9.0 Presentation
A deep story and incredible atmosphere with tons of horror influences make Dead Space one of those titles that is a great starting point for a franchise.
9.0 Graphics
Visually striking, everything from the holograms to the Necromorphs is incredible. Pixilation during depressurization and mild slowdown crimp its style.
9.5 Sound
Voice acting is delivered beautifully, but it's the sound design that will have you jumping out of your seat and sending shivers down your spine.
8.5 Gameplay
A strong mix of action and exploration is only hampered by repetitive, though appropriate, backtracking and odd navigation issues.
8.5 Lasting Appeal
You'll have to play through the game multiple times to improve your gear and understand the full story. However, not being able to change your difficulty after you beat the game is a bad decision.
(out of 10 / not an average)