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标题: 《职业进化足球2010》正式亮相,官方情报初公开 [打印本页]

作者: syu    时间: 2009-4-9 09:27     标题: 《职业进化足球2010》正式亮相,官方情报初公开

《职业进化足球2010(PES 2010)》的详细情报如期公布,Konami公关部今天给媒体发来了一篇很长很长的官方新闻稿,对这款新作从头到脚进行了一番细致入微的王婆卖瓜式介绍。

    据悉,《PES 2010》将在很多方面有重大改进,而且这些改进方案是在广泛听取FANS的反馈意见并加以详细分析之后得出的。Konami官方把《PES 2010》描述成“史上最逼真的足球模拟游戏”,其对应平台为PS3、X360、PC、PSP、PS2和手机。


1)《PES 2010》将更注重对战体验的提升。由于防守能力的提高,进球的难度会比以前更高,玩家需要想方设法不断变换进攻组织方式。另外,不仅是战术,反应力和直觉也将变得更加重要。

2)《PES 2010》的画面表现力将有大幅提升,这其中包括所有球员的外貌和动作,游戏还将引入一种新的高光系统,让球员的特征在不同状况下有截然不同的表现。




6)AI将比以往前作更智能。借助新的技术,《PES 2010》中的AI配合会更加紧密、会主动填补中、后场空档、主动截断对方进攻。进攻方面,玩家将可以一次控制多名进攻球员并把他们调配到球场的不同区域中去,这让进攻的组织变得更有战略性和技术性。



9)《PES 2010》将有更多不断更新的在线互动内容,比如在线追加新球队、新球员等。

PES 2010: New Season, All New Game

Konami’s footballing legend evolves into the most realistic football simulation ever this Autumn

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has announced that its forthcoming PES 2010 title will benefit from the most exhaustive raft of new features in the series’ history, with every aspect of the game benefiting from key improvements. Major gameplay additions will make PES 2010 the most realistic football simulation available.

PES 2010 is scheduled for release on PLAYSTATION®3, Xbox 360, PC-DVD, PSP® (PLAYSTATION®Portable), PlayStation®2 and mobile phones in the Autumn, and follows months of analysis and feedback monitoring to enhance the game in every area. PES Productions, Konami’s Tokyo-based development team, has collated feedback on the series’ strengths and weaknesses via fan forums, both ardent and casual PES players and press comment, and has incorporated a wide range of requests in the new game. The result will be the most challenging, realistic and satisfying PES to date.

Konami has spent the last year expanding the development team’s numbers, and created a number of dedicated departments, each striving to further improving their respective parts of the game both in the short and long terms. Key additions for PES 2010 include:

Gameplay: PES 2010 focuses on enhancing the excitement of matches between players, making for a truly challenging experience that will constantly test the player. Intuitive zonal defending will cover spaces and players need to look constantly for new ways to attack. PES 2010 focuses on being a real football simulation, as it requires both strategic play and quick reactions, as in real life. In addition to key out-field elements, goalkeepers are more versatile and with abilities matching those of modern shot-stoppers. The game’s referees have also been reworked, with smarter AI elements allowing them to make more balanced calls during matches.
Improved Visuals: PES 2010 has undergone a major visual revamp, with its celebrated player likenesses and animations now even closer to those of real-life players – including live player expressions to be depicted with an improved lighting system which differentiates between various conditions! Stadium detail is also massively improved, with the grass and other in-stadium elements finely depicted.

All-new animation and moves: Animations now dovetail into each other seamlessly, with dribbling and shots on goals worked into dribbling animations. More individual skills are also on show, including new flicks and tricks that have a definite showing on the way a game flows. Several elements have been completely reworked, with the dribbling, turning and kicking animations greatly enhanced, while there is a noticeable change in pace when a player passes a ball from a standing position than from within a run.

Match-Day Atmosphere: Crowd reactions to the on-field action are now more varied, with all new chants and cheers. The subtle difference between Home and Away matches will be reproduced, and the crowd will react spontaneously to specific situations in a game, showing their disdain or pleasure as fouls are committed and goals scored. Likewise, the commentary has been altered to offer a fresher, more concise overview of the game.

Enhanced Master League: Master League has been thoroughly renewed with the enhancement of managerial aspects, which enables users to enjoy managing a team for a longer career lifespan. Seen by many as a key contributor to the series’ success, the Master League elements in PES 2010 have been bolstered by far-ranging and vital new additions, dedicated to enriching the mode. Further details will be announced shortly.

AI: The Tokyo team has worked to improve the AI of the game, with Teamvision 2.0  implemented. Midfielders and defenders now work together to cover open space and close down attacks, meaning that cover can be provided for lower-ranked defenders. This also has the additional effect of removing soft goals, thus returning PES 2010 to its simulation roots. In terms of attacking, players can also now move several players once, sending them into different areas, opening up more goal-scoring possibilities than ever before. As such, PES 2010 necessitates a new level of control from the player. Strategic thinking is as important as quick passing, but the new system greatly opens the way the player oversees control of the team. In free kick scenarios, for instance, players can now instigate the runs of the players awaiting the ball in the penalty area.

Individual Play Characteristics: In previous PES games, the team formation has determined the movements of the players. PES 2010 introduces a new system wherein the individual attacking and defending nature of the players is integral to the way they play. Each player enjoys unique AI tied into their best abilities, and is reflected in the actions of their team mates – i.e. if a player who is known to be a good crosser of the ball is in possession, more players will flood the penalty area to receive it. Similarly, if a player is known to be good with close control, defenders will work to cover their stronger side, while lone strikers will be automatically supported by midfielders on receipt of the ball.

Strategy Use: A new power gauge system allows users to balance their strategy in a quick, but wide-ranging way before a match. Every element – pass frequency, movement, the line of defence, width of play, or the position of the front line – can be altered to match those of a favoured club: Juventus Turin are a dangerous side on the counter-attack, for instance, while FC Barcelona use width in their attack. These formulations can be altered at any point, too, with Home and Away matches forcing different circumstances on the user, as does the rigours of a Master League season.

Penalties: An all-new system has been implemented, offering greater control, placing and accuracy.

Enhanced Online: A new dedicated section of the Tokyo team is committed to improving the online side of PES 2010. More downloadable content is also planned. Konami has supported PES 2009 with the release of new licensed teams, transfer updates, etc, and this support will grow for PES 2010. Team and content updates are planned throughout the game’s lifespan. These will make the game even more bespoke to the player’s match day needs.

Konami has strengthend its relationship with UEFA and can announce it has secured the exclusive video game rights for the Europa League Licence (formerly known as the UEFA Cup). In addition Konami will be enhancing and developing the use of the UEFA Champions League within PES2010 to make even better use of the best club football competition in the world.

Further details of these new features will be released in the coming months. Konami has also confirmed that Lionel Messi will also be a key endorsement player for the new game, and will feature in the promotion and development of the game later this year

“We have been monitoring feedback and comments on the progression of the PES series for some time now, and PES 2010 will see us implementing a great deal of the ideas players have been requesting,” commented Naoya Hatsumi, Producer for PES Productions at Konami Digital Entertainment Japan. “We aim to make PES 2010 a more user-friendly, immediate experience that places the emphasis on getting straight into the gameplay for which the series is famed. PES 2010 will look better, will play better, and will recreate real football as closely as the current hardware will allow.

“The preparations for PES 2010 have been in place for some time now, with the reorganization and increase of the Tokyo-based studio allowing expert teams to concentrate on their particular area,” commented Jon Murphy, PES European Team Leader. “We are now in a better position to implement the greatest raft of changes and improvements to the series we have seen, and thank the PES community for their input.”

PES 2010 will be released for PLAYSTATION®3, Xbox 360, PC-DVD, PSP® (PLAYSTATION®PORTABLE), PlayStation®2 and mobile phones in autumn. For more information or assets, please contact…

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作者: joowoo    时间: 2009-4-9 09:29

作者: syu    时间: 2009-4-9 09:31

Konami今天正式宣布了新一代实况足球游戏《Pro Evolution Soccer 2010》(PES 2010),将于今年秋天发布,登陆PS3、X360、PC、PSP和PS2平台。
在过去的几个月里,位于东京的研发团队PES Productions一方面扩大了规模,一方面通过玩家论坛、媒体评论等搜集了大量的反馈意见,充分认清了当前游戏里存在的不足之处,并会在新版本里加以改进,号称会带来最具挑战性的、最真实的、最让大家满意的“PES”。
《PES 2010》主要特点:
作者: tank817    时间: 2009-4-9 09:38


作者: syu    时间: 2009-4-9 09:40

作者: ps2boy    时间: 2009-4-9 09:46

作者: tank817    时间: 2009-4-9 09:54


作者: se7en    时间: 2009-4-9 09:59

作者: syu    时间: 2009-4-9 10:07

作者: se7en    时间: 2009-4-9 10:11

作者: syu    时间: 2009-4-9 11:04

作者: takuyaqcc    时间: 2009-4-9 11:20

等出了DEMO再做评论,感觉说得“假 大 空”
作者: syu    时间: 2009-4-9 11:31

作者: mapledot    时间: 2009-4-9 12:14

作者: edwang    时间: 2009-4-9 12:24

作者: senna    时间: 2009-4-9 12:30

作者: takuyaqcc    时间: 2009-4-9 12:46

原帖由 syu 于 2009-4-9 11:31 发表

FIFA09的制作人David Rutter说过(不好意思,本来不想提FIFA)“我们听取了消费者们的心声,进行了修改,没有其它游戏会在核心游戏内容上做出超过250项功能改进和调整。”

作者: 狂风007    时间: 2009-4-9 14:04

6)AI将比以往前作更智能。借助新的技术,《PES 2010》中的AI配合会更加紧密、会主动填补中、后场空档、主动截断对方进攻。进攻方面,玩家将可以一次控制多名进攻球员并把他们调配到球场的不同区域中去,这让进攻的组织变得更有战略性和技术性。







[ 本帖最后由 狂风007 于 2009-4-9 14:06 编辑 ]
作者: syu    时间: 2009-4-9 14:14

FIFA09的制作人David Rutter说过(不好意思,本来不想提FIFA)“我们听取了消费者们的心声,进行了修改,没有其它游戏会在核心游戏内容上做出超过250项功能改进和调整
作者: takuyaqcc    时间: 2009-4-9 14:30



[ 本帖最后由 takuyaqcc 于 2009-4-9 14:31 编辑 ]
作者: mapledot    时间: 2009-4-9 14:42

作者: 实况浪子    时间: 2009-4-9 15:58

作者: 狂风007    时间: 2009-4-9 17:49

AI将比以往前作更智能。借助新的技术,《PES 2010》中的AI配合会更加紧密、会主动填补中、后场空档、主动截断对方进攻。进攻方面,玩家将可以一次控制多名进攻球员并把他们调配到球场的不同区域中去,这让进攻的组织变得更有战略性和技术性。




作者: tank817    时间: 2009-4-9 17:57

只要世界上还有WE ,我就玩we
作者: ollizhang    时间: 2009-4-9 18:21

作者: IORI8    时间: 2009-4-10 06:32

作者: Viewtifuldai    时间: 2009-4-10 07:38

实况 这游戏的主干是不会变了 顶多就是变些花头
作者: syu    时间: 2009-4-10 09:15


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