[posted by wap, platform: UCWEB]
[posted by wap, platform: UCWEB]
When the original Street Fighter II was being localized for the English language market, the developers rotated the names of three of the Four Devas (the final four CPU-controlled opponents in the game), fearing that the character who originally bore the name M. Bison, an American boxer conceived as a parody of real-life boxer Mike Tyson, was a legal liability for Capcom. Thus, the American boxer known as Balrog in the west is actually M. Bison in Japan, while the Spanish Ninjutsu master Vega is named Balrog, and the military commander M. Bison is named Vega. The fact that Capcom's U.S. marketing staff felt that "Vega" was a non-threatening name for the final opponent also contributed to the name change.
In the context of the western versions, the initial in the name "M. Bison" is never given any proper meaning and some games, such as X-Men vs. Street Fighter, Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter and Street Fighter EX, omit the initial entirely and simply refer to the character as Bison.
原帖由 GUGU 于 2009-2-14 00:38 发表
[posted by wap, platform: UCWEB]
[posted by wap, platform: UCWEB]
原帖由 GUGU 于 2009-2-14 00:53 发表
[posted by wap, platform: UCWEB]
sf的手感肯定跟vf不一样阿。sf4里难度大的连技都是靠目押的,有效输入时间只有几帧,又不能像以前那么刷键,所以难。但你说那个是蹲hp是可以取消的阿,为什么你也连不上?还有波动 ...
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