吓了一跳吧?可以理解。确实,做为一款硬件上中规中矩的主机,任天堂的这款革新性产品从2006年11月诞生起就不是优异画面效果的受益者。不过据[寂静岭:记忆碎片For Wii]的首席设计师Sam Barlow说,在一个简单前提的促进下,Climax工作室的这款新的Wii平台上的大作在这方面获得了重要发展。
It showcases a seamless world without loading screens. It uses dynamic ice effects for dazzling, refractive glacial forms. It exhibits lighting that wouldn't seem out of place on a PlayStation 3.
And it's running on the Nintendo Wii.
Surprised? Understandable. Nintendo's innovative console hasn't exactly been a beneficiary of stunning graphics since launching in Nov. 2006, built from modest hardware considered dated even then. But according to Sam Barlow, lead designer of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories for Wii, there is a simple premise fueling the development of Climax Studios' terrifying new Wii title.
It should look as next-generation as the hardware allows.
"(Shattered Memories has) a ton of effects which I haven't seen elsewhere or done quite as well," says Barlow in an Apr. 9 interview with IGN. "The lighting is an obvious hook -- full shadowing off everything, self shadowing on characters. Even the snowflakes cast shadows. Then there's the suite of ice shaders that are better than anything else I've seen on Wii."
……director Mark Simmons is quick to point out the Climax team hasn't taken a form-over-function approach to the game's development.
……监制Mark Simmons迅速指出Climax在游戏制作中不会做出任何让“形式大于内容”的事来
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