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标题: Gamespot: 杀戳地带2画质主机最强! FPS新标竿! [打印本页]

作者: EG瘦AA    时间: 2009-2-27 20:47     标题: Gamespot: 杀戳地带2画质主机最强! FPS新标竿!

0:50 杀戳地带2为视觉设计, 多人联机FPS建立新标竿

2:14 杀戳地带2画质为主机上最强 ... 2-video-review?hd=1

That action is enhanced by groundbreaking visuals that elevate Killzone 2 to the head of its class. Both technically and artistically, this is a real stunner. You'll first notice the obvious expressions of its technical prowess: environments jam-packed with objects and textured architectural details, pipes and crumbling rebar jutting from dilapidated buildings, and gorgeous lighting that drenches market squares and sandy battlefields with an incandescent glow. ... itle%3B1&page=2
作者: God88    时间: 2009-2-27 21:10

作者: 比卡丘    时间: 2009-2-27 21:11

作者: mame    时间: 2009-2-27 21:13

作者: qustttt    时间: 2009-3-2 08:19


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