标题: DLC: Fable II - Knothole Island 已经可以下载了!(1月14日) [打印本页] 作者: west2046 时间: 2009-1-14 12:30 标题: DLC: Fable II - Knothole Island 已经可以下载了!(1月14日)
DLC: Fable II - Knothole Island Content: Fable II - Knothole Island Price: 800 Microsoft Points Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions Dash Text:[ESRB: M (Mature) BLOOD,LANGUAGE,USE OF ALCOHOL,VIOLENCE] Discover new quests, locations, characters and more in the premium Knothole Island download. Meet Gordon the submariner in the Bowerstone docks, where you'll be showered with unique gifts to entice you to the mysterious island. There you will embark on new adventures, fight new creatures and find Albion's rarest weapons, clothes and potions. You will also be able to check your standing in over 50 new Leaderboards on Lionhead.com. If you have the Knothole Island (Premium) pack and want to play co-op in any part of Albion, your co-op partner must have the Fable II Knothole Island (Free) or (Premium) pack. To enjoy the complete Knothole Island experience in co-op play, both players must download the Knothole Island (Premium) pack.