辐射3 - Bethesda Softworks - Bethesda Softworks
横行霸道4 - Rockstar Games - Rockstar North
Left 4 Dead - Valve Software - Valve Software
潜龙谍影4 - Konami - Kojima Productions
年度最佳电视游戏:小小大星球 - Sony - Media Molecule
辐射3 - Bethesda Softworks - Bethesda Softworks
战争机器2 - Microsoft Game Studios - Epic Games
横行霸道4 - Rockstar Games - Rockstar North
潜龙谍影4 - Konami - Kojima Productions
年度最佳PC游戏:Left 4 Dead - Valve Software - Valve Software
辐射3 - Bethesda Softworks - Bethesda Softworks
质量效应 - Electronic Arts - BioWare
孢子 - Electronic Arts - Maxis
魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒 - Blizzard Entertainment - Blizzard Entertainment
年度最佳动作冒险游戏:镜之边缘 - Electronic Arts - Digital Illusions
恶魔城:被夺走的封印 - Konami - Konami
战神:奥林匹斯之链 - Sony - Ready at Dawn
火影忍者:羁绊 - Ubisoft - Ubisoft
波斯王子 - Ubisoft - Ubisoft Montreal
年度最佳大型多人网络游戏:魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒 - Blizzard Entertainment - Blizzard Entertainment
EVE Online: Quantum Rise - CCP - CCP
Pirates of the Burning Sea - Sony Online Entertainment - Flying Lab Software
PMOG - GameLayers - GameLayers
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning - Electronic Arts - Mythic Entertainment
年度最佳体育游戏:NHL 09 - Electronic Arts - EA Canada
FIFA 09 - Electronic Arts - EA Canada
Madden NFL 09 - Electronic Arts - EA Tiburon
MLB 08: The Show - Sony - SCE Studios San Diego
NBA 2K9 - 2K Sports - Visual Concepts
年度最佳赛车游戏:火爆狂飙 天堂 - Electronic Arts - Criterion Games
GRID - Codemasters - Codemasters
马里奥赛车Wii - Nintendo - Nintendo
机车风暴2 - Sony - Evolution Studios
Pure - Disney Interactive Studios - Black Rock Studio
年度最佳格斗游戏:任天堂明星大乱斗X - Nintendo - Nintendo, Sora
真人快打 VS.DC漫画英雄 - Midway - Midway
灵魂能力4 - Namco Bandai Games - Project Soul
超级街霸2 HD - Capcom - Backbone Entertainment
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 - THQ - Yuke's
年度最佳在线对战游戏:Left 4 Dead - Valve Software - Valve Software
使命召唤5 - Activision - Treyarch
战争机器2 - Microsoft Game Studios - Epic Games
NHL 09 - Electronic Arts - EA Canada
摇滚乐队2 - MTV Games - Harmonix
年度最佳动作/FPS游戏:Dead Space - Electronic Arts - EA Redwood Shores
使命召唤5 - Activision - Treyarch
孤岛惊魂2 - Ubisoft - Ubisoft Montreal
战争机器2 - Microsoft Game Studios - Epic Games
横行霸道4 - Rockstar Games - Rockstar North
年度最佳掌机游戏:战神:奥林匹斯之链 - Sony - Ready at Dawn
高级战争:毁灭日 - Nintendo - Intelligent Systems
恶魔城:被夺走的封印 - Konami - Konami
Patapon - Sony - Sony Computer Entertainment International
莱顿教授和不可思议的小镇 - Nintendo - Level 5
年度最佳手机游戏:孢子 Origins - Electronic Arts - Babaroga, Tricky Software
年度最佳休闲游戏:Braid - Microsoft Game Studios - Number None
Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhurst - Big Fish Games - Big Fish Games
Patapon - Sony - Sony Computer Entertainment International
莱顿教授和不可思议的小镇 - Nintendo - Level 5
World of Goo - Nintendo - 2D Boy
年度最佳游戏设计:World of Goo - Nintendo - 2D Boy
寓言2 - Microsoft Game Studios - Lionhead Studios
辐射3 - Bethesda Softworks - Bethesda Softworks
战争机器2 - Microsoft Game Studios - Epic Games
Left 4 Dead - Valve Software - Valve Software
年度最佳游戏指导:小小大星球 - Sony - Media Molecule
辐射3 - Bethesda Softworks - Bethesda Softworks
战争机器2 - Microsoft Game Studios - Epic Games
Left 4 Dead - Valve Software - Valve Software
潜龙谍影4 - Konami - Kojima Productions
年度最佳家庭游戏:小小大星球 - Sony - Media Molecule
Boom Blox - Electronic Arts - EA Los Angeles
雷曼疯狂兔子电视聚会 - Ubisoft - Ubisoft Paris
摇滚乐队2 - MTV Games - Harmonix
Wii Fit - Nintendo - Nintendo
年度最佳策略/模拟游戏:红色警戒3 - Electronic Arts - EA Los Angeles
高级战争:毁灭日 - Nintendo - Intelligent Systems
文明 革命 - 2K Games - Firaxis
Sins of a Solar Empire - Stardock Entertainment - Ironclad Games
EndWar - Ubisoft - Ubisoft Shanghai
年度最佳游戏动画:波斯王子 - Ubisoft - Ubisoft Montreal
Castle Crashers - Microsoft Game Studios - The Behemoth
战争机器2 - Microsoft Game Studios - Epic Games
Left 4 Dead - Valve Software - Valve Software
潜龙谍影4 - Konami - Kojima Productions
年度最佳艺术指导:小小大星球 - Sony - Media Molecule
Dead Space - Electronic Arts - EA Redwood Shores
寓言2 - Microsoft Game Studios - Lionhead Studios
镜之边缘 - Electronic Arts - Digital Illusions
波斯王子 - Ubisoft - Ubisoft Montreal
年度最佳视觉工程:小小大星球 - Sony - Media Molecule
战争机器2 - Microsoft Game Studios - Epic Games
潜龙谍影4 - Konami - Kojima Productions
抵抗2 - Sony - Insomniac Games
古墓丽影:地下世界 - Eidos/Warner Bros. Interactive - Crystal Dynamics
年度最佳游戏工程:孢子 - Electronic Arts - Maxis
寓言2 - Microsoft Game Studios - Lionhead Studios
辐射3 - Bethesda Softworks - Bethesda Softworks
Left 4 Dead - Valve Software - Valve Software
EndWar - Ubisoft - Ubisoft Shanghai
年度最佳角色设计:小小大星球 (Sackboy) - Sony - Media Molecule
战争机器2 (Dom) - Microsoft Game Studios - Epic Games
战争机器2 (Marcus) - Microsoft Game Studios - Epic Games
潜龙谍影4 (Old Snake) - Konami - Kojima Productions
古墓丽影:地下世界 (Lara Croft) - Eidos/Warner Bros. Interactive - Crystal Dynamics
年度最佳改编故事:星球大战:原力释放 - LucasArts - LucasArts
乐高蝙蝠侠 - Warner Bros. Interactive - TT Games
真人快打 VS.DC漫画英雄 - Midway - Midway
火影忍者:羁绊 - Ubisoft - Ubisoft
007 Quantum of Solace - Activision - Treyarch
寓言2 - Microsoft Game Studios - Lionhead Studios
口袋妖怪不可思议迷宫 时之探险队 - Nintendo - Chunsoft
薄暮传说 - Namco Bandai Games - Namco Bandai Games
年度最佳游戏创新:小小大星球 - Sony - Media Molecule
Braid - Microsoft Game Studios - Number None
Left 4 Dead - Valve Software - Valve Software
孢子 - Electronic Arts - Maxis
Wii Fit - Nintendo - Nintendo
年度最佳原创音乐:潜龙谍影4 - Konami - Kojima Productions
de Blob - THQ - Blue Tongue
Dead Space - Electronic Arts - EA Redwood Shores
寓言2 - Microsoft Game Studios - Lionhead Studios
魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒 - Blizzard Entertainment - Blizzard Entertainment
年度最佳游戏音乐:摇滚乐队2 - MTV Games - Harmonix
吉他英雄:世界巡演 - Activision - Neversoft Entertainment
小小大星球 - Sony - Media Molecule
机车风暴2 - Sony - Evolution Studios
Singstar PS3 Vol. 1 - Sony - SCE London Studio
年度最佳音效设计:Dead Space - Electronic Arts - EA Redwood Shores
战争机器2 - Microsoft Game Studios - Epic Games
小小大星球 - Sony - Media Molecule
波斯王子 - Ubisoft - Ubisoft Montreal
Wipeout HD - Sony - SCE Studios Liverpool