IGN采访第二弹

    加入了Sky Bubble,是一个空中平台,Forge模式可以通过一个传送器到达那个平台上,然后就可以在那个平台上放东西



    上面几张图的建筑都是建在空中的那Sky bubble那一层

    [ 本帖最后由 Jonsoncao 于 2009-2-10 10:21 编辑 ]
    作者: sniperm82    时间: 2009-8-28 17:48

    等待HALO ODST的发售,等待蓝蓝的盘
    作者: 地狱女武神    时间: 2009-8-29 10:35

    作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2009-8-29 10:45

    原帖由 地狱女武神 于 2009-8-29 10:35 发表
    233 这游戏没有限定版
    作者: 地狱女武神    时间: 2009-8-29 12:56

    原帖由 Jonsoncao 于 2009-8-29 10:45 发表

    233 这游戏没有限定版
    不好吧 只要有中文版就必入
    作者: zafm0861    时间: 2009-8-29 13:45


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