Monsters vs. Aliens March 24 [Uh-oh The world's self-proclaimed biggest "pure-play" publisher has one game for the world's most popular gaming console in the first quarter of 2009.]
Crave Entertainment
Monster Pals March [No offense to Crave, but it's a bit unsettling that Capcom wasn't listed here. Could they have no games for the Wii for the winter?]
Solitaire & Mahjong February
Puzzle Challenges and More! February
Crayola Colorful World March
Onechanbara Bikini Zombie Slayers February
Coraline January
Destineer Word
WordJong Party January
Battle Rage February
Cradle of Rome February
Cate West: The Vanishing Files March
Burger Island March
Disney Interactive Studios
Disney Sing It: High School Musical 3: Senior Year Winter
Play the World March
Electronic Arts
NASCAR Kart Racing Feb. 10
SimAnimals Jan. 27
Trivial Pursuit Early spring
Hudson Entertainment
Fishing Master World Tour Jan. 6
Marble Saga Kororinpa Spring
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.
DanceDanceRevolution Disney Grooves March
Majesco Entertainment
Escape the Museum January
Major Minor’s Majestic March March [One to watch: This is a marching-band music game from the makers of Parappa The Rapper, albeit one that's had very tricky Wii remote baton control in the demos I've tried of it in the summer and fall.]
Marvelous Entertainment USA
Little King’s Story Feb. 17
Rune Factory: Frontier March
Deer Drive Jan. 20
NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc.
We Ski and Snowboard March [Interesting prospect here as this can be considered the first second-generation balance board game. What did Namco learn from the first "We Ski," which was released at the same time as "Wii Fit"?]
New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis March
New Play Control! Pikmin March [Yes. You're reading this right, hardcore Wii fans. The only games Nintendo is releasing for you from January ot March are tweaked versions of games you probably played on the GameCube. Bear in mind that Nintendo's got nothing new on the Wii for their expanded audience either.]
The House of The Dead: Overkill February
SONIC and the Black Knight March [It seems like we just got a Wii "Sonic" game, no?]
MADWORLD March [This is it: the hardcore gamer's Wii game of the season, a Sin-City-looking brawler that will test the tolerance of the ESRB.]
Southpeak Interactive
Roogoo Twisted Towers Feb. 17
Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball March 17
Brave: A Warrior’s Tale Feb. 17
Paws & Claws Pet Resort Jan. 5
Neighborhood Games Jan. 5
Tenchu: Shadow Assassins February
Broken Sword: Shadows of the Templars (Director’s Cut) March
XS Games
Super PickUps Q1 作者: PENNYSHAW 时间: 2008-12-18 08:59
The House of The Dead: Overkill February
SONIC and the Black Knight March [It seems like we just got a Wii "Sonic" game, no?]
MADWORLD March [This is it: the hardcore gamer's Wii game of the season, a Sin-City-looking brawler that will test the tolerance of the ESRB.] 作者: chenchenzi 时间: 2008-12-18 13:09