We asked for it, some even demanded it and now Epic is finally giving it by releasing a game improving Gears of War 2 patch.
Released earlier this morning (3:40AM pacific to be exact), the Gears of War 2 patch or "title update" will be insta-downloaded the next time you pop in your Gears 2 disc while connected to Xbox Live. The biggest change the update will bring is a fix to the long matchmaking wait times that were overkill, especially for one and four player parties. Epic's Rod Fergusson is optimistic that today's patch will squash Gears 2's online multiplayer problems, saying that he hopes "the matchmaking issues we've seen up till now are a thing of the past." Amen to that.
We're also informed that the Gears 2 patch will improve how stats are collected for GearsofWar.com and fixes the problem where some players couldn't access campaign when Xbox Live is down. 作者: 西山一根柴 时间: 2008-11-28 08:45