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标题: 《 铁拳 6 》PS3独占内容?(2-4) [打印本页]

作者: 比卡丘    时间: 2009-2-4 20:25     标题: 《 铁拳 6 》PS3独占内容?(2-4)

Internetrumors have indicated that Sony is pushing to acquire exclusivedownloadable content for the PlayStation 3 version of upcoming brawler,Tekken 6.

According to reports, the content may contain anythingfrom additional characters and costumes, to new stages and extra movesfor selected combatants. Here’s hoping Jun Kazama will finally put inanother appearance after all this time.

The sixth installmentin the popular beat ‘em up series will be hitting both the PS3 and Xbox360 later this year. Namco Bandai previously said that it is toyingwith the idea of including console-specific DLC for each version,though we’ve yet to hear any further details.

Stay tuned for more information on Tekken 6 as it develops.

讲SONY在争取NAMCO 铁拳6的独占内容,包括新角色和服装、场地等
作者: 绝世路痴    时间: 2009-2-4 20:41


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