Fierce Deity Link outside boss (before 3rd day)
To do this glitch/cheat you must be on epona and the fierce deity mask must be equipped to a C button. Go to either the Milk Road or Southern Swamp owl statue and z target it and press a while still on epona. Use the statues' save option. Then go back into the game after saving with the statue. About 1 time out of 10 you'll be on epona when you resume play. This has a better chance of working if your on Epona before you enter Milk Road or the Southern Swamp. After this, press the C-button with the fierce deity mask to transform. You should start to hear a beeping noise. Now you must wait until the 2nd day. DO NOT PRESS ANYTHING UNTIL THE 2ND DAY or else your game might freeze. When the second day comes the beeping noise should go away. Now hold Z and press A. You should fall into the ground and reappear as fierce deity. After this you can pause the game without it freezing. NOTE: This glitch only works with the NTSC version of the game. 作者: zhaolinjia 时间: 2008-12-14 21:58