标题: 谁申请了Xbox 360 Fall Flash Preview Program [打印本页] 作者: 潜水运动员 时间: 2008-10-30 09:21 标题: 谁申请了Xbox 360 Fall Flash Preview Program
Congratulations on your acceptance into the Xbox 360 Fall Flash Preview Program. As a member of this program you will be receiving the New Xbox Experience (NXE) System Update.
The update will be made available to you on or before November 1st. In order to receive the update, log in to Xbox LIVE with the Preview Program registered console.
In participation with this program, you should not move your storage device (hard drive, or memory unit if you do not have a hard drive) to any other console as it will also update that console. If an unregistered console is updated with the NXE update, that console will not be able to connect to Xbox LIVE until the NXE has been officially released on November 19th.
Please remember that your participation in the Public Preview Program is subject to the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use.
We thank you for your participation and hope that you enjoy the New Xbox Experience.
See you online,
The Xbox 360 team
The Xbox 360 Fall Flash update will be available to you by 8pm PST on October 30th (11pm EST on October 30th, 3am GMT on October 31st).
While exploring the New Xbox Experience (NXE), you may come across bugs or have some suggestions. Please share those with us by going to Microsoft Connect and clicking on the Feedback link.