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标题: 恶魔城 审判系列 可能登陆DS&&可能会有WII WARE版2D恶魔城 [打印本页]

作者: 爱姿病    时间: 2008-11-8 07:33     标题: 恶魔城 审判系列 可能登陆DS&&可能会有WII WARE版2D恶魔城

C3: If Castlevania Judgment proves to be highly successful, is it likely a Wii sequel will be made? And would you consider making a version for DS in the future considering the strong fan-base already on that system?

KI: If this proves to be highly successful, a sequel is highly possible. It’ll be a shame to quit after just one try? A DS version might be possible, too.

But first, this title must succeed, so I hope you will support this one.

C3: A lot of readers are very passionate about the 2D Castlevania games, so we have to ask this question: Considering ‘Wario Land: The Shake Dimension’ has been so popular, will you ever consider a 2D Castlevania either for Wii or WiiWare?

KI: I am very interested in the option. I truly hope that the 2D market will be revitalised. I need your support to do that. Let’s make the 2D market (world) more exciting!!

作者: assa    时间: 2008-11-8 09:39

作者: belmont_yang    时间: 2008-11-8 11:28

Wii 夹鸡闷特 唯一的成功之道是招揽50%以上的小火田饭花7000YEN去卖这个只有BOSS战的动作游戏
作者: Smilebit:)    时间: 2008-11-8 12:05


作者: hen5liao    时间: 2008-11-8 13:31

作者: youngwilly    时间: 2008-11-8 13:41

作者: Leny    时间: 2008-11-8 19:12

前提是 Castlevania Judgment 取得成功

问题是这款作品的成功率似乎不高,而且 K 社的成功期望值如何呢?全球 50W 份?
作者: 平野綾    时间: 2008-11-8 20:02

原帖由 youngwilly 于 2008-11-8 13:41 发表
作者: Leny    时间: 2008-11-8 20:15


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