"The last two E3s at least, if I use that a proxy for what’s coming, we’ve talked a lot about what its coming in the next five to six months after E3, and we’ve had some pressure that maybe we want to think a little broader about what we want to say at E3, a little further out in the future," Phil Spencer, General Manager of Microsoft Game Studios, told Hryb in the podcast. "I came out of an E3 planning meeting just about an hour ago and we were looking at some of the plans for the future and things that we might want to tease. It's very exciting, because there's a lot of stuff on the docket and maybe we'll break the bank a little bit and talk about things that are further out, which will hopefully get the community excited."
Phil Spencer,MGS的执行经理说:一个钟头前我们刚进行了E3计划磋商,很多NB东东,让我情不自禁想钓你们这些Xbots胃口,也许我们会多说点儿,让你们的激情之火烧的更旺...