Game Focus: One of the staff here loves Code Veronica (Fale) and was wondering if we would see a XBLA or PSN release of this game.By also saying "I don't think Resident Evil 5 would transition well onto the Wii", he's obviously ruling that out. Awfully specific. He's just as specific in an interview with Joystiq, saying in response to a query as to why there's no Wii version of Resident Evil 5 "That being said, Nintendo Wii fans will be very happy very soon."
Matt Dahlgren: Nothing is planned for the game regarding a remake on PSN/XBLA, but what I can say is if you are a fan of Code Veronica you should pay attention in the next couple of weeks there is some news you should be very pleased with. Tell him to pay attention on the 12th (March).
[posted by wap]
[posted by wap]
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