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标题: LIVE最新两个小游戏下载!(10月1日) [打印本页]

作者: west2046    时间: 2008-10-1 19:10     标题: LIVE最新两个小游戏下载!(10月1日)

Arcade: MEGA MAN 9
Content: MEGA MAN 9
Price: 800 Microsoft Points
Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions
Dash Text: [ESRB: E (EVERYONE) MILD CARTOON VIOLENCE] Single Player, HD (High Definition). The wait is over! Everyone's favorite side-scroller is back! Mega Man returns to his roots with a new adventure in classic 8-bit style! There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see
Posted: Oct 01 2008, 01:00 AM by Major Nelson | with 15 comment(s) | Filed under: Marketplace, Arcade

Arcade: War World
Content: War World
Price: 800 Microsoft Points
Availability: Not available in Asia
Dash Text: [ESRB: T (TEEN) FANTASY VIOLENCE] Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-8, HD (High Definition). War World is a fast moving fist/third person shooter where you control a heavily armed assault mech and fight for the supremacy against powerful opponents on the faraway planet called "War World". There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see
Posted: Oct 01 2008, 01:00 AM by Major Nelson | with 6 comment(s) | Filed under: Marketplace, Arcade
作者: gokeeper    时间: 2008-10-1 20:28

[posted by wap, platform: Nokia]

MEGAMAN9 800点不厚道。。。

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